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Z  Feb 2014
Z Feb 2014
You might send me flowers,
I might let them die.
This is not a poem,
Valentines day,
Anthony Watkins Feb 2015
Well, well, well.
Today is Valentine's Day.
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
And 3, 2, 1.

THIS **** STILL ******* *****!!

We loved this day.
I almost decided to text you this morning.
But I know that's a bad idea.
Your words would turn into venom,
each painful syllable would strike to paralyze
my feelings when I am already struggling to stand back up.

You used to love my flaws. All of them.
Accepted me for me.
Now you hate my flaws. All of them.
Use them to hurt me and show why we will never be.

It's 11:16 AM right now.
I have 13 hours left.
The fact that you're already making strides to
start a new relationship is literally beyond me.
I guess some bounce back faster than others.

To those reading this,
don't make the same mistake that I did.
If you have something great, don't be stupid.
It's not worth it. Trust me.
Give that person everything they deserve and more.
It only takes one mistake to turn a forever, into a never again.

Happy Valentine's Day.
Abeille  Feb 2014
vday poem
Abeille Feb 2014
you may be kind of strange
i've been meaning to confess
from modern takes on elegance
you usually digress
your words are sometimes muddled
rather jumbled and askew
i know, these sound like grievances,
but they're reasons i love you!
your silliness is incomparable
your wit can not be beat
and trust i'll never treat you
like you're just a piece of meat
i hope my words aren't shocking
some leeway you must give
to a gal who just can't fathom
how without you she would live!
so keep up your nutty antics
my dear they are divine
and know that im delighted
to call you my valentine!
wrote this for a friend while waiting for a train on the 14th. it's pretty cliche but i had fun writing it, hope you have fun reading it
BeautifulIrony Feb 2015
Today's the day where everyone longs to be secretly loved,
The day that you dress a little nicer, put a little more make up on, today is a day of endless possibilities.
Today your heart can be totally crushed or put back together.
Today is Valentines day!
The day where women cry, and eat way to much chocolate.
The day men spend way too much.
This day is way too much pressure.
Pressure to be good enough, to live up to these big expectations.
So instead, love yourself cause no one can define you.
Happy valentines Day to those not in love with anyone but their selves, and to those completely head over hills from that special someone.
Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2018
why does the floor speak every time I take a step
ground quake when I say I'm going to do something
move a muscle and you'll be in trouble

if I tamper with-
my heart would flutter out into the world
a butterfly showing its wings

a shocking gap

where do they wait,  
on deck
is there something I'm missing,
terms of use I didn't read fully

let me in
but when you come I'll probably ask you to leave

— The End —