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Aug 2024 · 395
Quick Fix
Sarah Mulqueen Aug 2024
Sometimes it's all to much
The pain won't go away

Sometimes I don't feel normal
Becoming socially ******* from hiding myself away

Sometimes the noise doesn't leave me for days

Sometimes it gets to easy to reach
For the quick fix that will take the pain away, to help me feel normal not constricted by insecurities, to dampen the noise of life to allow me a second to breath

But I don't want that life, I don't want to be tied to a crutch filled with shame and guilt to get me through each day.

Most times the quick fix will lead to bigger problems

Most times all I need is someone who understands me

Most times we're screaming, crying on the inside
Allowing our 'problems' to become us
Feeding it without realizing it's going to consume us

Most times we make a choice
To put ourself and life first, or to watch it slip away
Our 'problems' and worries sometimes get to much for us to carry anymore. We're not heard or supported often isolated or associating with the wrong crowd.
It can be hard to face the things that are ailing us. So falling into addiction is often the easy option, the short term feelings of peace are chased as they fade away quickly.
It can be hard to watch friends or family slip into addiction, and see it change who they are.
It's a taboo subject that is tearing society apart.
Jun 2024 · 144
Sarah Mulqueen Jun 2024
I'm unsure what it is about these majestic creatures that first drew me in
From a young age I longed to be surrounded by them

I made friends with a neighbour
she tolerated my company well enough. That smell, molasses and grains barrels high. Her dusty old feed shed with hands just as grey

I made friends with a girl who was just as obsessed. We would play "horses" all recess. I would stay every weekend holidays too quizzing each other on horse facts we knew

I'm unsure how I still admire these creatures. I've been kicked. Though never bit.
I've been holding on for dear life while the horse gallops and kicks
Yet I'd get on a horse tomorrow and feel just as I did as a kid
Jun 2024 · 406
Sarah Mulqueen Jun 2024
Time is a thief
Robbing the old of their memories.
And the children of their youth.
slipping through your fingers like sand unable to get a firm grip
We spend our life wishing, wanting for more.
Yet never sacrificing our ideals to slow it all down.
Slow down to breathe in all you are grateful for.
Slow down to appreciate the life you have to live.
Time is a thief
As we begin to age
Jun 2024 · 244
Sarah Mulqueen Jun 2024
Your song always finds me sweet little piwakawaka
Reminding me to stop
To slow down among the chaos
To appreciate each blessing no matter how small

Your song it guides me Sweet little piwakawaka
Finding me among the thicket dancing around me as I make my way along

Your song it fills my heart with love sweet little piwakawaka
Reminding me of the gifts I've been given bearing life into the world
Reminding me of the ones that have passed keeping them in my heart

Your song it lifts me sweet little piwakawaka
Out of darkness and the gloom
The piwakawaka (fantail) is a native bird of New Zealand 🇳🇿.
They are seen as messengers of death to you or someone close to you in Maori tradition.
I have always felt a connection with them, they are cheeky and so inquisitive.
My little spirit animal
Sep 2023 · 744
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2023
Magic use to be fairies I'm sure
Anticipation we try to lure
Playing make believe
Oh to be young and naive
A world full of magical mystery
A Limerick about magic. The first thing I thought of when thinking about magic was my childhood, being determined to see a fairy. I wish that feeling of innocence never left us as we aged.
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2023
How it started
Running around the playground squealing with laughter.
Building stables on the field
Or witchy poo on the fort
Over 2 decades of knowing you. Experiencing life alongside you.
I watched in awe as you raised your family, and held it together all of these years Watching you grow into this unstoppable, firecly strong woman you are today
Ever need me, I'll be there
I'll never be in your pocket, or the other end of the phone every day
You'll always be like family to me, sorry but you ain't getting rid of me
Over 20 years of friendship. How they change alongside you and bloom in their own way
Sep 2023 · 151
My view was flawed
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2023
I've always had an image of what my idyllic life would be.
In my mind I'm failing myself if I'm not upholding that dream.

It became the most important thing for me, because then I'd be happy and content.

I didn't seek out hobbies for fulfilment and joy. Often leaving something I loved if I thought others were doing better than me.

I would stop seeing friends because this became my priority
All to have companionship, a family.
To sit around the table and share our day.

Being talked down to for years validating the fears you often already faced.
Being asked, "are you sure they're even your friend" or "why do you even like them".
When your anxiety gains a physical voice, and it's from a person you love you stop questioning the anxiety.

