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 Jul 2015 Samantha
Only you
 Jul 2015 Samantha
I've been to the bottom
Once or twice
I've been in need
More than I'd like
I've made some choices
Of which I'm not proud
Only you were there
Only you pulled me out
Out of the wreckage
Out of my depths
Only you were there
When I was desperate
Only you
Were all I could look to
Talk to
Believe in always
Only you
Jehovah <3
 Jul 2015 Samantha
They make your tiny wheels
Turn like clockwork
It's automatic
Sometimes the wheels
Spin so fast
Damage happens
Irreparable thoughts enter
A snap occurs
Reaction follows
The result
An immense collapse

On the other hand
The opposite
A building of
Helpful and thoughtful
Collections of compliments
Making a person believe
They can achieve anything

Oh how powerful
Are words
 Jun 2015 Samantha
you are a house
you are made of walls and doors
and windows to see through
you are a house and I have made a home inside of you.
 Jun 2015 Samantha
Chelsea Patton
Don't you dare tell  me I am beautiful.
Until you have seen my scars...
That are craved into my body,
and the blood that pours out of my soul..

Don't you dare tell me I am lovely,
until I completely shut you out of my life..
Because I swore to myself,
you are just like the others and you will get sick of me.....

Don't you dare tell me I am flawless,
until you have seen me break down in tears..
I will show you the darkness  that's inside me that's consumes me,
and you will run away form me...

But  if you,
have seen my scars,
my bitterness,
and darkness...
Then I might believe you....
Hope you guys like it
thanks guys
 Jun 2015 Samantha
you say that it hurts you deep down inside your bones because the bones are as deep as the body's depth goes.
 Jun 2015 Samantha
strong enough
 Jun 2015 Samantha

I’m strong enough not to let you see me fall apart
So I hide my cries between my sighs.

I’m strong enough to stand alone against the cold landscape
So I hide my sadness between fake faces.

I crave, I starve, I wonder
And get lost in the process.
Then end up getting back to where I started.

How far will I stay strong?
How far will I carry along this dying song?
When will I ever belong?


I always talk on how poetry is an embark journey of mine. But more often I came back with recurring questions. I can say “I’m strong enough” but for how long, how far long will I go, or how much more I can take… big sighs…
 Jun 2015 Samantha
I didn't see it coming
Like a storm
You came
And numbed my will
To choose the one I chose
But to choose the one you chose
This reserved heart you struck Cupid

Against my will
I fell inlove.
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