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Mr Buddy Apr 2015
5 - Mr Buddy loves lakes...
7 - I am the same as you dude...
5 - Mr Lake Minnetonka.....
Lil chel lil swensy lil ocp lil chel mr swensy chosen one
SomethingRascal Feb 2016
Another night,

Curtain drops.
We dip,
to get lit.

round the corner,
to the friend spot,
cold stares,
from neighbor thugs.

Miss Minnesota,
don't ya know?
catches up,
when i've already gone.

You're a *****?
No You're not.
Waving her rancid hand,
testament to that fact.

Need a ride home?
nah, i wouldn't neither,
not this early.

Man lying face down,
in the middle of the street,
frantic to find,
the lost looms of his soul-sheet.

To the corner,
down the way.
Crowbar in hand,
Clink. Clink. Clink.

Beat the bouncer,
our eyes meet,
she escapes to the back room.

Up to the balcony,
9-piece in hand,
"have i got what it takes!?"
"To finish the job??"

He had what it takes,
as his thump blocked the light,
coming beneath the door.

&& my head still hurts,
so near to his explosive absolution.
Mr Buddy  Apr 2015
CT (HAIku)
Mr Buddy Apr 2015
5- Are you an Mr. CT?
7- I am from the waters of Lake Minnetonka...
5-Please do not touch me there....
lil chel lil swensy
Mr Buddy  Apr 2015
Mr Haiku
Mr Buddy Apr 2015
5 - I am Mr. Haiku
7- Want to be my Mr Buddy?
5- Mr Lake Minnetonka............
lil chel
lil swensy
lil ocpy
lil wolfy
lil chel
lil mr buddy
lil dallyp
lil SB
lil poetry
lil tea
lil tb
lil mr haiku
Mr Buddy Apr 2015
5- Mr. Buddy wait for me.....
7- Time for dinner Mr. PP.....
5-Mr. Lake Minnetonka.......
Lil haiku i just whipped up
Mr Buddy Apr 2015
5- Give me mas Mr Buddy....
7- I am from the waters of Lake Minnetonka!:-)
5- Will u be my MR Buddy 2 shoes.....
mr swensy
Drobrien  May 2019
Drobrien May 2019
It’s the end of May and the beginning of June.
Standing on my dock getting ready to launch my pontoon.
Soaring above pelicans, eagles and trumpeter swans.
Life pauses for a second on the pristine waters of lake Minnetonka.
I hope you find your way here soon.

— The End —