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 Jun 2015 Simmy
 Jun 2015 Simmy
There are countless tally marks engraved into this
pit of hurt and sorrow. I have been down
here lying flat on my belly trying not to
grind my teeth. Your name keeps
circling my head making me
dizzier and dizzier by the
minute. When I finally
realize I am being su-
rrounded by water,
it's too late.I look
all around for an
escape but your
name just dan-
ces in front of
my eyes. Eve-
ry hole on my
face starts to
fill up. I beg
myself  to st-
op crying, but
I    can't hear.
The water wa-
nts   to take
me too, but
the weight
tied around
my ankles m-
akes it impos-
sible. When
I look up thr-
ough the tra-
nquil water I
swear the
last thing
I see is
 Jun 2015 Simmy
Mariana Nolasco
Stare at that person in the mirror
Tell me, what do you see?
I see your eyes crying
I see your lips lying

Stare, but look closer into your skin
Look at yourself and try not to scream
Your smile I'm not buying
I feel your hopes dying

Stare and look past agaist your tears
Open your eyes, realize you're what you fear
Youre running out of breath, stop, you can't see clear
Because of the self-hatred that has always been here

That pain that forever seems near
Stare now
For once
Listen to your own screams
 Jun 2015 Simmy
I wanted to be there when your mind stopped wandering and you remembers who your real friends were.
I wanted to trust that you would come back to me because this is how things worked.
But love and family and friends only go so far these days.
Betrayal and lack of honesty is what will come out to play.
I wanted to see you remember that there was a time you were happy but I was wrong.,
Because even though he broke your heart you ran back every time.
And like a worn our recording of your favorite song... The record skipped a few beats so I could sing on.
You were my best friend and now your just dust in the wind.
I hope a boy was worth the end of a friendship.

— The End —