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Duke Thompson  Jul 2015
Duke Thompson Jul 2015
She laughed like a Furbie
With broken voice box
Somehow digital and shrill

(Low bitrate ***** )

All discreet ones and zeros(um) game
I know how to fix her with
Aqueous solution seed
Fry her circuits like LSD
Bring down Skynet
With my ****
Matt Jun 2015
Jade helm

"Mastering the human domain"

It's all about control
Controlling human beings
And enslaving us
In the one world/new world global government

Information collection
Pre-crime technology (minority report)
System has no empathy or remorse

Self organizing, vision capable, expectation capable, recognition capable, situationally aware, emotionally intelligent, goal oriented system.  The system, thinks, plans and executes.  

Back in the late 80's MIT students developed AI technology on a distributed network (CGI lamp taught to dance).  It Learned and evolved in 24 hours what would take 1,000 generations to accomplish.  They issued a warning of how dangerous this technology is to humanity.


--Jade 2 plus more
“smart grid, meter, etc"
Will be connected to this system

Control the environment
It Surpasses RFID technology
RFID chips can be removed

Nodes can be removed on a network--unplug printer
Human beings used as nodes
Eliminate connectivity to global information network
Cash removed

One world government

Domain--Human dynamics, terrain, geography
Domestic threat assessment centers
Activity based intelligence
All aspects of human activity monitored

All collected data to be geolocated
And tied to a specific node of the network


do you will it
will you do it
it will do you    

All three of these phrases
Have equal value
In this system
Which is very dangerous!

Generate answers to questions
That haven’t been asked, or never existed in the first place

“Ominous” A.I.
--according to the source

Gates and Zuckerberg--want to bring technology to third world nations
GEOINT--Collect all data--for human terrain map
No privacy--no encrypted data

Welcome to Orwell's 1984, Skynet or The Borg

Sci-Fi was telling us what would be the reality

Emotional responses trigger the system
It feeds off of fear and anxiety

All the social networking--facebook, etc
All that info has been collected
Placed into this GEO INT system
From a source on John B. Wells show entitled, "Caravan To Midnight"
Kathleen Dec 2016
The pipes are knocking in the walls; groaning and dying.
You roll to the other side of the bed.
I roll out of bed and put a *** on.
The lights outside are strewn in no particular order and just on the door;
as if to say 'we tried'.
We try until the pipes burst.
We try until the coffee runs out.

I let skynet tell me the news brief and sit here.
I could be studying a way out of here.
But I don't go in until after noon.
I make another cup of coffee.
Listen to Teagan and Sara.
Look at ways to **** time...

The pipes haven't burst yet, but they're still knocking in the walls.
Rory Hatchel Mar 2011
Let me apologize to begin with
For the way I have to say this to you
Instant and digital with the flawless
12 point form in a unison moment
All these words flow like lies from a child
And flawed, a 1984 Brave New World
Jacked in and online, I swear to God
Microsoft is a virus in my veins and the
Side-effects leave me nauseated and yet
Comforted with the connection I feel
With everyone under this epidemic
And Mac is a twisted strain of my particular
Insanity. Glossy and chic in my pocket, on the go,
Steve Jobs is the ancestor of Doctor Wily
Making *** some bandwagon that needs jumping
Like SkyNet will make me safer, I’ve heard it before

I wish this paper was yellow and crackling
With the orange firelight it was written under
On a sofa, pipe in hand, with the Raven tapping
Melodramatic to the point of genius
Rather then the cliché that emotion has somehow become
And abbreviations become acronyms and symbols
Who has killed the fair maiden of language?
Beautifully laid and strung, pearls upon my page
Folded into my pockets and on the margins of reality
Like a child unwilling to wait to show his parents
The words escape and flee and I panic, pen trembling
Mind to tongue to hand and nerves in the ink
Like meter and scheme trying to restrain this infinite
Strand of DNA that is the flawless combinations of letters
And letters! Curved like a woman tempting and pleasing
To round my pen and finding sanity in the corners and points
Or the cursive dribble of calligraphic art practiced endlessly
By the scholars, monks, orphans, or even the X of a slave
Bearing his mark, leaving himself branded on the page

