"it is better to have loved and lost
then never to have loved at all"
is it?
not to me. no, to me
It is easier to have never loved at all
It saves you from becoming
the mess and the brokenness
That you transform into
once you lose the person that meant most to you
you sit there
at 3:01
wide awake
in the same clothes you've worn for 2 1/2 weeks
you've cried to much
and yet it feels like you haven't cried enough
your mind
wraps you in a blanket
of barbed wire
made from your thoughts
you cannot move
more so you *won't move
you're numb
not physically but emotionally
the kind of numb where you don't
care about anything anymore
all you can think is
You’ll never share coffee with them again
You’ll never kiss them goodbye
You’ll never see them smile or hear them laugh
And there’s literally nobody else in the world that can
imitate that one laugh
they will never leave your mind
even when you've stopped thinking about them
they're still there
in the back of your mind
on the tip of your tongue
*it is better to have never loved at all
then to have loved and lost