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Rita Jene Cooper Sep 2015
A moment ago were  suffocating me with love
Invited  within
your "oh so" strong arms around me.

A moment ago...your presence
filled my soul with trust
Open and willing to feel your passion in loving another.

A moment were looking into my eyes faithfully.
Looking right back was me
Loving you and only you.

A moment belonged in
all of my most perfect dreams
You and I always standing as partners side-by-side.

A moment ago...your touch
made me overflow with happiness
Leaving a huge childish smile
on my excited lips.

A moment ago...your life was full of passionate dreams
Every minute we spent holding onto one another
made everything possible showing absolute proof.

Until a  moment and I would have Soared high and beyond our most desired dreams.
Only now...always and a moment
are forever spent in Eternity
so simply passing us by.
  Aug 2015 Rita Jene Cooper
i can't stop it.
an addiction. i'm an addict.
no self discipline, no control
my hands, my fingers keep returning
and returning on
my chapped lips

it began last week. cold day,
caught a cold. breathing through my mouth.
sick and dry
dry lips.
there's an itch on my finger, i began to touch
my chapped lips

i thought it was a one time thing,
something reversible, something stoppable.
i was wrong, i was dumb, i was so wrong.
when my fingers stopped retaliating the blood,
it, the addiction, turned my teeth onto warriors
on the scrimmage on
my chapped lips

one night, i stopped
in the morning it was worse.
a wound hasn't healed, and another
on top of it. skin and flesh, on a rotating schedule
i'm scared but i don't stop. i'm scared
but my body just turned its back on
my chapped lips.

nothing has changed. blood and wound
scar and then wound,
i haven't stopped. and now i'm not scared.
i thought, i'm good at healing.
so, my chapped lips

will stay. scars may come,
but it's just my lips.
nothing good
has ever touched
my chapped lips.
a quick one. i hope you get the metaphor and the message i am trying to send (wink). // if you ever want to talk - hit me up! It'll be great to talk to someone from here. Thanks!
Rita Jene Cooper Aug 2015
I have a great daughter
.... and my sons are big and strong.
If I needed any motive
to never be  sad or shed another tear,
then my children are reason number one.
Not boasting
or bragging
no prideful  intent
.....but I am a part of them and that makes me Happy
.     .....and content.
#kids #selfworth...
Rita Jene Cooper Jul 2015
Looking into your loving eyes brings crocodile tears to mine.
The happiness I've gotten from you,
took A long long time to find.
Now that I found a real man like you,  
so perfect and so kind,
That life-long pain I used to feel,
I get to leave it far behind.
Rita Jene Cooper Jul 2015
How in the world can this be ok?
I now have to make love stay away.
Someone else's ideas are to become mine,
Changing me slowly these rules overtime.

Saying and doing nothing at first
Realizing the consequences will only be worse
Time will tell and the world will see together or not we will always be !
Not to be in Association
Rita Jene Cooper Jul 2015
How in the world can this be ok?
I now have to make love stay away.
Someone else's ideas are to become mine,
Changing me slowly these rules overtime.

Saying and doing nothing at first
Realizing the consequences will only be worse
Time will tell and the world will see together or not we will always be !
Not to be in Association
Rita Jene Cooper Mar 2015
I wish I had known from the beginning.
When  we first looked into each other's eyes,
that your love was meant to release my pain from so many other tries!
I'm so happy you patiently waited for me to learn all about your soul!
Because without you...with me for the rest of our lives my heart might as well be coal....
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