Years of often walking on eggshells, addressing things in a certain way to avoid any kind of conflict.
Then the table gets flipped and everything is pulled out from under you.
You have no one to turn to. Your people have been pushed away, the only ones that remain are also "their" people.

Your table looks incredibly small when there's no one to share it with.

Still afraid, unsure and raw. Your forced to find yourself. To better yourself for no one else but yourself.
It's empowering to be truly alone, and feel content with that.
To actually listen to your heart and find what makes it sing.
To not fill your life with clutter but those that truly matter.
I don't feel stronger, just more content and steady on my feet.
After a very messy breakup, after a 6 year relationship.
I finally realised I don't need someone else to validate me. I can do it for myself. It's been a hard slow journey, but I'm finally feeling like me again
Jul 2023 · 553
What's on the inside
Sarah Mulqueen Jul 2023
I wish I was stronger
That my mind would leave me alone
I keep trying
Pushing through all of these walls I've built
I keep trying
To focus on the little things to get me through each day
To focus on the positives in every single day
Why can't I just stop
Stop worrying about how I'm meant to do this because the pain and sadness doesn't stop
I wish I didn't feel so strongly
The emotions I carry weigh me down so intensely
I don't want this to be who I am or how I am
But it's the only way I've ever known how to be
Countless years of trying to brake this cycle just to function
To not feel so alone
To be happy
To be able to feel free of what I escaped from
To stand proud of who I am and that I'm here today
Three years ago in September, I tried to take my life. My self worth, value and my identity was in the hands of someone else. They wanted their cake and to eat it too, and it literally destroyed me.
3 years on, I'm still struggling to put back the pieces. 3 years on I'm stuck in limbo while life carries on around me.
I'm trying daily to break the patterns and redefine myself. But daily I am struggling.
Jul 2023 · 476
Tired of feeling this way
Sarah Mulqueen Jul 2023
Stuck where my world crashed all around me
Rotating through the mundane monotony on autopilot
It's time for a new book, not just a new page or chapter.
I went through a very messy separation, that still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I've been unable to move forward and pick myself up.
My world has become very small and isolated. My mental health has never been great, I just refuse to accept that this is me now.
Time to redefine who I am and how I want to be perceived
Apr 2022 · 444
I'm A Burden To Myself
Sarah Mulqueen Apr 2022
I wish I was stronger
That my mind would leave me alone
I keep trying
Pushing through all of these walls I've built
I keep trying
To focus on the little things to get me through each day
But each little thing is getting harder than it ever use to be
Why can't I just stop
Stop worrying about how I'm meant to do this
How I'm going to get through this
Stop avoiding life and carry on get over it and move on
I wish I didn't feel so strongly
But the emotions I carry weigh me down so intensely
I don't want this to be who I am
Yet it's how I see myself
I've got no dreams or aspirations
And I find that really weird
Why don't I want more out of life
Why can't I see a better future for myself
I just continue to get stuck in my head and weigh myself down
I'm a burden to myself
And I resent it more than I should
I wish I could see the light the silver lining behind it
Sep 2021 · 854
Within the silence
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2021
The silence has become deafening
By the silence
The chaos is not ceasing or changing its course
Destined to whirl around me
Twisting and pulling me in ways i could never explain
Pushing and pushing
And pushing
Until i cant hold myself anymore
My stregnth has shattered
Within the silence
Into a thousand tiny pieces i lay strewn on the floor
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
Sarah Mulqueen Apr 2021
I just need some quiet
Some peace
Because these voices are screaming at me tearing me apart
Just one day to not be told how worthless I've become
These voices are tormenting me making me insane
I just want some peace and quiet
Even just one day
Self talk, our own demise
Apr 2021 · 345
Sarah Mulqueen Apr 2021
Alone, though I've caused myself to be
Bitter, weak, & fragile. It's just hollow inside of me
Confused by how I got here, or who I am today
Determined to do better in every single way
Although it feels over I have a long way left to run
Eventually I hope I'll understand what it's all been for
Fresh & ready to face whatever comes my way
Glints of me keep poking through
It's overwhelming just how overbearing I've become
Just a little further, I'm sure my day is done
Lost confused changed by lust and love unable to let go
Mar 2021 · 498
My Silver Lining
Sarah Mulqueen Mar 2021
The pain stings deeper than ever before
I'm not sure what I've done in this life or a past life to get dealt this hand
The winds howl, as the storm surges on inside of me
I just want to burry myself then keep on digging
Because maybe the darkness or silence will accept me
Maybe I cant fight anymore
Forgetting what it was I was even fighting for
Because I loved,
Oh my God did I love
Without boundaries or false pretence
With pure acceptance and irrefutable forgiveness
The love was pure
The pain that drives into me, will send me to madness
I want to be missed like I miss you Because by God do I miss you
Where is my silver lining
Love lost
Dec 2020 · 202
I Don't Have To Be Ok
Sarah Mulqueen Dec 2020
Pained with a sadness I have never known
A dagger driving into the core of my soul
As I let go of everything
Yet a calmness washes over me
Something guiding me
Its not my own
I'm noticing things differently
The way the breeze dances softly with everything it touches
The scents that are heightened
The smell of rain before the storm
Clipped grass on a hot summers day
Perfume that lingers long after they've gone
I'm not in a daze
simple pleasures are filling me with more
I don't have to be ok
I'm not sure I ever will be the same again
Love lost and shared, can rupture your entirety
Oct 2020 · 402
Without You
Sarah Mulqueen Oct 2020
I miss you
Not just in the physical sense
In every sense of the word

