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 Nov 2012 Robin
Danielle Zornes
Innocence is lost
Reality sets in

Chilhood is over
now the pain begins

Promises are broken
here comes all the tears

No more smiles of happiness
Show me all your fears

Tell me what's inside you
Tell me what you see

Do you think your normal?
Or do you feel like me?
 Nov 2012 Robin
Symon Bernstein
they called me
unwilling or unable
is the key to joy
kept in bottles
silence is golden
written all over
paint-stripped walls

kiss me so i’ll sleep
the long sleep
A beautiful place, filled with flora and greenery,
Where nature’s daintiness at its best you can see…
I sit by the roses, at my favorite spot,
Pretty much confused, lost deep in thought…

All around me are flowers and trees of every shape and size,
A kaleidoscopic foliage appeasing the eyes…
The rustic elegance forms a romantic view,
If only I could share the romance with someone I knew...

There’s a reason this place is called Cupid’s arrow,
Its to contemplate, and come to know,
If love has struck you,
And if that love is pure and true…

After which its for spending quality time with that special someone,
To pass love around and have some fun,
To fulfill your romance’s every desire,
And stoke your heart’s burning fire…

So I sit there, wondering, pondering,
About him, and if it was love he did bring,
He entered my life just a short while ago,
Until then who he was I didn’t in the least know…

That he likes me he has made it passively imperative,
And in certain subtle ways I find him attractive,
But do I truly love him? That I do not know,
And it is this answer I want Cupid’s arrow to show…

Whether by destiny, or by chance,
It was here that we had our first fling of romance,
All it was, was that we passed each other,
Each staring wistfully at the other…

But for these few fleeting moments time slowed considerably,
And I remember each moment, vividly…
How entrancing his brown eyes were,
Ad how the rest of the world became a blur…

And just as we were crossing each other, the blissful trees
Whispered romance through the pleasant breeze…
And rained a shower of flower petals on the two of us,
It seemed over our infatuation nature did dote and fuss…

Which is why I took this as a sign,
That maybe, maybe this guy could be mine..
My once chance at true romance,
I really want to take that chance…

But what if he were to break my heart,
What if cupid’s arrow tore me apart,
I’m smitten, but I’m not sure I love him,
Because hearts succumb easily to materialistic desire’s whim…

And what would happen to him, if it didn’t work out…
He too, would be heartbroken, no doubt…
I care too much to affect him in any way,
If anything happened I wouldn’t live to see another day…

So I sit wondering, whether I ever dare,
To even try and lay my heart bare,
Open up and confess everything,
Or just let it remain a fling…

All around me, nature portrays romance,
But love, it’s a double edged lance,
The trees are rustling again, I see him walking towards me,
I have to decide if Cupid’s arrow has struck righteously…
 Nov 2012 Robin
Kam Rayefski
My eyes were always open, but never awake
Music I always write, but songs I could never make
I have never wanted much, never asked for love
I simply wanted assurance, a plea to up above

I spent a long while, lost and erratic
I was never with true love, just always dramatic
Living life with an empty feeling, never truly whole
And I always scramble for reason, but I couldn't gain control

Fighting my untamed feelings, mind against thought
I’d always try to do the right, but always be the not
Until one day when all hope was lost
Came unexpectedly, my luck suddenly crossed

Her smile quite soothing, her thoughts like mine
Her romance overwhelming, she is simply divine
She returned to me my poorest of gifts
She gave back my confidence, my deepest of rifts

Her beauty was like the snow, so delicate and pure
This woman with great power, poisoned me with no cure
This disease called love, killed me and had me born again
She stole me from insanity, but kindly bestowed me sane

She lifted me off my feet with a simple kiss
The ground I never knew, and I could never miss
To her I could return the same, I could always be complete
This woman I will marry, an event I would repeat

Together the world never could matter, but matter all the more
With love as strong as ours, no sadness anymore
Goodnight, Goodbye, Farewell to all
I was once lost, but now that I cannot recall

Eyes like yours I could never forget
Love like ours I can never regret
For you I will wait the end of the sun
We shall live until I am dust and done
 Nov 2012 Robin
Jay Forrest
 Nov 2012 Robin
Jay Forrest
Smiles turn into frowns
Bracelets turn into blades
Soda turns into *****
Love turns into hate
Laughter becomes tear drops
Boys become toys

Baseball is then all about the bases
Running past numerous faces

Friends become enemies
What was once a rose, now nothing but thorns
From energetic to tired and worn
Sponge Bob to *** tapes and ****
I love you
I want you gone
We go from 12 to 20
Now he's far more than a buddie
Hmmm, smells like teen spirit
I apologize for the obvious
 Nov 2012 Robin
 Nov 2012 Robin
"She's not you," he said
as if I didn't know
as if I wasn't aware at that moment
with every fiber of my being
as I sat shotgun in his Jeep
that she was everything I wasn't

"I thought I'd be able to forget you," he said
as if I'd forgotten him
as if I didn't remember every stolen glance
every accidental brush of our flesh
every moment I thought I'd imagined

"I'm so sorry. This isn't fair," he said
as if I thought it was
and I had to remind myself to breathe, breathe
to blink my eyes clear
as I watched raindrops hit the black windshield
trickle down the glass, washing it

"I will always care about you," he said
and my will was not enough
to keep my heart from splitting
along the scars and stitches of its past.

— The End —