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JA Doetsch  Jun 2012
JA Doetsch Jun 2012
A Fever.

The kind that consumes you completely
and totally.  The kind that taunts you by
playing with physics.  

You're so hot, yet as you throw off the shiver
You've been sweating for hours...yet your mouth is barren of moisture

You lie as still as possible.  All movement equals pain.
Don't roll over
Don't scratch that itch
Don't even think about it
Curl into a ball and
Embrace the stillness

You're delerious as you flit
between wakefulness and sleep
never quite sure where you are
at any given time

Your dreams are drawn in the style of Dali
Colors everywhere, bright and vivid.  
The beauty makes you want to cry
To scream at the heavens,
Yell until your voice gives out.
Why?  Why are we forced to live
in such a bleak and dreary world
when such beauty lies
just beyond our eyelids.

The heavens answer.

You wake up in agony.  Your head is
Pounding so hard that your eyesight vibrates

For a brief moment, everything makes sense
Everything in the universe comes together
into a brilliant cosmic speck of enlightenment

It's wonderful and terrible.  
It's beautiful and disgusting
Your mind is reeling
The comprehension is too much

You love the pain
The pain is freedom

As it envelopes you,
the realization hits you
that you won't remember

You scramble to write it down
As much as you can before the
dullness replaces the fire

It won't matter

You'll read the words that you've
written on the paper much like
an archaeologist reads ancient

Knowing, but not understanding.

Pain wins, you lose.  Unconsciousness

Then you wake up,
still dizzy from the fever.

Look around your room
and wonder why you

Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Silence is the Best
Silence is sublime
Silence is Vast;
Silence is all-transcending -
Beyond mortal acts.
It too is profound,
Makes us spell-bound,
Even though unexpressed
Reveals the Supreme Blessed!
It is the One unique existence
In its inane solitude -
Sends message of greater depth,
From Soul even when Being is asleep
Beyond Space and Time,
Cause and Effect ;
Wins the heart of Godhead
In her sweet soft golden glance! !
Silence is the celestial bridge
Joins the amazing heights
To Earth's forsaken soil,
And her attempted flights,
To reach the Unknown height
Of the underlying Godhead.
All vain desires and toil of the Brown
Meet Decadence -
Along with Ego's sky-touching crown
Man's arrogance and ambitions
And his derision of self-asserted pride,
To make Nature serve to his indomitable will,
And insatiable greed!

It never succeeds!
Inner silence is lost
As it served as the Golden Bridge
To meet the Supreme Will!
Which in each moment sees,
Our every act even if we hide;
His eternal Gaze -
Writes on Silence's page.
We humans create chaos -
Everywhere around us
To devastate the inner harmony.
Blind and deaf to mankind!
We have lost silence of our inmost mind!!!
Silence communicates the best,
Transfigures the language of the Lord,
In Nature's heiroglyphics
And Her innumerable ways.
Like when Dawn descends upon Earth
Heralding the joyful birth -
Of a vernal Creation
Awaiting to meet Humanity in the higher illumination!
The Soul's awakening -
Where only Silence reigns.
Dialect fails,
Speech loses semblance
Silence deciphers Creation:s unending rhyme.
Repeats in ceaseless Harmony!

We are born in Silence,
And to that Sole-existent Silence -
All have to go
By our Ego's transcendence!
Life's journey brief,
Ends in silence deep.
In Silence we must live,
And to it we must give -
Our listening ears in Knowledge's
Revelatory ascent!
We must make our life the greatest success -
In Supreme's Blissful Art!
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Anand Utsav Ashram,
Haridwar. 31.05.2019)
Alastur Berit Oct 2013
Do not write for me.
You- so perfect but humble.
a calico dress.
Your words patterning the hems,
sleeves, trying to match an ugly pair of shoes.

Do not write for me!
I am a waning moon,
against the
nuclear reactions of your words in
the sun. Shifting,
planets. Playing god to the