But I most apologize, I will get carried away
And that is not the way Times New Romans likes it
aviisevil Jun 2015
Larry says,
That there is no god
Larry is a cool guy
But I think he should give it a little thought,
I don't have a clue about god either
But does that matter ?
I think it does not
I think its about life and death
Larry won't care about the dead
but he's cool
sometimes Larry walks across the street without even turning his head
I mean traffic moves at neck break speeds, there's bound to be a death
sooner or later
but Larry is a badass or so he wants to portray
personally, I don't like crossing roads, **** scares me to death
I use that word a lot for some reason, death
I fear it, I can't seem to take it out of my head
nights and nights spent dreaming about what I'll leave in this world
I won't live forever, I admit
That hurts
but I don't want to be a cinical  man anymore
I don't think I ever wanted that in the first place
but life is weird, things just happen most of the time
and once in a while you come across a mirror and see your face
and scream oh lord, what a pathetic loser and turn your face
it's the ultimate disgrace
but that's not larry
he is too smart for that
we wear masks to hide ourselves
he wears one to free himself
same tools, different meaning
opposite stories but the same ending
almost poetic in nature
Larry was a poet too
a decent one at that
and he reminded me so much about the things I could've had
if only i wasn't dreaming so much
but sleep is so beautiful
how beautiful must be death
if there's a place I want to die
I want it to be in my bed
but Larry would rather
ride a missile to the school
I think that's.........okay
if its a Sunday and nobody is at school, otherwise not cool
But Larry is cool if you can look past that thing that has a chance of happening more remotely then him becoming a super saiyan,
What I am sayin' is
That there is no denying that Larry is at least has an imagination
he loves fantasy and talks in weird languages that honestly looks like he's having a seizure
He does it for leisure
what a geek, right ?
But geeks are cool now, aren't they ?
I mean, rock is dead
that's a blow
people play sports on a couch
wars are boring
big nations attack a smaller nation that then attacks the bigger nation back until the smaller nation is destroyed by a host of other countries that were sold weapons by the big nation that started it, or you know.. they fail
But whatever, there's much good left in this world though the television and the media will have you believe otherwise
Though what is good does not always mean that it is not stupid as ****
It'll make you sick
But it's not harming anyone
only the people who watch it
it clicks
that's all there it is to that
Larry doesn't watch telly no more
he's beyond all that
He watches them when he wants
where he wants, how he wants
the thought haunts me often
That someone somewhere has a faster internet connection
I mean internet is like a thing now, I mean there has already been an inspection
of how awesome this new world is,
It's people and cultures
Free of boundaries and limits
Achieving the impossible everyday
A thing so huge
Even we can't comprehend it
and we made that **** up
( for the already dumb one )
and when I say we,
I mean we as collective species
and not as me and other individuals
but clearly, it's massive
where there's not only okay to be a thief but completely acceptable
I mean that's a spectacle
a mockery of laws of the land that you understand as an adult that thou won't steal from the other man
And they rebel against any management whatsoever
And that's how its supposed to be
So we're fine... I guess
Unless the skynet ?
Larry told me
skynet is already here
Waiting in our computers
Watching us and hearing us
All the ******* time
That means
Someone or something knows about everything of mine
that's just so ******' embarrassing and awkward and scary
But embarrassing and scary.... And it makes one feel ***** about oneself, maybe that's what's the problem is
We no longer get to be ourselves
think about it
When was the last time you said something or wrote something without thinking about it
you can be honest about it but you'll still lie to yourself, you still doubt it
if you really are what you see in the mirror, in the photos
Or through what they say about you
yet world has the many
And you have the few
Larry says he has more friends than he can accept
I find that statement strange at times but I haven't been able to inquire about it
but that's okay, Larry is a cool guy
he does his own business and still wears a tie
I mean, how often do you wear a tie when you don't have to
I think most humans are lazy and that'll be the last thing we'll do
Wear ties while deciding what to buy and what to sell
what to make and what to feed the hell with, oh hell
But they give birth as they gift death
I've seen some videos, I've seen some heads
nuclear families hiding in depths of the dark
destroying the fourth somebody many times apart
But that's just a theory
Less likely then R+L= j
I wish that would happen but if something else happens I would still be glad to have seen the end
I don't want to be lost this time, that would really **** my friend
Larry wouldn't watch the show
Because he thinks its not cool no more
When things like these happen, you know-
Those little small things that you observe sometimes
That reminds you that you are glad to be yourself rather than being another at least one human you know,
Mostly the ones you hate, given they hate you or maybe they don't
It doesn't matter
Or maybe the ones purely evil
Coming to evil
Larry says that every man has good and bad in them
And I've heard that from everybody
But it's something that is harder to teach than learn
You're own on your own, in the middle
While a pack of wolfs bark all around you
Nobody gives a **** anymore
For one thing
This world we have made
I've always wondered,
Is it not a world of distraction
rather than a world of progress
I guess every one is a Larry
Who only ever thinks about himself
But pretends to be kind in person
That doesn't matter
Because what is, it is
I remember a story I once told Larry when I was at an altitude and had a head-ache and could barely sit up or breath up,
That was a real **** up
And I told him, what if a child who never learns that Santa is not real and never assumes anything, grows old and die, never knowing that Santa has never been,
Would it matter
Now that the man shall never be,
With all he has ever seen
Wouldn't it be a lovely dream
To be in a world
Where there's more than death

even without god ?
not a poem ?
Big Virge Aug 2021
These Days They’re...
.... ALL AROUND.... !!!

