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She loves
pretending she's happy
She loves
Her facade of arogance
She loves
The meaningless men
In her meaningless life
She loves
All the attention
All the compliments
She doesn't know
Long car ride thoughts...
Vadim Bravo May 2012
Across the wasteland children roam
Across the ashes and the foam
Across the parents and the friends.

Trough homes and houses children march
With ignorance and arogance
Across the parents and the friends.

Across the highways and the schools
And their immagination rules
Their thoughs their deeds, their parents and their

And in the mind of a desert child
There lives a garden of flowers
And so, he pours the water on the sand.

Across the wasteland children roam
Roam with no reason - to see the world
And so, with morbid look they forward step.

With shining blinks inside their eyes
Walk past dead people - dying souls
The people who ignore a wasteland's child.

And in the mind of an urban child
There lives a legend of the wild
Somewhere between the ruins Deamon lives.

And so in the mind of every boy
There lives a world - a realm unknown
And when we dont believe he runs away

Off to his own world with a sword
Across the wasteland with a word
Of "please",  and tears he hides.

Across the wasteland children ran
Away from ruins and we cant cant
To bring him into world of ours.

So listen parents and the friends
Dont **** those worlds, dont bring the end
Upon the children who the wasteland roam.
Devin Ortiz Nov 2016
My faith in humanity
Is a spectrum of 'what the ****'
to 'I guess thats a silver lining'

As wicked thoughts populate
And feed Ignorance's beast
I find myself more Alien than before

The true arogance, was believing
That a such frailty of thought was
Subject to times much longer ago

Every step forward, multiplies the path
I take an inch and indifference goes a mile
A cycle of discouragement for truth

But here we are, not immovable or pristine
Nor immune to corruption or hatred
Only difference is I'm still fighting just the same
Cloin Kethren  Apr 2015
Cloin Kethren Apr 2015
Maybe I'm different
For I am the king of arogance

— The End —