Your unique way of doing things, its like watching a symphony of noise
You're either in complete harmony with it
Or consistently fighting against it

Your laugh
Oh your laugh
It fills my whole body with warmth
A sound I crave to hear

The smell of the top of your head, comforts me
Like a mothers embrace, I know I am safe

Day to day living never felt less mundane
Always helping wherever we felt we could
Exploring, guiding each other
Always finding refuge in one another

Life is not the same without you
Never will be without you
The emptiness, at times consumes me
Swallowing me whole
The crator you've left within me
Can only be filled by you

I hope
I have to hope
When your faced with decisions you can't control
May 2020 · 225
Sarah Mulqueen May 2020
I burn a little inside,
The pain
It strikes me, dives right into my core
I smile a little shakily
Talk a little less
So that others don't fear my sadness, offer sympathy on a platter

I need 8 coffee's
Just to start my day
I can't get up with a spring in my step or just pass the time away
My shoulders are tight
My limbs are heavy
I just want to get on with my day

I try with all my might
Still fragile
With a flicker of hope to make it through today
May 2020 · 224
Sarah Mulqueen May 2020
If the Sun didn't shine
And the Grass didn't grow
I'd be filled with sorrow
Mar 2019 · 405
Just A Breath
Sarah Mulqueen Mar 2019
Chest caught
A pressure weighing
Nothing seemed this heavy before
Nothing was so precious before
My whole world has been flipped brought smack back intoo reality

Just breathe

A love so pure
So strong
So fierce
How can I muster the strength to wield such a strong and beautiful being

Just breathe

Your ailments become my own
Your achievements fill my my heart
Your presence brightens my darkest day
I am so blessed to have you in my life
I feel unworthy to call you my daughter

Just a breath could change everything.
To stop my chest growing so tight
Feb 2017 · 804
Words unsaid
Sarah Mulqueen Feb 2017
To some,
This life is a maze,
To some just a path,
To others a confusing,
Distant memory.
Never be afraid of what's not yet set,
Before you start to age.
Some may dither,
Others they stumble,
But you remain graceful & strong.
My Granddad,
My hero.
Your wit must have seen you some trouble,
But your charm surely helped you out of a  few pickles.
That heart warming smile fills a room.
My Granddad,
My hero.
No one can ever compare to you.
Sarah Mulqueen Jan 2017
My body is a temple, one I must uphold.
My body is a temple,
A temple with a few bricks askew?
The foundations no longer stable?
Moss and ivy growing up the sides, finding all the crevasses.

To look at, all but a natural beauty.
I'm weathered at such a ripe young age.
My body is a temple.
But this temple needs a grave.

I can't call the architect,
To tell them they ****** up.
All the sympathetic looks, or sideways glares.
No one truly understand the amount I learn,
from the way they look at me.

My body is a safety hazard.
No warning sign required.
Hips and arms clicking and cracking. Legs, back and neck no better

Ease me up gently and handle with care.
I'll bruise with the slightest pressure.
My temple may as well be completely collapsed right on top of me.

My temple has a leak causing the structure to rot.
I don't have the energy,
To fix myself again.
I don't have the energy.
I'm barely even still me.
In April last year I found out my bone cyst had returned in my right humorous. I later found out I had been misdiagnosed and actually had something called Fibrous Dysplasia (
Which is something a lot more serious than an Anuerysmal Bone Cyst which is what I previously thought I had.

