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Meghan C  Aug 2014
Evelyne (ii)
Meghan C Aug 2014
[she is everywhere.]

the twinkle in her eye
has diffused
into the atmosphere
and become an
of the air.

the sound of her
keeps me
and her arms
are an orchestra
of their own.

i want to study her.

i want to
the muscles of her legs
and count her eyelashes
when she blinks.

i want to read
the curve of her
hips, create
new words
to define her shoulders.

i want to watch her
sigh, and feel
the clench of her jaw.

i want to wrap myself
around her and
introduce her to the sun.

[i want to understand
what it is
to hold her hand.]
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
White skies over Galleria Mall Arad Romania again,
Angel Evelyne arrives, singing about
love, looking beautiful and amazing things

Among the young Stars
laughing near silence
where children await

Now blue stars fade
into happy beginnings
then love for children once more.

by Angel Ron

Copyright © Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
These words were written for the Romanian singer Evelyne Cojocar.
A Guardian Angel to all Children.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
Today will be the day,
A day!
The world will change,

It's a glorious Morning,

With a voice so bright and cheerful, like a sunny morning after a stormy night,

Singing to innocent children,
You are the best children in the world.

She sings to help others in need,

She sings of noble deeds;
Changing the lives of children with her music,
One of the noblest quests anyone can achieve,
She has Angel wings,
By Saving and changing the lives of children,
She changes the future and the world.

She sings of admirable actions;
To build a child’s spirit,
To take away a child's tears,
To take away a child's fears,
To teach a child to care for others,
She teaches children to sing.

She admires children,

She sings of selflessness;
She sings without thought of profit or reward,
She feels the suffering of lonely and sick children,
She wants no flattery from the world,
She wants to see children achieve their dreams,
She wants to do the right thing and only to help others in need.
Selflessness is its own reward.

She sings of compassion;
She listens to children speak of their dreams,
She feels concern for a child's feelings,
She encourages children to follow their dreams,
To never give up hope.
She teaches children to sing to others, to do good things,
She helps children anytime anyplace.

The untold sacrifices she has made in her life,
That changed the world with her music,
On this beautiful day.

Words inspired by the Romanian singer Evelyne Cojocar.

© 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Believe in Yourself: Wisie Inspirational Video for Raising Children