Is it too late to trade my kids in?
They don't do a thing I ask of them
All they do is eat and ****
They need a change in their attitude
Is it too late to sell my kids out right?
To some unsuspecting couple out of their minds
With no idea of what they can do
Once the Duct tape and Super glue is removed
Is it too late to take them someplace ?
Drop them off then drive away
Hoping against hope they won't find their way back
Pack up and move before they get the chance
Is it too late to give my kids back?
Before I lose what little sanity's left
If I could somehow loosen these chains
As their domestic slave I'd run away
Is it too late too rethink this again?
Open the womb, shove them back in
Call it a day on this mistake
What do you it too late?
Watching a couple out of control kids with their out of control parents at the grocery store.
Bless their pointed little heads...