Without sounding mellow dramatic I hope I was able to portray how my body feels on a day to day basis with chronic pain.
Jun 2016 · 492
Myself. I Need Myself.
Sarah Mulqueen Jun 2016
Little by little I step away from myself
To be true to myself
If only to find myself
Overcoming the weight of emotional stress/trauma.
Jun 2016 · 761
I, Solemnly Swear
Sarah Mulqueen Jun 2016
I, solemnly swear... . . . .
Who to?
I've never met you.
I could lie through my teeth, & you have to take my word for it.

Of course I have lack of faith.
When I have to trust ******* like this.
Our future is dependent on imbeciles.
Crumpling away.
Like the forests, the lakes, & streams.

Shivering at this thought is an understatement.
The world WILL go on, Mother Nature will rise up & rid herself of the parasites.
That is why I struggle to sleep at night.

I, solemnly swear to do better by this planet.
Our home.
May 2016 · 500
Sarah Mulqueen May 2016
At a ripe young age my imagination would take me to faraway lands, where I knew I was safe because you were there to guide me.
As I grew I became confused by decisions made for me,
I was upset because you were my Dad but were unable to be there for me.
Headstrong & stubborn with an attitude to boot, are just a couple of reasons we clashed.
Whirling & twirling down a chaotic self destructive path.
Too scared to scream.
Too tired to ask for help.
I wish I had listened to you.
As I grow now I remember the guidance you gave me, I cherish the moments of laughter & memories you made with me. I regret the years we missed amidst all the chaos.
Seeing passion & knowledge just flowing out of you.
Taking the time to know you, become your friend as well as your daughter.
I love you Dad with all my heart, I'm just sorry I didn't say it sooner xo.
Apr 2016 · 828
Rest your weary head
Sarah Mulqueen Apr 2016
******* just let me sleep,
without nightmares or fare.
Without pain from clenching & grinding my teeth to the core.
Just please let me sleep.
Without aching tense muscles,
dread & anything more.
One night without clammy fists fulls of hair,
sheets drenched and clinging with sweat.
I weep as dawn breaks for I know my slumber awaits,
& the lord won't allow me to sleep.
Sep 2015 · 774
***False Niceties***
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2015
As the tears stream down her solemn face
The curtains fall
The mask drops
She waits
As her 'friends' disappear
Sep 2015 · 401
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2015
She looked up at him and smiled.
For she knew whatever she had to face, as long as she had him,
She'd be home.
Aug 2015 · 940
Autumn Bliss
Sarah Mulqueen Aug 2015
The dew drenched garden on a crisp Autumn morning.
Birds singing their song as you start your day.
Mist rolling over the Hunter Hills & down the galley, creating a lite fog throughout the town.
Your shoes become slicker with moisture, flicking drips into the air as you crunch through the leaves on your walk to school.
Teeth chattering as you make your your journey, steam rising from your mouth a constant reminder of the porige you had for breakfast.
Young & oblivious to the beautiful scenery that surrounds you.
The days when the worst part is facing possible detention.
If only I knew then just how easy I had it.
Aug 2015 · 581
Sleep Now Little One
Sarah Mulqueen Aug 2015
Thrown back a melenia, learning to crawl and take those first steps once again.
Thrown into the darkest corners in my mind, made to confront those fears.
Vulnerability, an understatement.
You could never imagine the cool slime like shield that surrounds my form.
Once a bubble,
A haven,
Clean & pure now burst torn & ripped into a million little pieces making it impossible to put back together again.
I weep for my inner child,
Those demons & torment haunting me.
My dreams what once were, now will never be.
May 2015 · 411
Sarah Mulqueen May 2015
Blanketed in your warm embrace.
Cradling me
Carrying me threw time and space.
Everything becomes right.
Apr 2015 · 501
The Rose To Life, I Giveth
Sarah Mulqueen Apr 2015
To be is to ponder,
Taking every waking moment & nourishing it giving it life as though it were your last.
Cherish life,
For without it you simply wouldn't be.
Let go of hate caused by wrong doings brought upon you.
The peace & lightness that follows will guide you for the rest of time.
LOVE whole heartedly toward every living being.
Sarah Mulqueen Apr 2015
So torn within myself.
A battle I'm unfit to fight in let alone win.
On the brink of tears at every moment of the day.
Jealousy, anxiety, nill confidence and self esteem.
