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 Dec 2014 Reece
Framed Again
Somehow They're More Intriguing
I Don't Understand
I've Decided To Abandon
The Thought Of You
And I'm Somehow
Drawn Back In
Done? Maybe?
(Written under time constraint... To be finished?)
- - -
Do you get it?
If he,
had been called Fred it
would have been easy,
I could have stayed bone idle in bed
but that wasn't the plan.
Was it?
No! he had to be different
he had to be odd
so he upped and decided to
call himself God.
Life is ever green to some
Never green to many
 Dec 2014 Reece
DC raw love
May the good Lord be with down every road you roam.
Do onto others as you want them to do to you.

May sunshine and happiness surround you.
May you be courageous, dignified & true.
May your presense never grow old.

I am proud to have met you.
This is from me to you
 Dec 2014 Reece
 Dec 2014 Reece
Baby, please don't leave me alone to rot in this dead world...
You are the only thing here that keeps me alive...
If you leave, there's no telling what I'll do to myself...
Maybe I'll even follow you...

Moon river
(Breakfast at tiffanys soundtrack)
-Audrey Hepburn
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