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If I'm being honest,
I press my lips to the glass
To follow you down.
I am a message in an opened bottle
But I keep pace
With your sips
Hoping our loose lips
Might, together, launch ships.

If I'm being honest,
I sip the nectar of intoxication
To make excuses.
I am sure of my sober thoughts
But I know
Under night's tender spell
Is where we might tell
All truth before morning's knell.

If I'm being honest,
I'm already one ahead
To calm my racing heart.
I have rehearsed this conversation alone
Hoping to finally break
Past the short ending
Through the faltering and shaking
To say the things we are longing.

If we're being honest,
We're getting toasted
Just to loiter.
We keep turning the hourglass over
Buying more time
With water in bars,
Playlists in parked cars,
And chilly walks under the stars.
 May 2013 Robin
George Arkley
They ask me what I see,
What I see when I'm dreaming,
What I see when I'm listening,
What I see when I'm writing,
But I don't see; I understand,

I understand how minds work,
I understand how hearts work,
I understand how my world works,
But I don't understand them.

Why can't people accept it?
Why do they need to know why?
Why do they want to know?
But they don't want to know why; they want to know what.

If I see their futures,
If I see the dead,
If I see words before me,
But I don't see; I understand.

So when they ask, what do I see in you?
I don't reply. I smile,
Because when I dream,
And I listen,
And I write,
You know what I see?
What I've always seen:
 Feb 2013 Robin
Infamous one
 Feb 2013 Robin
Infamous one
The night is going well
She's a Beauty and special
Hair combed right
Things feel alright
Both looking head to toe
Her heels of glam
Rocking the chuck
Hopefully bring good
She wears a skirt not to short
She's classy don't rush to kiss
Just hold her hand and flirt
Colored eyes chance with the color clothes
Showing skin not too much exposed
She chose the fit so the eyes womt quit
Night of dinner romance her tonight
No need to rush build the trust
Night comes to an walk her to the door
Say good night say let's do this another night
 Feb 2013 Robin
April Watson
 Feb 2013 Robin
April Watson
You remind me of summer rays
Fall's forever changing shades
Winter's great gloomy days
Spring time's growing emerald blades

You remind me of warm sunny rain
Golden glowing wheat plains
Infinite ivory glossy glades
Begonias rising from breezy serenades

You are to me as sweet as iced tea
As moody as the salty sea
As far way as the eye can see
As wise as an ancient willow tree
As nosey as a buzzing bee
As trouble free as middle C

You are as kind as your eyes
And as reliable as the sunrise

You are nothing and everything I could think to ask for
Yet you are so much more.
 Feb 2013 Robin
Victoria Jennings
Always waiting
For yet
Luxourious kiss
For you see
My heart
With you is
And your lips
They press on mine
And send my mind
All this joy
A jolt awakens my sleepy soul
For you brighten each moment
And with you even I
Dread sleep
You kiss me sometimes
With this fierce passion
Like I'm all that matters
Almost as though
Your kiss
Tells me you love me
And when you cup my face
Or run your hand through my hair
My soul brightens up
And suddenly
The clouds part
For I can finally reach
As long as you
Are by my side.
I love you always my King.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
I wasn’t supposed to fall so hard
I wasn’t supposed to call out for your arms in the night
And my lips weren’t supposed to search for yours
As if they would actually be there.
I wasn’t supposed to nuzzle into my pillow at night
pretending that your hands were nestled in my hair
I wasn’t supposed to make small talk
just so I could hypnotize myself with that something in your eyes
I wasn’t supposed to wake up cold in the gray morning
with the strong urge to be bruised and bitten
In fits of slow, languid passion.

Unreal how our bodies match and move together,
Uncanny how our minds meld and play in synch.
My youthful love for life,
Your chuckling maturity, still unsure what life is.

Now I play soft ballads full of aching, yearning,
I can wrap myself in a blanket on the floor
With a mug of tea, and think silently on you
And the shadows I wish I could conjure into existence…
They live inside, dancing to burst free from our guilty bodies
Too ethereal, too beautiful, to be abandoned
When we (artists) know we live for such wonders.

I wish I had any other option but forgetting,
or descending into madness.
(I’m currently choosing madness..?)

And it wasn’t supposed to be like this.
I wasn’t supposed to fall so hard.
I’m so sorry,
My summer love.

Written for N, and a cold morning in an empty house up Chumstick Highway.
 Nov 2012 Robin
 Nov 2012 Robin
I could have kissed you
up against the stained wall
when no one was looking
and the lights were shining neon.

I could have kissed you
walking up the granite steps
on the roof of the music building
when the stars seemed perfect
and I was drunk.

I could have kissed you on my cerulean sheets
with your tan arm wrapped around my bones
where the music was faintly dancing
and I realized you had lovely hazel eyes.

but I kissed you in the basement
where you held me without force
and the kisses were lyrical
as they trailed down my neck
I fell for the gentleness of your hands
and the sweet smile on your face.
 Nov 2012 Robin
Grey clouds billow from your plum mouth.
A painful memory hanging in the swirls.
Times forgotten list; names scrawled in evil's ink.
Linked to your past indifference's.
For-going, all rhythm or rhyme.

I wish of you, Damon;
To be a purest of heart-
Not selfish, an self serving,
But one owning forgotten presavasion.

Continue your demon ways, smoking your damnation-
Scribbled with hazy mazes, rippling forth.

I beseech thee--
Save yourself from this sin.

But at last, show me mercy, scorched angel.
Rip this rusted dagger from my back-
Let me bleed this infection from my very soul.

No more, I tell you.

Let me be at rest.
Again, on a vampire kick. Don't judge me >,<

© Victoria
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