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Rita Jene Cooper Mar 2015
How fair is it???
That over time......
with you, I'm lucky enough to be in love but......
Your feelings are so
Is it your heart can only survive in the deepest dark?
Am I to blame with all of my intensity's and.  
S P A R K?
If there's a chance that you can accept the real me,
I wouldn't give up!
Never again.....
would you hear me run my mouth
or even try to interrupt.
Do realize......
I will never forget the trust and love we feel.....
Day to day.
Wanting, hoping and wishing for US
the memories we need......
To stay.
If your heart is truly never meant to be mine...
Why is it I cannot see this?
Does anyone including us have any reasons why?
could WE  just not be able to live with our own lies?
Rita Jene Cooper Mar 2015
You really thought that I couldn't go on if I didn't have you and that I would fail at everything I tried to do.
When you left you were so sure that I'd be sitting by the phone and so sure that I would never make it in this world alone.
When you thought you hurt me so bad that I cried an ocean of tears .
Thinking that I could never stand alone to face my greatest fears and surely the pain of my broken heart has to be more than I can bear.
You made sure the damage you've done could never be repaired.
Now you're shocked to see me standing here confident, strong and without a single fear,  and your absence didn't cause me to end!
In fact when you left.....
Rita Jene Cooper Mar 2015
Why should either of us be alone in a world where we both exist?

When any moment not spent together could be a lifetime we missed.
For Preston
Rita Jene Cooper Feb 2015
Whispering softly as the wind blows
I hear melodies telling of how you love me so
Always playing so long
the sweetest sounding songs
Singing of never forgotten love
and feelings that couldn't possibly be wrong
Tunes of expected happiness do so rise..,
The pure joy from the sound
brings tears to my eyes....
Our sweetest sounding song
Love the greatest muse of all!
These days...

Are you sitting alone in the quiet and cold
or surrounded by friends with your colors and smoke
Are you thinking of me as you fall back to sleep
Or grinningly praising the silence and peace

Is your love still the same
Are you glad that I'm gone
Do you miss me at all
Are you happy alone?

These days...

I knew that I cared more
****, probably too much
but now I can't eat or find joy in the comfort
of knowing you're finally happy - you're free
But did it really take you not talking to me?

God, just tell me straight
Did you want me to stay? Please...
know I'm around
Are we better this way

...these days

You're still my everything
Yeah, that'll never change
But I need commitment and love
not these tears you're proud of
You say you're a man; are you happy again?
Well, ****.

I still see you and Zuri,
I still miss my lover,
but I need security the way you need me not to hover.
I want peace and partnership
You want casual relationships
We both can't win
and we're fighting again

These days...

I get it now
I really do see
Insouciance doesn't make you worse than me
and being so invested doesn't make me right.
We want different things -
is this worth the fight?

And one day I hope you will want to be mine
But you need some space
and I need some time
to forget your ambivalent shove toward shame
and the way that it hurt you to call out my name.

But I am still here
Your pain is still mine
and though I know love tends to fade over time
I swear that mine won't
One day you will see
One day you'll remember

And it will still be
...these days.
Rita Jene Cooper Feb 2015
Quietly sitting in stillness
My mind drifting in what seemed to be today....
The misty clouds are coming down
I feel it all around me....filling up with darkness
You don't have to tell me why
I've seen my love is far from perfect
It never was meant for it to be that way....broken promises
I know I have to run to win  
Yet i am always searching for a feeling
I can hear the sound...... It's coming down like thunder
And I left it all behind ....broken dreams.
Rita Jene Cooper Feb 2015
A moment ago were  suffocating me with love
Invited  within
your "oh so" strong arms around me.

A moment ago...your presence
filled my soul with trust
Open and willing to feel your passion in loving another.

A moment were looking into my eyes faithfully.
Looking right back was me
Loving you and only you.

A moment belonged in
all of my most perfect dreams
You and I always standing as partners side-by-side.

A moment ago...your touch
made me overflow with happiness
Leaving a huge childish smile
on my excited lips.

A moment ago...your life was full of passionate dreams
Every minute we spent holding onto one another
made everything possible showing absolute proof.

Until a  moment and I would have Soared high and beyond our most desired dreams.
Only now...always and a moment
are forever spent in Eternity
so simply passing us by.
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