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When the clouds come
I cast them away
I tear them apart,
Dismantling grey

I am left with the blue
Entranced by its hue, but
Its vastness consumes
And I, lost without aim

So empty pages I thumb
Clear eyes achingly numb
Skin desperate to soak in
The sweet mist of pain
From where the clouds came
Oh, when the clouds come
Your sweet melody
Sticks to my neck
Like fingers nectarine
And when the sun
Heaves heat upon me,
Oh, how it sings
This, the abyss
No one warned me about
Where imminent fevers
Cannot be sweat out
And sanity’s good side
Turns one cheek too late
In centripetal orbit
Eluding escape
The days,
All the days,
Even those
Inlaid with light,
Shutter closed,
As days do,
With harsh fray
Of night
Easier said than done
Not Elsa's Disney smash
For some this is merely survival and a piece of cake
Some can go with the flow
While others like us Sensitive ones cant until we are ready
No rush, no pressure but whenever finally comes be ready to let it and them go
Letting go lets you bring them back when you are ready or say Farewell and move on

Been there and still doing that though some should have shown the door long ago!
I’m angry with love
I thought I’d finally found it
Even with red flags in the air

I’d gone so long
Wondering if I could be loved
Needing to be loved
And I... I was so desperate
To mistake the mess that I’d made
For love

I just... I needed it...
I wanted it so badly...
That when I saw a chance
For any real kind of connection
I threw everything I had at it
I barreled past the warning signs
And all the caution tape
For that chance
That impossible chance

And it broke me.
I just... I don’t want to be alone anymore
I just want to know for once in my life
What a man’s loving embrace feels like
I just want to know what it’s like
To press our lips together and kiss
I just want to know love is an option for me
I just want to know what it’s like...
You’ve spent so long
Fighting with yourself
Feeling absolutely everything
And sometimes nothing at all

You can’t hide from that pain
You can’t run
But I used to believe
That it would never leave me

I’m not sure anymore
I think maybe
I can see a life free of it
But for now,
It’s right behind me
Waiting for me to trip
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