Constantly apologising to those around me.
How could I have been so foolish and naive to try and bury these burdens praying they wouldn't catch up with me.
I don't want pity or to be cradled and told "everything will be alright."
All I want is to feel I'm in control of my emotions and begin to feel less alien in my own skin.
Feb 2015 · 376
You've Given Me Strength
Sarah Mulqueen Feb 2015
Ive been running for years, never feeling safe or at ease. No sense of 'home' until that day you held me.
My lifes been a lie, countless masks to face whatever gets thrown at me. Hiding from those demons that chase & torment me, too frightened & weak to tackle this road alone.
I feel safe when im with you, you're my best friend & my protector.
Ive trusted in you, pried open doors that were sealed with rust and vines.
Ive trusted in you, pieces of me im too afraid to look at alone.
I give you my hand, my hearts already yours.
Jan 2015 · 483
Sarah Mulqueen Jan 2015
Cris-crossing as you walk down the line,
Avoiding the glear from the shallow glassyfaced individuals.
A smile would crack their "perfect" complexion.
No appreciation nor gratitude for tomorrow, just keep picking at your flesh wound to gain some satisfaction.
Never mind the scar.
Glorified pen pushers making a mockery out of a civilised man.
Civil only to avoid brutality & jail from those who couldn't show an ounce of respect.
I weep & bow my head in shame as I watch this world unravel.
Jan 2015 · 915
Lovey Dovey
Sarah Mulqueen Jan 2015
I will always see the cheese in all of those romantic quotes,
But I finally understand what they mean by "two hearts meeting and together become one."
Yes we argue from time to time & have our differences,
We're only human.
You encourage & push me to be the best that I  can.
Its hard for you but at least you try to show me sympathy when im upset or hurt.
You care for & hold me even if I put up an unnecessary fight.
You make me laugh even when at times I want to cry.
I look at you & feel a wave of warmth flood through me as butterflies dance inside me.
I still feel nervous around you,
Wanting to impress and please you at any opportunity.
I want to build a life with you,
Hand in hand.
Help fulfil each others dreams & longings.
I love you with every ounce of me.
Dec 2014 · 823
~~~ Ode To Matt ~~~
Sarah Mulqueen Dec 2014
You caught me in a webb from the first day we met.
I knew I wanted to know you more,
Although unsure of what more meant.
Intrigued by your quirky sense of humor,
Those soft caring eyes I could swim in for days.
That smile melted my heart & swept me away.
I feel safe when I'm with you as though I'm finally home.
Your little imperfections are what make you beautiful,
I'll promise to never mould or change you.
This is a little piece of me,
To show what you mean to me.
I give you my locket & key.
Nov 2014 · 535
Sarah Mulqueen Nov 2014
Mistaken guidance puts a fog like haze on reality.
Nov 2014 · 787
Sarah Mulqueen Nov 2014
Trying to figure out the point to " needing to make something of my life".
Constantly stuck in the mud with all these zombies of today.
Being force fed.
Feeding tube rammed down our throats to make their garbage easier for us to swallow.
Everything that life has to offer us is becoming a privilege,
Or taxed to benefit the hierarchy of the country.
Question authority,
Its becoming all we have left.
Nov 2014 · 715
Sarah Mulqueen Nov 2014
I wish I could flip a switch & revert back to childhood.
So free spirited,
Attaining pure joy from the simplest of things.
The world hasn't been tainted by its evil truths,
Slimey slithery bugs being flung in your hair were the worst of your troubles.
Content with your imagination,
Everyday filled to the brim with magical forest creatures.
When did our curtain of innocence get lifted,
The older we get the more hostile and brittle the world becomes.
I dont want to be in a world where we dont get to hear the children play.
Nov 2014 · 370
Such Is Life *_*
Sarah Mulqueen Nov 2014
Floating through the sky as though I were as light as paper.
Letting the breeze take me on a journey,
Don't worry about tomorrow its yet to exists.
Through thunder and hail and winds I couldn't bare to imagine.
I become a rag doll.
Thrown in any direction.
Tattered and ripped.
Oct 2014 · 637
Sarah Mulqueen Oct 2014
Amongst the vines&mis;;, soft mossy ground under foot&the; smell of rain in the air.
Get lost with me in this magical land where the catipilars are bright and allseeing.
Get lost with me where i'll give you a little piece of me & open up a door for you to see into the depths of me.
