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Our Souls
Are in


It reflects in
 Feb 2021 Shofi Ahmed
The complete universe resides in you
Your eyes shine like stars
Your smile is like the cresent moon
that brightens up someone's night!
You are strong and confident like the sun
Your mind is the place where galaxies live...
And your thoughts are gracefully spread like
millions of solar systems
Still you love to live in your
earth like heart
which is filled with clouds and
waterfalls of love
You are gorgeous!
You are your own heaven...believe me!
Nothing can make you better than you. Believe me! you are precious. Love yourself for that soul that resides inside you not for what others believe or have got this!
 Feb 2021 Shofi Ahmed

Please share your happiness in comment section....have a good day!🌸
 Dec 2020 Shofi Ahmed
How can thoughts be real
They're not solid enough to touch
So how can someone manifest
A feeling such as love?
Can you
Hold it
Breathe it
Squeeze it in your hands
It's forcing us to trust
In the invisible
Once again

Because although you can't see it
  It can still disappear
Love is the sad song
That left you crying in your beer

Blind sided
It can hit you
And you best believe it's true
Love is as real
As the way I feel for you
Traveler Tim
Dedicated to:
Everyone in the known universe!
Finally. I'd been striving for a one word poem. After achieving it, I wanted a no word poem. Here it is. I guess this is no longer mine, but ours.

"The Invisible Poem" was selected as the Daily.
I'm humbled... to say nothing.
But I believe a response is necessary.
To all those who liked, loved and commented, I say thank you. I've read all you've written, and most of it is very creative and complimentary.
There are others, detractors, who claim "*******," etc.
Well of course, this only begs the question, "What is poetry?"
I can't answer that. I've written on it. But what I do know is what poetry should do. Its purpose.
If a poem should arouse emotions, bad or good, make people think, have people want to write, to express themselves (and I believe I'm on the mark here), then, anything can be a poem. Even a page with lines on it.
Thanks again to all the readers.
And if you're still *******, don't attack me... go after Elliot. :)
You and I
Are water and salt:
Needing one another
To live,
But dying of thirst
If taken together.

will die

will melt

But I'll never forget
the feeling that
I felt

I am part of your smile today.
I might be in the curl of your lip,
In the corner glint of your eyes;
Or the concave of a dimple.

I will trip across your tongue today
When you speak of plans;
I will be today's man,
Clear the wreckage from the storm,
The tempest that began your day,
Reminding you we too were young.

When on your morning walk,
You might feel my hand slip in
And be with you awhile,
In your thoughts and smiles.
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