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Mane Omsy  Apr 2018
Little Asifa
Mane Omsy Apr 2018
Till her scream faded
Inside the temple walls
She had cried o'er a week
And she tried to get help
They came and *****
Tore her cloths off
And never came kindness
She was mere eight
Yet they tore her apart
She was choked
Beaten to death
After they satisfied themselves

Her body was dropped
On the side of the road
Bribery shut the cops
They never talked about it
Let the days fade the scent

Did they ever know?
The world would know the truth
And when it does
It'd be their doom
RIP Asifa
Justice for Asifa
Her screams weren’t heard outside the temple. For more than a week they abused her, tortured her and ***** her, violently. Still the authorities failed to save this little young girl from Jammu Kashmir. She didn’t survive. They choked her to death. There was still an inch of life left in her before they cracked her head with a rock. There were several ‘beasts’ who ***** this poor little eight year old Asifa. They are still breathing the fresh air over there. They are walking freely like they have served their religion. But, unfortunately, they ought to be hanged even if the constitution of India save its words for consolidation and mess it up again for the safety of women in India.
This was never about the girl. They hated the religion her parents were devoted to. They wanted to show how cruel they can be if they still stay in this country. This country will never achieve to be a democratic, social nation until the illiterate leaders on the top of the seats get the hell out of there. No more partialities, no more violence, no more religious troubles. We expected it to be a great country while the new prime minister won out of promises he can’t keep. When will it ever be a country without racism and cast partialities?
The convicts must be hanged. In fact, the ones who tried to cover the story should also be put in trial. They must be punished at least with a life sentence. This horrifying incident that occurred a month ago was buried under by the one and only authority who were supposed to arrest these pathetic *******. The police were bribed. But that wouldn’t have stopped them from arresting them if it was their baby girl. Enough with mercy, they must not walk on this soil unless the country is filthy enough to bear their actions.
What are the aftermaths of this terrible ******? If it was a ****** that could be hidden by the skilful media now-a-days, it could’ve been easy for them to walk away from the court. This little innocence was destroyed when they pierced through her private parts with their vicious filth. Not only they kept her captive inside the temple, they starved her until she lost the energy to scream later when they constantly used her to fulfil their thirst. Her face will never be forgotten from the minds that has a little amount of humanity.
We mourn her death and must avenge her against the weak Indian laws which give more importance to wealth and power. Laws must change. More security and extreme punishments for those who neglect certain laws meant to protect the citizens of India.
Keerthi Kishor Apr 2018
I'm sorry this ever happened to you.
I'm sorry you were just an 8 year old, so full of life and you didn't deserve this pain.
I'm sorry those pedophilic pigs preyed on your innocence.
I'm sorry you were born in India- a country powered by people, pioneered by strong men of principles but still feel powerless to protect its own people.
I'm sorry our laws are enforced to protect the lawless.
I'm sorry there is a *****, so possessed by religion out there who passed a mean comment on you.
I'm sorry there are countless many who favors his opinion strongly.
I'm sorry none of us could protect you or bring you back to life.
I'm sorry that I can only hope hell does exist and those men do rot in its deepest pits.
I'm sorry all of us can only sympathize and none of us can empathize.
I'm sorry I have no voice of my own.
I'm sorry my child, I truly am because you were born a girl.
I'm sorry to say how lucky I feel to be alive, that my sister or mother or friends are unpolluted and still breathing just fine.
I'm sorry this poem is pointless as the many hashtags that come and go after each **** but I had to write this for my own peace of mind.
I'm sorry as I can only sit back and pray there won't be anymore Asifas.
"I know I won't be able to sleep peacefully if I won't let this out of my chest. This poem is an apology to 8-year-old Asifa who was brutally gang-***** and killed in my own country, recently. I feel agitated as a female, disheartened as a woman, shameful as a citizen and feel powerless as a human being. I'm sorry Asifa, rest in peace."
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
Saying No is a right
You shouldn't have to put up a fight
Your eight years old you have the right to run in the sun, play in the park, ride on a bike, climb a tree, fall and scrape your knee, drink coca cola, eat pizza, play games with your friends, learn to swim, collect shells on the beach, reach for the stars they shouldn't be out of reach.

At eight years old you should not know ****
At eight years old you should not be murdered
You should still be loved and cherished and running carefree
A child not a political pawn, what has humanity spawned.

India is getting the blame for it was there that little Asifa, lost her flame.

The reasons for this happening is not entirely clear.
But let's not pretend that bad
things don't happen here

We have a duty to our young ones, to watch them very close.
Protect them the best we can, and if we see bad things happening help them to make a stand.
Neha Bokil Apr 2018
Was it her fault that she was born a girl?
As a child she had only seen so little of this world..
Was it really her fault that she dared to roam alone?
Was it a crime to be fearless on this land that she thought it was her home?

A place that is known as the heaven on earth..
A land she loved so much ever since her birth.
On that land she had dreamed of blossoming into a wonderful woman
She died just as a child falling prey to some barbaric demons!!

She was Asifa and she was ONLY eight.
Who was drowned to death in the ocean of hate!
At that age when she only knew what was it to love and trust,
Totally unaware of the danger of someone’s murderous lust
She never imagined that her trust would be betrayed,
By a bunch of monsters who took her away!

Her cries and screams fell on deaf ears.
The abuse went on as they continued to leer at her
For them she was just a toy,
But for her …her world was destroyed!

She pleaded to let go off her again and again
But her agonizing cries went in vain.
They amputated her soul again and again,
Brutally abusing her, they left her to die in pain!

When she met her fellow victims…
She realized she was not alone..
So many souls in the past that were ripped apart
and separated from their beautiful homes!

So many voices still going unheard,
So many innocent lives still being shattered,
But yet no lessons learnt…
We shall pay a heavy price
If we let loose those devils in disguise.
Enough of signing those powerless petitions and holding candle light vigils..
It is time to stop showing the candle to those treacherous devils!

May justice prove its strength and prevail in time
To engrave into those devilish minds
That the nation is no longer blind
For they shall be severely punished for their heinous crimes.

In a nation where the protection of children and women take Centre stage
Their innocence and dignity will never be at stake
For all precious souls who left the world,
Should never ever feel ashamed of being born as a girl!!

                     ------NEHA BOKIL

— The End —