Sometimes I ask my head,
What exactly is my role,
It replies rather bluntly,
How do I know, Go ask your soul.
So I say to my soul,
Why am I here, What is my goal,
Silence, Nothing but deep dark silence,
One that could pierce the heart, Create a hole.
You're asking the wrong question,
Said my faithful heart(with a hole),
Search for the right question, Instead of the wrong answer,
Maybe then you'll know where to go, Your path,
Maybe I should set out on a journey,
But i stay where I am, comfortable and bored,
What's the use, Each day brings a new question,
A new dilemna, Just begging to be explored,
You listen to me, and you listen to me good,
A little voice inside of me says,
Keep looking for answers, If time is all you have to waste,
Be strong, Move on, Don't get lost in this maze,
So I move forward, No time to look back,
With this voice guiding me always,
For once i have a clear conscience,
Long forgotten is that part of my life, that phase,
Its a carefree world now,
No more questions,
Except for one,
"Who are you, little voice, What's your name?",
"I am not one,but three,
For one cannot rule your world,
I am Your Head, Your Heart and Your Soul,
And the only reason we spoke out as one,
Was for you to understand,
Life is a vicious circle, a sadistic game,
You already knew the question, You already had the answer,
For more things change, More they remain the same."