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Temptations are hiding in the lines of her skin.
She is the only book you can read in the dark.
She could destroy most men with just a flick of her hair.
But she can really rip your soul out with her stare, eyes brighter than a supernova and her smile, more mind blowing than the black holes she creates.
Her body, is the creation of infinity. Her voice is the reason there is no gravity in space.
She is acid rain running down your face and leaving you with that bitter taste.
She is the feeling of warmth, in an ice cold embrace.
I would imagine she is the reason men like me are here to write her into poetry. She is simply, just, a woman.
Without you looking
I put little bits and pieces
of you in my pocket,
I tried taking them out this morning
to hug you
but it turns out
my pocket had a little hole
While she wants you to fall in love with her skin, be more focused on the stars in her eyes. Connecting the constellations to her heart, and falling in love with her mind.
I want to explore the stars in your eyes
get lost in forever with the galaxies in your mind.
                                   Infinity will always seem impossible, to the average people.

                       We could
  creat a love that not even infinity
                     can contain.  

      But while I'm gazing at the stars you're too busy waiting for the sunrise.
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