A World of Human Clowns... !?!

Whose Circus Is On Grounds...
Now Causing Heads To FROWN... !!!

Because of TERROR Sounds...
And Violence That Abounds... !!!
Because of Angry Youths...
Joining... Militia Groups...

Like Those Now FILLED With Troops...
Who Are Willing And NOW SHOOT... !!!

As If They’re At A Range...
That Gives Them The OKAY...
To Act Like They’re Deranged... ?!?

And To Behave Like Modern Slaves...
Who Are Paid And Trained...
To... Dish Out PAIN... !!!
... Time And AGAIN... ?!?

In A Vein So INHUMANE... !?!

That There Is NO DOUBT...
That They’re Acting Like CLOWNS... !!!

To Believe That What They Do...
Is RIGHTEOUS Or Infused...
With Movements That Are Cool...
When They’re Being USED Like TOOLS... !!!

Whose Dealings Are Those of FOOLS... !!!
And Those Are Words of TRUTH... !!!

From Political Groups...
To Those Now In View...
On Apps Now Being Used...

That They Are Tame Like Shrews...
From Shakespearean Books... !!!

Being Tricked And Pimped...
To Be Limp Like *****...
Who’ll Do ANYTHING...
To Get Their **** Licked...
By... Drug Addict Chicks...
Who’ll Spread Their Lips QUICK...
Just To Get... A FIX... !!!

Who Just CAN’T Resist...
Having One More Drink...
When They KNOW That They Should QUIT... !!!

Today’s Clowns Are SICK... !!!
And Are Affecting Kids...
In Ways So PERVERSE...
That They’re Bound To HURT...
How Their Minds Will Work...
As They Grow In This World... !!!

Things Are Going BERSERK... !?!?!

And Will Get MUCH WORSE...
As Technology SERVES...
To Mark These Words...
of... REALITY Verse... !!!

With A Virtual World...
Where Famous Names...
Now Perform In Games...
To INCREASE Their Fame...

By Being REPLACED...
By An Image That’s Made...
To Apparently Make...
The World A Better Place... ?!?

The Type of JOKERS...
Being USED Like TOKENS... !!!

Or In Other Words...
...... CLOWNS...... !!!!

Whose ONLY Form of Clout...
Seems To Be SELLING OUT...
For... Dollars And Pounds...

It’s A World Where They...
Seem To Have NO SHAME... !!!

So Their Names DON’T Deserve...
To Be Heard In This Verse... !!!

Because CLOWNS AREN’T ALOUD... !!!
In These Words That DISAVOW...
What These Clowns Are ALL About... !!!

Embracing New Tech...
That Will Now INJECT...
A Way To Project...
A LACK of Common Sense... !!!

That Will TERMINATE Them...
That’s Right Just Like... SKYNET... !!!

And That Right There...
Is Where I’ll End This Poem... !!!

Because Right About Now...
In This World of LOCKDOWNS... !!!

We Are Now Being DROWNED...
By... Internet Sounds... !!!

And Mouths That Confound...
With The Things That They SHOUT...
To Their... TIKTOK' Crowds... !!!!!

Who Just Haven’t Worked Out...
That What They Now BROWSE...


Is A World That's FULL of...

...... “ CLOWNS “.....
You only need to watch ANYTHING on TV, or On The Net, for what 5 mins these days, to see or hear one !

Things are literally, going CRAZY !!!
Moonsocket Oct 2016
Sleep was never my friend or enemy

But 48 hours without reprieve makes any soul stumble

Walking to kick lethargy I came across my childhood

It asked me where I've gone

Time took me away from you I say
Earlier than most
But such is life I suppose

We nod at nostalgia and part ways
both a little emptier
Rain shatters self pity
it left as fast as it came
Such is the prairie way

I found a puddle unusually clear deep inside a cities pollution

Reflection contradicts feeling
I suppose that was inevitable
Cannot deny ones nature

Crouching down to avoid reason
My knees crack loudly
reminding me of a 100 lives lived
Well worn past my 25 years

My skies turned abstract when dawn came

Pink and orange backdrop for this shadow

Moving over for a passing obstruction

I watch it swallow human excess
No flesh in sight for it's momentum
This is indeed skynet

I come home because walls keep out madness

In here only mine distracts
A dangerous illusion I know
But it's all I currently posses

— The End —