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Lex Jan 23
do you love me?
or do you love me loving you.
do you care for me?
or do you just want me to care?
I don't know what's colder.
my arms held out, longing for embrace
or the feeling in my heart knowing it will never happen.
Lex Feb 3
you are the feeling of starlight dancing against bare skin.
the sunlight permeating closed eyelids.
a gentle breeze where the air grows thick.
all that is comforting lies within you.
Lex Jan 22
a heart that does not ache for you.
eyes that will not search for you among a sea of people.
legs that would not run to your call.
a morgue of bodies and not one would hold you.
they have lived, just not for you.
Lex Jan 22
if I was there, would you have stayed?
if you had stayed, would I be there?
if I am here and you are gone,
where am I to go?
Lex Jan 22
your eyes once lit a fire in my heart.
now I can only feel the burns.
Lex Jan 17
I yearn to rip open my chest
to expose my heart to you
in it's most vulnerable state.
I can only hope you don't mind the blood.
Lex Jan 23
why must I scream
only for you to hear a whisper?
the only way you'd ever fall for me
is if I pushed you over.

— The End —