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My vision's extreme
In the dreams I discern
From the truths I have seen
Through my passion to learn
Or the levels I turn up
My mind microwaves
In the money I burn
With a sacrilege fervor
In every concern
For a naturalist order
Where I am the hero
On silver surf boards
And webs that I spin
All amounting to zero
For greedy ring lords
My sting will strike down
Their thrones of excess
With my Leninist unrest
And save the world with methods that
Most leaders would detest
Like finding peace in nothing
But the self-destructive ends
To justify the means
Of the passing words with friends
Though the love you share is real
Your lives will move in flashes
I enjoy it while lasts
And then I burn it all to ashes
For I find my warmth in blizzards
Roastin' grand old dragon wizards
As I slither with the lizards
Running shivers down their crooked spines
And sautéing their livers
With some venom as my glass of wine
Droppin' toxin trips divine
Baptized in a river of the finer-sided knife
While I'm gettin' schizophrenic
In the severed ties to life
To empathize with those
Less fortunate than me
By calling it compassion
When I'm just an empty sea
Because I've felt it all before
And died at least a dozen times
But I still search alone for more
Than coloring the lines
With these radical approaches
To slaughtering the infantile
Crawling, begging roaches
By forcing them to stand against
The real exterminators
I'd Dooku them like Anakin
Did in the tusken raiders
Bringing justice to the galaxy
As I become Darth Vader
Still the chosen Jedi knight
Since my Eden is an orchard
In a poison apple bite
Despite my balanced forces
That are rooted in the trees
Making green the autumn leaves again
To plant my lega-seeds
By shedding skins to sin with Eve
In paradises lost
I'd sell my soul to Satan

*No matter what the cost
 Feb 2017 Scott T
It begins with a very few words, but an array of emotions.
Its unspoken feelings,
Its the misalignment of words,
My head is underwater but I somehow enjoy the feeling of suffocation,
Submerged in my own thoughts,
I am slowly drowning,
Not a slight quiver with the sound of rippling waters,
I don't hear a sound above,
Above,.. where its all rustles and rambles of reality,
I feel safe underwater,
Often, I hear the whispers of doubt in my ear,
My head and heart has been detached for so long,
I'd forgotten the weight that it carried,
I feel lighter underwater,
Let me have a few moments more,
I don't mind the taste of salt in my mouth than to hear the lies you tell to comfort me,
I think this life finally belongs to me,
As i watch the sky above me, and feel the water beneath me,
I am one step closer to healing,
I have suffered a hundred seconds trying to appreciate a moment.
But for now,
After a very long time, I finally feel happy.
Truly happy.
 Feb 2017 Scott T
Ellis Reyes
The woman known as Mom hummed contentedly.
The kitchen smelled delicious.
Eggs, toast, juice and what was that, pork chops?
For Breakfast?
An unexpected, delightful treat.

Unaccustomed to cheer, the children entered cautiously.
Looking toward the wall
They saw the hook.
But the belt
The wide leather belt
Was missing

Was that good or bad?

The children took their seats.
The woman known as Mom
Slid their plates into place and urged them to "Eat Up"
Lest their delicious meal get cold.

One careful bite.
A swallow.
No slaps. No hits. No belt.
The children gobbled furiously
Racing to finish
Before she changed her mind.
 Feb 2017 Scott T
hangover guides me home again.
old news spews through
the screens all around me.
lies are subjective
and time is a flat circle.

we are somewhere near the eye of the storm.

high ground is the sure plan to suffer so
save yourself by submitting to flood.
mirrors reveal your fastest escape plan.
clouds are coming no matter how hard
you blow back, so all you can hope for is snow.

we are somewhere near the eye of the storm.
It’ll be the
Other way round,
Today's my day
I'll take your crown.

You’ll stick to me
Like a gecko on a wall,
My actions you will echo
And that will be all.

Don't ask me why,
I won’t tell you how.
Today's my day
I'm keeping this crown.

Down you'll bow
when I crouch down,
Today's my day
I'm keeping this crown.

Show some respect!
It has been due
Or I'll slam you to a wall...
And turn your skin blue.

I stop,
And think
A little…

Did my human
Just turn to

Oh forget it!
A nice shade is blue...
I got no time for this,
No time to rue!

I had
Asked you why,
You didn’t tell me how.
Now that the table’s turned
I’ll pretend
I’ve never even
Heard a sound.
 Feb 2017 Scott T
It's now time to literally sing, time to open up my heart and let my voice ring.  The music is my passion and I wear as if it's an everyday fashion that'll never go out of style.  As for singing in front of people though, it's honestly been awhile.  Gonna give 'em a big smile, let out a joke so my nerves aren't all riled and relieve some tension.  Gotta give it my all, but that really goes without mention.
Just a memory
 Feb 2017 Scott T
Laura Amstutz
jeg er skødesløs
musikken er så god
s-togets varme dulmer
nattemørket læner sig ind mod ruden
- presser på
tankernes strøm standser og starter og standser igen
alting er mit

jeg er tankeløs
og musikken er så god

drikker lidt for at føle mig i live
med lukkede øjne og drømme af luft
glemmer jeg både mig selv og de andre

tag mig væk herfra
tag mig med ud i natten
i mørket
vi skal danse hele natten; se solen stå op sammen
længslende eufori
af velvære
kravler op ad mine arme
alting er godt

man skal dø nogle få gange
før man virkelig kan
White sky , singing chimes
Peeking sunshine , blackberry wine
Familiar folks , parlor guitar on a porch
A curious mind that loves to travel
as the day unravels
A bit of cheese , a game of Scrabble
Rhythmic rockers , good natured babble
Hearty friendships , sure in the saddle* ..
Copyright February 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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