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Tuffy Mutombo  Aug 2018
Tuffy Mutombo Aug 2018
Hashtag my soul away, so many can see it
I’m waving my hands saying hey look at me
Posting pics, statuses and videos
Can’t do it quietly
I want them all to See
Envy me and make me their fantasy
A few likes on this post is not enough
I deserve to get liked like I’m roylaty
adore me while you stare at the pictures
I spent hours cropping, adding more filters to guard my insecurities
Before I hashtag it, I dress it with perfection
Cut out any ugliness, clean up the mess
Show the world purity
because if they see the negative
their words will expose my insecurities
Behind this screen I found a secured me
That is the side I only want them to see
So I hastag popular tags so they can all see
The better side of me
kayla morrison Mar 2014


Caarpe Diem

Keating whispered
He whispered.

in Delay there lies no plenty
Shakespeare warned,

gather ye rosebuds while ye may
Herrick advised.

We don’t
whisper, warn or advise

Generation Y

We shout, strong, sure and proud

We chant, graffiti, hastag

We get
one shot one opportunity
to seize everything in we ever wanted in one moment

**** the romantics,.
The critics, the experts, the analyzers too.

Who says we can’t be prophetic,

This is us,
Our time
our chance,

let’s make the most of the night like we’re gunna die young.

It is our excuse.

The reason I hit the gas
rev the engine and slam it to the floor.
With squealing tires,
loud exhausts and smoky exits
You can hear me
we are young so lets set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun.

We need to do this now,
before the light in our eyes,
light of our lives,
go out.


The reason we face mountains
of debt with a smile.

The face we put on
brave, ready, awake
when the bill collectors call,
the healthcare goes into reform
and the government shuts down.


This moment, we own it
this second in a catalogue
of years.
The months we spend crashing cars, bars and acting like stars.


The reason we apply for jobs,
we’ll never get.
Taking rejection with a grin
we will always try again.


it is the reason I joined the race.
After all,


-Kayla Morrison
Jeremy Bean  Jun 2014
1k <3's
Jeremy Bean Jun 2014
Thanks guys, finally hit 1k hearts without too much social engineering. lol

but i must say. . .

HP has disappointed me as of late. . . asking for donations (which I have paid being a long time user) but I wonder how much of that goes to this new #hastag system. . . I liked this site because it was plain, easy to use, and the poetry spoke for itself without all these lousy social networking features everyone is using.  I liked that it wasnt a popularity contest where the work could speak for itself. . . It doesnt feel that way anymore. Sorry, maybe some of you like it, but the one place that was once my favorite avenue to share my work, may soon no longer be.
Natnael Asres May 2017
Natnael Asres:
Had a pen and paper to write all my thoughts
had a teacher to answer all my questions....                                                  

­had a bunch of friends who would come over....

but now now those pen and paper are out all I seem to need is a laptop or all be it just a smart phone thanks to Microsoft office and ohh by the way that helped
"bill make all his billions" !!! while we don't even remember how to write "cruses in cursive" and all that.

And what is a teacher I may ask ? I was thought by 'Myspace' in elementary then took over 'google' to get me where I am  always had the answer and sometimes a little sideshow specially when puberty came knocking and a special shout out to 'Encarta kids' that also had my back.

And what about my friends ?  yesI have pictures of them well surely cropped and duly filtered and we talk everyday thanks to the group chat we have talking about dumb **** like who went where who eat what and most importantly who ****** who !

so I am glad to be a 21st century boy
who doesn't know how to write on a paper and don't know the use of a teacher
and who surely doesn't recognize his friends with out there filters !

So # sorry for 20th century people hastag (#) yeaaaa me am the king of the world a dumb Boy who wouldn't make it through a single day in the real world or would I you never know.

— The End —