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Chloe Zafonte
22/F/United States    You won't find another brutally honest poet like me.
Colten Sorrells
Madly in love with my muse
Daylight 4U2C
everywhere    I am who I am. I do what I do. I live by my morals. I am me, not you. I try to be loud, …
A Lopez
Mexico city, mexico    Hola, I'm Angelina new to this poetry thing just thought I'd come here to like some good poesía and Maby show the little bit I …
The Girl Who Loves You
Within My Heart    Just writing what I think, what I feel and everything inbetween. As Poe said "All that we see or seem, is but a dream within …
i'm known to create art on occasion. lost and confused. is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Stefania S
i write to honor the voice inside of me that deserves to be heard
16/F    a . n . d . y
23/M/Oklahoma    As i walk out the door Towards the gate That would lead to my freedom I knee if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred …
Molantwa Mmele
Paarl, Cape Town   
Melissa S
I am from a small town in Alabama. I use to keep a journal several years ago and quit writing altogether when I got too …
A Lorraine
Sejal Nathany
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. ❤
Christina Philipe
Portugal    Leakage from a hyperactive mind...
Samuel Hesed
New York    ____________________________________________________________________ Check out my Website: Hello, my name is Paul. My pen/middle name is Samuel Hesed. I am in love with Poetry, Philosophy, Space, …
Ronell Warren Alman
Lynnwood, Washington    This is my description of myself and my poetry. My name is Ronell Warren Alman. I was born on Monday, August 26th 1974 in New …
Soumya Goswami
Sagar, India.    18. A traveller, scribbler, dreamer who loves music, photography, sketching and good food. I have ownership of all my work.
Nikhita Karnam
Flawless Contradictions
50/F/Michigan    Writing is a reminder that I'm still alive. A hippie with a gypsies touch. Hollow, trying to embrace the earths saliva. Ask me anything I'm …
Murad Husain
Dhaka    My writings represent me....
Hao Nguyen
Fargo, ND    I've creatively written almost nine years, first starting in fiction, then journalism writing, and then play script writing, before focusing on poetry. I currently have …
Aaryan sachdeva
India    Hi everyone! I'm am a 16 year old from India. I like to write! I love to live life to its fullest! contact me on …
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