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 Mar 2014 Appointed
i've been to hell
and back
but still,
nothing compares
to the burn
of your fingertips
and the fire
in your eyes
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Luna Lynn
If by chance you see
my soul in sensless wander
Know I am not lost
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Hanna Jordan
She walks into school
      and it starts again
           the shaking,
               it rips through her like a wave
She hears the sound of the voices
      in the hallway
         yet she cant make out what they're saying
She thinks all eyes are on her,
     everything is just one big blur
She hears laughter and
     she automatically thinks its
        directed at her
She waits in the bathroom
     like she does every morning
        for the halls to be clear
She walks out
     and wipes away her tears
It was a dark night, rain slashing through it,
Trying to cut the windowpane,
When your demons escaped from the cage.
They tied you up and burned you on a stake.
The fire licked you up and devoured you,
They thought they have destroyed you at last.
But your soul is a phoenix,
and it sprung back up from the ash.
A poem I wrote for a friend who is a fighter like no other <3
 Mar 2014 Appointed
g clair
Not entirely crazy though a teensy bit insane
outside in the daylight, my mind runs as clear as rain.

I took the test they gave me to find a compatible fellow
Roses are red, Violets are blue, but my heart is screaming yellow.

I bottled up my beeswax, showered off the gloom
hello fresh air and sunshine, come pouring through my room.

Started talking to a stranger, not the average Joe
wait until I meet him, the only way to know.

Yarrow is a color, I heard the Asian mutter
held the petals 'neath my chin to see if I like butter.

An over-ripe banana, brown speckled, getting soft
waitin' for his perfect match, the others he has scoffed.

Not easily misguided, he won't buy into hype
Perfect match confided, he's not the risky type.

Yellow is not fade proof, it washes out in time
hang your heart out here to dry, wind blows it off the line.

Whatever is the point here, of how she done you wrong
your history's no matter to me, it's always the same old song

No longer scared, just waiting, been down around the block
I've hopscotched all these sidewalks, know the cracks and saved my chalk

Today I am feeling ready, tomorrow I'm bleeding blue
orange you glad I'm yellow, a bright and crazy hue?

I don't need no internet, or men to entertain
just read my lips and bring some chips
I'll meet you at the train....

Just read my chin
and hold the gin
I'll meet you at the train!

read my mail
and go to jail
I'll meet you at the train!

read my book
and take a look
I'll meet you at the train!

leave your momma
and hold that comma
I'll meet you at the train!

and if by chance
you like to dance
I'll meet you at the train.
Celebration 10 years and 350 lbs. of Pure Poetic Pleasure.
 Mar 2014 Appointed
g clair
well she could sit around all day
and rot her poetry this way
just put it all rot down and say
"I've done my rotten duty"
done let the cat out of the bag
done with the hairball that old nag
all gutsy green this rotten queen
just rode a rotten beauty.

she'll change the word to what it's not
and that ain't wrong, but it ain't rot
and just like garbage turns to ***  
and get's all down trodden
then long the rod, like rodeo
these words are ridden, time to go
so get the horse and don't be slow
you're right in time with ridin'!

We're ridin' errors then all day
poetic license paves the way
don't know quite where but that's okay,
cause it's our rot to ramble
and what this rutted road has got
is what the dusty novel's not
the long and short of every rot
is pure poetic bramble.
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Meggn Alyssa
When you can communicate
With only "that look"
Something must be going right

When conversations can start with rants
And end with adventures
Something must be going right

When you can't remember
A time when you weren't friends
Something must be going right

When texts are serious
And nonsense all in one
Something must be going right

When the future is vast and scary
But you promise to never drift
Something must be going right

And that's what a best friend is for
 Mar 2014 Appointed
g clair
You are here
in the light
in the darkest
of the night
and you surround me
You surround me

I was lost
but was found
wandered off again
but you came out and found me
You surround me

speak softly
tell me not to be afraid or to consider
any other way, that which is bitter
keep me from religious law and letter
in You, all things work together for the better
for You are Love, simply Love.

not alone
never was
but I struggle
to be what
they have expected
and rejected~
once again,
not enough
while these words come off the cuff
there's something waiting~

speak softly
tell me not to be afraid or to consider
any other way , that which is bitter
keep me from religious law and letter
in You, all things work together for the better
for You are Love, simply Love.
A song written for my guy, Jesus Christ. I see the relationship a true believer has with Christ as a marriage. Marriage on earth is a reenactment of the love God has for us. That is what is going on here. Biblical and proven to be true within my own life which has been quite a trip. My love for the one who stayed faithful when I was out looking for something else.  That's all.
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