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calpurnia mockingbird
Cardiff    I work in mental health which is pretty stressful sometimes so my outpourings are my release. Please note that all works posted by me are …
Jamie King
you know    "Having yielded up his lusts, his errors, his opinions and prejudices, he has entered into possession of the knowledge of God, having slain the selfish …
Akira Chinen
122/M/texas    "we put it all into a poem, to tell the universe who we were, and why we were here, and what we said and did …
A Thomas Hawkins
Canada    As a child I wrote poetry. As I got older, I got too “cool” for such things. At the age of 40 I finally got …
Brent Kincaid
Kapaa, Kaua'i, Hawaii    Brent Kincaid, born in Kansas City, Missouri just before WWII ended, moved to Hollywood in 1967 to pursue a career as a singer, actor and …
Jack Jenkins
28/M/Washington State    Go away.
Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
31/M/Los Angeles, California.    Welcome unto my garden of flowers, beauteous flowers of sweet romantic poetry redolent of ethereal pulchritude—yet thrice effulgent than chalcedonic esplanades of Eden. From a …
Jackie Mead
60/F/United Kingdom    I am a published Children's Author I have three children and five grandchildren, a sixth on the way. I love writing, reading, poetry, running Connect …
Orion Lesneski
22/M/Idaho Just an 19 old guy, who changed his old bad ways. And yet people look at him and see the old him.....
Sonja Benskin Mesher
I write, I draw, I paint and make things. am quite patient, hold my tongue, but can't say multi disciplinary. easily
122/M/Seattle    "How things seem to seem is not enough. We must somehow discover how things really seem!" - Bertrand Russell - "Névé'novȯhe'étanóme mȧsėhánééstóva, onésetó'ha'éeta netáhoestovevoo'o, onésėhestóxévétáno …
Wye Valley, South Wales,   
kiran goswami
18/F    I write. I read. Slytherin Always ❤
Dawn King
Loma Rica, CA    I smoke cigarettes. I drink coffee. I am a free soul, yet unlucky in love. I sit. I wait. I watch. I learn. I do. …
Head in the clouds, Feet on the ground - or is it the other way around?
Thinking Out Loud
My poems are simply my thoughts stemming from poetic lies, along with the beautiful and sometimes ugly truth. "I am still so naive; I know …
22/F/New Zealand   
Michael Blonski
California    I'm a geologist living in California.
25/Genderqueer/USA    Mother and work in progress
connecticut    Ambitious, fun, funky chic - My pen name is J-Rap. Let's have fun. Listen to the words and be carried away. I Got my inspiration …
Marisa Lu Makil
27/F/Holland, MI    I'm trying - I swear I am. I'm trying to get better.

— The End —