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The feeling I had
When I crossed
The time you loved me
To the time you left me.
I'm here without you
And the forced silence
Is so ******* loud
I never let goodbye
Get to me like this
But this time
This time it hurts
Because you,
Really had me
And I don't know*

I don't know
the etching of
reflection in a china bowl
full of water,
our love
uncovering tiny silver
stars on the horizon.
 Aug 2016 Sally Tsoutas

The sunrise
may be beautiful,
awash across the
dawning skies
Though morning for me
won’t begin
until you open up
your eyes

For then the beauty
that I see
will start my day
in perfect view
As nothing is
more beautiful
than mornings spent
in love with you
I spend my days *****
Ink running from my fingertips.
Spilling the blackness of my soul over your paper thin skin every written sin sinking within you.

Can you withstand my words
Tearing at your flesh like a natural disaster
tempting your heart to beat faster, forcing you to see the storm in my eyes.
Unmasking the darkness I fantasize.
Love can do impossible things.
It can take a train ride to Antarctica
or leave behind a parachute when you skydive
and survive.

Love can do impossible things.
It can go days without food
or water, or anything it needs,
and still be satisfied with just you.

Love can do impossible things.
It can forgive the awful people
who seek to abuse its true purpose,
then keep loving even the worst of those.

Love can do impossibly wonderful things.
It has tethered my soul to yours,
and your soul to mine, infinitely,
no matter what happens in life's course.

Love can do impossible things.
I believed I had no more love to give,
that passion had dried up in a desert,
but you gave the water for my love to live.

Love thrives in an impossible world.
It's always proving us wrong,
making the darkest days bright,
and like three birds,
reminding us everything will be alright.

*I love you, and we will be okay.
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