I'm slipping down a rabbit hole.
I hope you'll be there to catch me when I fall.
Oct 2014 · 635
Sarah Mulqueen Oct 2014
There I lay,
All innereds  discarded along side the rubble.
Dark shadows cascading faces to the mundane.
Confused & tormented,
Uncertain of where to turn.

I find you.

Both battered & bruised.
Scared & confused.
I'll be your light,
Warmth & comfort.
A safe-haven to rest your weary head.
Oct 2014 · 448
Sarah Mulqueen Oct 2014
Smudging the lines, to try feel secure.
Trying to find the "black and white" among all this chaotic colour.
The little dog sweeping the path as I go "Are you trying to confuse me more?"
Left to my own demise,
Maybe what I want really isn't what I need?

Alone & constricted, could I be anymore confused?
Amnesia will fix this,
Wipe the slate clean. Isn't that what they say?
Who are they? & why wont they give me any answers?

I'm tired of putting on this face.
I wont apologize if it offends you.
Aug 2014 · 367
This Funks Gotta Change!
Sarah Mulqueen Aug 2014
Do you ever get the feeling you're trapped, or in captivity?
Not by the true meaning of the word.
An overwhelming feeling you try, but cannot escape from.
Forbidden topics we feel should never be mentioned, there lays part of the problem.
We need to learn to reach for one another, help each other break free from these chains we've imprisoned ourselves in.
Maybe then we will be able to heal our home.
Aug 2014 · 1.8k
Radiance, You Wonderful You!
Sarah Mulqueen Aug 2014
I've fallen,* lost and alone inside this beautiful abyss.
I wonder how I found myself here, somehow this light reflecting, radiating and submerging me is making it all seem alright.
I found you,in a time of need. Broken in such subtle ways, my spirit is here to guide me.
I don't want to fix you, and I'd be a fool to think you could fix me. Maybe, just maybe we can become more at ease.  
Through the rain and deepest of snow, howling winds that whistle and sigh. We can wait out the storm in this little bungalow
I would wait, for you, a life time.
Just enjoy us in the NOW and see where it takes you.
Let go and be free, I'll be here to catch you
Aug 2014 · 404
Twisted Stitches
Sarah Mulqueen Aug 2014
Scratching from the inside, hurts more than the physical sense.
A shattering within my chest. Emotions on a tidal wave that has just smashed into shore.
I shouldn't trust my own judgement's anymore.
This is clearly not my shining hour.
Aug 2014 · 684
Just take a minute
Sarah Mulqueen Aug 2014
Not enough people sit and observe the world today,
or their closest peers in it.
Too much time spent on trying to get things done, and then wonder how it seldom goes according to plan.
Too much time spent worrying, then wondering where their lives went.

So much beauty, laughter and joy slipping through the cracks.
Never being experienced, never given life nor a chance to shine.
Does it make you saddened to think you may be missing so much of life?
The little things, all because of this thing called "time" may cease to exist.
Jul 2014 · 626
The Forever Alone - Child
Sarah Mulqueen Jul 2014
Yesterday, I could see clearly.
Thinking & actions flowed freely on their own accord.
[ Where is my mind? ]
Yesterday, "things" mattered.
I had goals.
Or so I thought?
I didn't worry about the way I stood, or whether I have a "dorky" look. Because today I saw you.
I was struck with awe by the mere presence of you.
If my limbs hadn't of frozen, then maybe I would have spoken to you. As the days roll by this fog grows thicker, you've become a form of block in my mind. [ Just think something rational! I swear I've forgotten how!]
It's a beautiful dream I've planned out for you & me.
But I know I'll be, forever alone
Written for a dear friend of mine to help him to understand infatuation and it's wicked ways
Jul 2014 · 805
Sarah Mulqueen Jul 2014
Blanketed beneath your warm embrace, I'm comforted by your tender spirit.
Learning each other, getting closer & fonder.
We're fragile creatures still finding our tongues.
Spirited away through the nightly hollows, like finding peace among the stars letting the journey unfold & become clearer to see.
I wont be frightened, only eager for what's to come.
Knowing my soul sings louder, I wonder if your song has even begun?
Jul 2014 · 727
Sarah Mulqueen Jul 2014
My own advice must be lacking in something.
Will I in turn become defeated by my own dimise?
What doesn't break you makes you stronger.
Well maybe Im tired of being broken.
Hiding inside my head for now, let me know when you've found "an easy way out"
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