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D 3  Dec 2016
D 3 Dec 2016
I have a dilemna
You see there’s this girl and
She’s so gorgeous
She’s so beautiful.
I love the way the light bounces
Off of her eyes
I love the wrinkles around her eyes
When she smiles.
I love her dimples.
She has two of them you know.
I love how I get butterflies when
I think about how she says name.
I get butterflies when I think about
how she likes to mess with my hair.
I get butterflies when she calls my name.
I get butterflies when I see her walk down the hallway.
I can’t stand to see her unhappy.
When she’s crying in the bathroom,
I want to tell her so bad that she’s beautiful
And I’ve spent so much time trying
To recreate the color of her eyes
When she smiles in the sun.
When she’s contemplating life,
I want to tell her,
the wrinkles around her eyes
when she smiles are far too precious
to live without.
I want to tell her I have tried a thousand times
To draw her coffee brown curls
That embody her soul.
She is just so beautiful.
I want to tell her,
No matter the mood, I will always love the way
Her eyes were always passionate when they turned upon
The things she adored most.
I want us to have a future together.
But she’ll think I’m weird
Because you’re not supposed to look
at your friends that way.
I guess I could consider myself lucky
To have someone as beautiful as her in my life,
That is if he loved me.
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
"I love you,
the Sun will drop, the Stars move aside,
waves subside,
to the calming of a head on a pillow.

Here it is the case of blood and gold
that's backpacked a thousand miles
and the square footage,
of a Human Soul Infinite."

"Traveler's Dilemma:
                  never Satisfied.
  an Adventurer of the classified,
     to what might make the Questions
so the pupil will not live Insanity.

At least to know what she does not is Truth
so the Journey is not a wasted youth."
I am 'me'
He is 'he'
The Calm Dec 2016
Dear Homeless man
I see you standing there alone
Empty and probably hopeless with no place to call home

The winter cold breathe's on you it's icy kiss
It adds to the pain doesnt it?
To the voice of hoplessness beckoning you to death's dark abyss

Dear homeless man, why do you make me so afraid ?
You're one of God's children and I should be lending you aid
Dear homeless man I don't even know your name
As I wait for a green light feeling selfish,  uncaring and ashamed.

Dear homeless man, don't give up hope
Don't ever become a hopeless man
You probably wonder, if God is so good why doesn't he answer me ?
The birds of the air and the fish of the sea he takes care of
But what about me?

Dear Homeless man, I can't describe to you the emptiness I feel
As I look at you and imagine what you go through, your struggle your world so...real.

My immediate response is to raise my hand and for you say a prayer
My physical response is for you to shed a tear
God said that I would do for the least of I do the same thing to Jesus and for you I did not take care of
Is this what I do to the Lord above ?
To his creation? That's the only question on my imagiation, as I drive home it's a steady fixation as I think, wow me, a christian , certainly this will lead to damnation....

Dear Homeless man I'm sorry,
I wish I could drive you to my home and take you in.
Tell you about Jesus, I know you know that life is tough but I'll tell you how through him you can win
How the cause for your dilemna is through man and his sin but death didn't win
I wish I could show you a new day right now but hopefully through my prayer at that traffic light , hope will reach in.
To the homeless man standing on Orleans street in Baltimore Maryland right after Johns Hopkins Hospital, God bless and I'm sorry I can't help. I hope God blesses you
S Anand Mar 2013
Sometimes I ask my head,
What exactly is my role,
It replies rather bluntly,
How do I know, Go ask your soul.

So I say to my soul,
Why am I here, What is my goal,
Silence, Nothing but deep dark silence,
One that could pierce the heart, Create a hole.

You're asking the wrong question,
Said my faithful heart(with a hole),
Search for the right question, Instead of the wrong answer,
Maybe then you'll know where to go, Your path,

Maybe I should set out on a journey,
But i stay where I am, comfortable and bored,
What's the use, Each day brings a new question,
A new dilemna, Just begging to be explored,

You listen to me, and you listen to me good,
A little voice inside of me says,
Keep looking for answers, If time is all you have to waste,
Be strong, Move on, Don't get lost in this maze,

So I move forward, No time to look back,
With this voice guiding me always,
For once i have a clear conscience,
Long forgotten is that part of my life, that phase,

Its a carefree world now,
No more questions,
Except for one,

"Who are you, little voice, What's your name?",

"I am not one,but three,
For one cannot rule your world,
I am Your Head, Your Heart and Your Soul,
And the only reason we spoke out as one,
Was for you to understand,
Life is a vicious circle, a sadistic game,
You already knew the question, You already had the answer,
For more things change, More they remain the same."
i thank you
for writing about the dilemna
for explaining it all

the picture of linen to the ceiling
the word soiled

the explaination of how you are
is honest

i hope things are much improved
no need for that word

on the boat last week
the commentator used the word
discharged maybe five times
in regard to cargo

another twitch here

words have power
make me itch
a bit

it is good to know ourselves
it helps us manage

i guess the summer is coming
to a change

quiet so far
tourists gather here
the holiday weekend
i cannot help you with your dilemna
not being an engineer nor very
techinically minded

here as you know we have a burning
system with matches or plug in
electricals and

when things go wrong i fetch an expert

though i find you tube very helpful for
advice and obsessions

ahknaten, ahknaten repeated

i hope some day for that dvd
so ahknaten is repeated

sorry for your unexpected expense
maybe this too is a sign?

i forget how i finished before all
was lost

maybe simply to say at present
the focus is

and a few other things

remembering to say that i will
never win as am not part of
any race
so nor can i lose either

up already and plugged in

— The End —