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 May 2016 Salome

*Taking a breath
beneath heaven’s glowing embers
Calling the moon
as it passes through the night
Feeling the breeze
through the branches softly whisper
Dreaming of you
under stardust shimmered light
Kicking a stone
till it tumbles past the forest
Singing a song
to the echoes that I hear
Counting the stars
when I notice one is falling
Walking alone
always wishing you were here
 May 2016 Salome
jane taylor

a blank canvas

with blurred edges

and ambiguous spaces

thank you god

for allowing me

to paint

 May 2016 Salome
 May 2016 Salome
We're a lot like books, you know?
We have an outside cover people will judge us on,
And we all have quite the story to tell.
Just a random thought, mmkay?
I watched her everyday

                                  like a movie

                           but I knew

                                                               that there was more depth in the book.
 May 2016 Salome
Terry Amos
 May 2016 Salome
Terry Amos
The smell of a new page
Thrill seeking adventure
A new world opening up
You just can’t get enough
 May 2016 Salome
Cláudio Costa
feet on below
mind up above
it is yet to know
where she wanders, my love

come down already
from the foam of your dream
you float yet you're steady
playing notes down a stream

I can hear your voice
and its echo in distance
it's a morning rejoyce
it's a call to existence

waking up and it's you
holding me in a clutch
so simple, so true
your smell, your touch

in the night then you shine
standing in for the day
I can not make you mine
but I want you to stay

the sun standing up there
looks below when you rise
because under your hair
you're the moon in disguise.
 May 2016 Salome
Michael Blonski
Pour energy
into your

Write with intensity
so great
that if you held the page
from a mountain's peak
your words
would be mistaken
wow! I'm so honored to have been selected for the daily. I feel like there are far more deserving writers than I!
Thank you everyone for reading my work and all the lovely comments.
Please use the tags below to read some great works from great people :)
 May 2016 Salome
jane taylor
 May 2016 Salome
jane taylor
like a whisper
in my soul

cradle me
in your arms
don’t leave
me here

inside my skin
hollow wind

fill me up
drink me in
i’ll disappear

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