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 May 2021 savarez
1k Watts
The Bay
 May 2021 savarez
1k Watts
Bedtime is late,
Cabernet with steak,
boardwalk bustle declines after 8.
Let's relax and escape,
embrace the crash of the waves,
the midnight moon contrasts with the sun rays of the day.
Forever; I'd like to stay,
me and you,
the view and the bay.
 May 2021 savarez
Tech-spawned personae
Introduce themselves:
CGI Barbies walk pretty
Tik Tok talk pretty . . .
Filters falter
(Ken follows).

Powers given:
Fake likes, fake stats
Syncopated algorithms
Gas-lit shadow bans
Dead mockingbirds
Dying media

<Chips implanted>

Power is given
To the beastly image:
Mainstream mediocrity
For mediocretins.
A delicate rondelay for your erudite perusal
 May 2021 savarez
Scarlet McCall
Spring and summer, they come and go.
Then it’s the hell that waits for me below.
An arm? A leg? Which part is scheduled for torture?
Fair Demeter, where are you? Are you truly my mother?
The pomegranate seeds were bitter pills.
Supposedly something that would cure my ills.
But there’s a side effect for every cure,
and I know now I cannot endure
the months-long torture of a winter in hell.
And my future fate no seer can tell.

I enjoy these brief respites.
I live now for my pleasant visits
to sunny days and strawberries;
away from my torment, the dogs and ferries.
 May 2021 savarez
Carlo C Gomez
Silver water
flowing out from under

Beautiful daughter of the stars
dancing in eclipse, remembering
the season of the sun

And how her
calculating love survived
its long hibernation

It all looks lazy from underneath the parasol
the sun with no energy to chase the clouds
seagulls slouching on railings
the trolley-bus makes quite a fuss but even that
is good-natured,

if all is well then something's wrong
I learnt this long ago.

there must be a hurricane bringing in rain
or a typhoon hitting land soon
there might be an earthquake when
everything ends,

the moon and I are old friends
always calms me down.
 May 2021 savarez
Heart of Silver
And I'd fold each shining point
into an origami castle
fit for a queen, fit for you
and perhaps... me too

I, a majestic creature of the sky
You, an empty-faced child on a quilt
Look, look, at what I built

I'll use each star as a stepping stone
to meet you in this world
so you don't have to be alone
and I don't have to feel like I am

Place your hands on these walls.. can you feel my love?
Stand on your balcony, stare at the sky up above
My gentle playmate, is this better than the empty world you knew?
Look around at your origami castle, I made it for you
Written April 2018
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