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Brent Kincaid Nov 2017
Platitudinous, pusillanimous,
Pulchritudinous, posterior
Poseur, postulating pus bag
Posing as plenipotentatious
President POTUS, posturesome
Proudly putting paws on *******
Publicly preposterous woosie
Pretending propriety: a putz.

Eternal egregious eccentricity,
Endless empathy-less publicity,
Effectively inbalming ethnicity
Eviscerates any essential nobility
Excluding even existential energies
Of expectations of excellence
Instead enacting evolution-free
Economical inimical extortion.

Hourly horror holler hate,
Both houses holding hotheads
And hundreds of houris
Honoring honor-free hopes
Hesitation-free horrible haste
Hosing hope and helpmeets
Who have inherited helplessness
From heartless halfwit hoydens.

Boisterous ***** and boors
Beat beauty and belief badly
But beg and bawl for bounty
Bathing in bastardy and blood
But beyond bowing to betters
Banquets and bowers of berks
Badly bent beyond blessing,
They’re best boxed for burying.
Kim Cleverly Feb 2015
Assholery here
Directed at a member
Drives women away.
Khidir Osman  Dec 2012
Empty seat
Khidir Osman Dec 2012
the seat was empty
but the guy sitting next to it looked like an *******
so i elected to stand
and celebrate the vacant air of non-assholery, next to the doors
the atmosphere seems almost more friendly
but the celebration was to be short-lived
as the cabin was soon filled out at the next stop
non-natives, they were, mostly
settling into the space quickly, without fuss—without hesitation
already looking ahead to the next part of their journey
with a disquieting look of weariness and anxiety
a not too uncommon look on locals as well
but the locals were different
they had their techno-gadgets to distract themselves with
whereas the non-natives had to content themselves
with staring at the urban scenery outside
or at themselves
which often offers very little comfort, i must say
interesting how everybody tries to find their own space
in a place which doesn’t actually offer much
the bell then rings, and a distinctly un-Singaporean voice announced
i have arrived at my destination
so i made my exit, eager to start the next part of my journey
ready to embrace the future
where we are no longer judged by the colour of our skin
only by the things that we possess
James Walker Nov 2016
Double down
through mountains
of my own assholery
enjoying the range
of ******
left in my wake

once upon a time
they apologized less
men were men
able to test their mettle
of courage and bravado
now emptied of all
filled with remorse
the only word they know
is 'sorry'
Stop apologizing for standing to close, almost touching me, and for looking in my direction. Have you no shame? We all have a right to exist you know... people seem to apologize just for being there these days
I don’t feel comfortable being a victim
I suppose I am
A victim
Probably more than most
I don’t like to stay a victim
Though being one seems unavoidable
****** up ****
Has routinely happened to me
Since I was a baby
Amazing **** too
I probably deserved it
Most of it
I was a knucklehead
And I’m still an *******
Which simply means I’m an *******
There is no such thing as being a little
When it comes to assholery
It’s either all out or all in
Or maybe just wipe clean
And itch less
Being a victim
Feels itchy to me

— The End —