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I sit starring at the mirror,
your thoughts roam in my mind.
I am waiting for that day,
i will wake up and think about you no more.
Heads you win,
Tails you lose,
Such a childish game
Yet here I am,
Flipping a coin
over and over again.

Heads you love me
Tails you don't.
My heart yearns for more.
It yearns for truth,
The words in your mind,
The emotions in your core.

Heads I love you,
Tails I don't.
Trying to make sense of this.
How do I feel?
What do I feel?
Or is this simply a trick?

Heads you think about me,
Tails you don't.
Do I ever cross your mind?
Do you ever worry about me?
Wish I was there?
Have you ever given me a sign?

Heads you win,
Tails you lose.
Such a childish game.
Yet here I am,
Flipping a coin
Over and over again.
Missing Love
You hold my heart, in those large, surprisingly delicate, dextrous hands. Your twisted little fingers, the ones I stroked and kissed only yesterday, move against my beating heart as they reach for me through restless dreams. Are you dreaming? I exist now, only in your dreams. If you do not dream, I cease to be. You promised to devour me; you did. I danced on your warm, rough tongue. You taste me still. I will change the story that your senses tell, I will alter all remembrance and anticipation. I become you; then, now and evermore.  

‘I miss you’ is a paltry phrase, inadequately addressing the way my heart has moved into my throat and is trying to escape. I search for you, in the city you have departed. The city calls you back; it wants you here, and so do I. You perfectly fit this imperfect paradise. I cannot absorb your departure, you are still here, burned into the tips of my fingers, pressed into the skin of my lips. Your thigh rests under the palm of my hand. Your voice echoes at the centre of me. I hold you within. If I reach inside, I can bring you from me, to me. My need for you can make this happen. My longing for you is all that there is.
 Nov 2015 Sabrina O'Connor
If given the chance,
we could make fireworks,
I'd ignite
the fire beating in your chest,
and create
a beautiful E X P L O S I O N.
I'd taste the sizzle on your tongue,
a searing blaze glowing in my mouth.
Wrapped up in our own fervid inferno,
we would
        melt together,
into a galaxy on fire.
I traveled a long way to see a better day but all I found was loneliness and dismay I poured my heart out to those who wouldn't listen to what I had to say I came to Wyoming to brake horses and maybe steal a heart but since I ben in cody I haven't seen a sunrise yet all Ive had is misfortune and regret I was held up by gun piont on a shore of a river bank I tried to help a kid to learn but his anger made my heart sank  there was to much wild in him to tame so I left that ranch and hung  my head in shame I seen buffalo and the hot springs I seen the north fork and what the called weather brings but since I ben in cody I havent seen a sunrise yet  theres hard times I can't seem to kick and wounds I can't seem to lick I would pack up and leave if I had a chance it's not like the movies filled with gun smoke and romance I wish I never came and theres nobody to blame but since I ben in cody I haven't seen a sunrise yet
 Nov 2015 Sabrina O'Connor
If she asks you
If she asks you who I am, tell her. Tell her
because she is not starting a fire for an explanation but a confession.

If you tell her I was just a girl you dated
for a couple of years, she will only give you a hard time.
The hundreds of photos tagged in your outdated profile and the stack
of books with our names written will be her allies.

If you tell her I was an old friend, she will only hear
half of what you say. She will recall how you looked at places
with a tinge of regret and a shade of nostalgia. She will remember
how you skipped a certain song ― a reminder of something you’ll find an excuse
not to tell her every time the car radio is on.

If she asks you who I was, lie a little,
because she is not crossing the line for answers but for assurances.

Don’t tell her how our lips played with poetry and how we dared
to dream under the light of the taciturn satellite. Skip the part where we
fought dragons together and how we named each other’s scars.

Reserve the fact that you still keep the letters, notes, old restaurant receipts under
your drawers and some tearstained thoughts at the back of your pillow. She doesn’t need to know
why you reread past conversations or why your mother mentioned me at the family dining table
just to ask you what I have been up to.

Finally, if she asks you who I was to you, tell her you love her. Put her in the limelight
because she is testing you to pull the trigger pointed at her

But you won’t. Instead, you will tell her she’s beautiful to compensate
for the words you never had the guts to tell me. You will tell her she’s a keeper, for the hell of it.
You will tell her a poor research about human cells being replaced after seven years so that one day,
I will leave no trace on your body.

She will then forget that you mentioned my name while sleeping. She will wash the lipstick stains
on your bedsheets and remove the extra toothbrush in the shower. She will ignore the way you twitch
every time you hear a familiar author or my favorite curse word. She will fill the spaces
of your fingers and plaster kisses at the holes of your chest. She will replace every scent of me
with her own promises, insecurities, and mistakes.

She will do this. She will, because when she asked you about me,
she knew I was the ghost of the house. And at the back of your head, you wanted to tell her
that the ****** no longer need saving. But by all means,
darling, she can try.

A. A. Dizon
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