Egyptians, who also did not
write for me.
But did for you,
who lit their temples,
shone through their heiroglyphics.
Who adorned their pyramids in
crimson robes of sunset.
And I, but a stone in a pyramid
Plain, and beige at best.
I still light up and write this for you.
Hannah Mary  Nov 2014
Hannah Mary Nov 2014
your spoken language,
each letter
engraved onto the under surface of my skin,
visible to my (non working) eyes;
the eyes that I (blindly) look at you with.
your spoken language,
running through my mind
like heiroglyphics,
whose codes cannot be cracked.
words are un solved puzzles, sorry bout it.
annh  Dec 2018
My Vomity Brain
annh Dec 2018
my brain vomited
onto the page
all squiggles
and misspellings
a secret language
only i
could understand
not prose
not poetry
not correct
just me
my pen
wreaks havoc
on unruled
i am errant
i am irritable
i am irreverent
i am making
my way
Yo plug me into ya speaker so the rhymes can make ya weaker
like racks of a sweeper Greet ya
with the atomic bars that reach higher than the stars
In the late night I'm top flight
A General Jesuit now matter how hard ya get
This is a bullet ya can't dodge I be on that super sonic
Hedge hog never was a dog but a God
Surviver of Maygog and Gog through the smog
Ya see my bullets waving but they ain't saying hi
Just ya soul inside of a shell soon to say bye
A verbal assassin I stay blastin' with lyrics Faster than
Bruce Lee check my flow philosophy Beat em so bad you can't even get an autopsy
These boys at best is carbon copy
None could stop me I'm a freight train
Gunnin' 100 miles and runnin' frontin'
But ain't no future in that my birth tells a story of it's own
Back when I was on the throne
Spiritually I'm in the house like Jerome
Kings and Queens we was over Rome black folks come home
Ya know they hate when we investigate our hidden tomes
Once I visited Pharoah tombs his spirit consumed
My mind body and soul now I'm on a new road
**** the glorious riches and flossin' jewels and chasin' broke *******
It's a plan attack I stay with about a fifty mill' stack
Underboss reclaiming my aristocrat stats
I'm a poetic terrorist sinister in the mist
Watch the gun spark from the clench of my wrist
I mix blood and bones like coke & lime like Rawls you'll never fine
Bars like mines once the sunshines that's the beginning of your decline slowly rewind
Back check your stats I'm All That
Like Kenan and Kel
I'll even make a Christian Bale I'm the Dark Knight
Shoot off roof tops in the dark nights
Alleys to driveways it don't matter what time of day
As long as it's gun play used to be a Runaway
Child cuz of The Temptations in face of trepidation
I got more plans than the Bush & **** Administration
I'm gathering hoods from USA to Haitan and Jamaican can't forget about the Cubans
Who this pursuin'? Past me
my lyrics Blow like Paul Rueben pure as Peruvian
Got multiple women from Dominican to Columbian so come again
My rhymes got ya in the groove again like boys ii men tryna find a road that doesn't end
Casted with sin luxury fliers got me chasin' material desires
Only to find myself left in the fire
Soon to burn as the pages of my mind turns
I'm tryna raise consciousness but some say it's too ludicrous
Quick to diss but can't diss this lyricist
Lunatic I got bundles of rhymes been penned in Eygyptian heiroglyphics
Hard for you to lift it
Cuz my flows too heavy to even hold on whale scales
I got more intell than Dell once I hear the sound of the bell
All casualities fail trapped inside of my lyrical cell
The black hebrew hittin' ya with my rhymin' jui-jitsu cold as the flu soon to sicken you
Like tumors I grew stay true leavin' fakers confused as my wisdom accrues
Let the wicked raised while evilness preys
And the listeners of religion still prays
To an unseen god when God is in me
Says who says the bible easily see the
Scriptures written in plain sight but we fight
It everyday believe in what moral men say
Aren't ye little gods ? How odd is that
They say don't do this or that or flex gats
But exodus was nothing but a horror script
Bigger than bloods of americas culprit
I came to polish the demolish collage
Of leftover papyrus Egyptian    encrypted spirits
Images of me on the walls of heiroglyphics
Mystics knowledge been born since the storm
Is here I'll guess I'll die brave will others in fear

Tech nine mind's with soul seven aligns spines
Of an angel check the angles **** the banners
Wear black bandanas make miracles like Ana
Deliver more bullets than presents of Santa
Black Holocaust since souls is lost tossed
See the purchase been long made we being played
Monopoly brother Parker's been a sparker
Get out of the mental cell or be forever a trapped
My ghost been departed in the Trinity
God the Illuminati the
chemistry chased wisdoms ministry's
I been following it since the age of three yo!!

Learn to move across the
without showing myself
Game wiser clown joker serious with a frown
Upside down see they don't take me serious
But they curious as George guns I pours
Splurge til I break the urge this is the purge
Wake up ***** ain't no mask on a killer
Unless ya see a ghost face killah iller
Than my next opponent chess game player
Aftermath mayor rhyme slayin haymakers
Its a Tyson left connect told ya protect ya neck
**** the reporters on deck we rob ya respect
So what's next? Blood on ya chest kotex ya pecs
Hangs with black Asians and Mex who check
Any sucka who wanna get they lights deck
Down the halls of death mirrors clearer
Images we paint without a brush cold crush
Any fantasy black Marino can't bypass my legacy

— The End —