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Brittle and frail
Perception to perceptions
There lies perfection
It doesn’t lie
Stands perfect and tall
Much tug, Leads to fall
Maintains a standard
Not standard for all
  Nov 2022 Sally A Bayan
Don’t worry my love
I can’t take your pain away
But I’ll hold your hand


(Dedicated to my lovely husband the love of my life)
My husband has osteoarthritis in his knee and a pulled ligament in his other knee his in so much pain but his a fighter and a warrior as everyday he still goes to work even though his in awful pain , I feel frustrated at times cause i cannot take his pain away but will always support him and help him as much as I can *** True Love Always is a phase me & my husband have used since the day we met and over the years our true love always as grown and grown so big it’s truly True love always **
  Nov 2022 Sally A Bayan
Carlo C Gomez
I see you looking back at me,
but I have no memory of you,
no name or event to link us
as kindred soul.

There's a sun playing
expressionless games
about to fall from the shelf,
my feet may burn, but never my heart.

My mirror is a broken window,
the broken window, a city,
and a man and woman
are crossing into it,
—crossing my mind,
fused together.

Their laughter like
claps of thunder,
bursting forth in a sky
devoid of any signs of me...
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