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 Sep 2014 Serena martius
 Sep 2014 Serena martius
I don't know a lot of things,
I don't know why leaves should be green and skies should be blue,
I don't know what can drive a person to do some of the things that they do,
I don't get why people can't just talk about how they feel,
And I will probably never learn to determine the difference between what is fake and what's real,
But I think I've learned
One must suffer into the truth because they cannot know true happiness without pain,
Heavenly bread should never be the cost of an earthly gain,
The only person you owe anything to is you,
And you deserve to be happy, no matter sins you've committed and ones you will do,
And the one thing I know to be infallibly true,
Is no matter what I tell myself, what I say, I think I may love you
But you don't feel the same way as me
And that's okay too
Honesty is the best poetry.
Part the Red Sea,
May your words flow free.

Only when minds ebb and flow you
Truly let go.
I just want to know.

If I fall once again on the pavement,
Will the light show through where I've been bent?
Will the universe release me from this symmetry?
When will I see? When will we see?
 Sep 2014 Serena martius
you are the

why i want to
take a bullet
to the head.

and have people
step on my *******
and bloodied

you are the

why i wake up
in the middle
of the night,
a nightmare
that i cannot
let go of.

you are the

why i believe
that there is
no such thing
as angels.
Staying up late, so late it's early
Then dreaming long and far.
"Come on, get up you're missing the sun!"
"Ah! But I see so much more of the stars!"
Sometimes I wish I was blind.
No, don't get me wrong.
I'm grateful that I can see flowers and sunsets but,

It's that many times what my eyes see is distorted.

It's that I find myself making judgements about people based on what they wear, what their race is, where they come from, and caving in to stereotypes set in my mind instead of thinking about who they are as a person.

It's that I use words like ugly or fat to describe people as if looks alone defined them and as if I had the power to define beauty.

It's that I start comparing myself to others instead of being thankful for what I have and who I am.

It's that I start checking out guys
And seeing what's on the outside instead of wondering about what lies inside .

It's that I start selecting people to be friends with based on their appearance instead of wondering who they are as a human being.

It's that my eyes hinder me from focusing on what's truly important.

And perhaps if I was blind my soul would better understand that there is more than meets the eye.
That what makes certain humans great is how passionate they are when they talk about what they love.
How caring they can be in time of need.
How their personality can far outshine looks.
How even if physically a person may be falling apart on the inside they have the greatest heart.

Perhaps if I was blind,
Maybe then would I truly see.
Just remember to not judge a book by its cover. Humans are more than just their appearance. Although I do encourage you to use your sight to focus on beautiful things like nature and art.

— The End —