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  Apr 2016 Ree Bunch
A marble Stone from the earth
Beautiful in every way to God
Found by those who labored odd
And thus rejected. Without worth

This very piece of quaried Rock
"Valueless" and thrown away
Is a Cornerstone unto this day
The most important building block

Blood weeps, as tears, within it's cracks
For it is built upon a hill
But the lost reject it still
Though in it's HEART there is no lack

Within that Heart there exist eyes
That see all the hardship, pain
But in most people there remains
The need to believe Deception's lies

There is a statue of a man
The King David by his name
Michelangelo of fame
Erected it, as in Rome planned

The block of marble used for him
Had what, for most, was fatal flaw
But the great sculptor did then draw
The greatest carving there's ever been

This marvel, crowds to awe and sway
Made by hands of a talented one
But God selected the Cornerstone
But it's still reviled and cast away

It is ever there, to accept and thus atone
For the nascient misdeeds of self
Indeed, more precious than great wealth
Is the cleansing blood from a Stone

(C) 4/16/2016
The marble blocks used for the Statue of David in Rome had a flaw in it. It was therefore rejected by many sculptors. But it was an excellent piece of marble. So Michelangelo worked around the flaw and thus created one of the most beautiful sculptures on earth.

The Stone I speak of in this poem
Is, of course, Jesus Christ.

This is a different rhyming scheme for me. I hope it came out alright...
Thank you all so very much, for speaking life into my poetry.
Thank you for caring so much for other people as well here.
Thank you for writing beautiful poems here on hellopoetry.
Especially the ones about your inner pains, my Friend thank.
For both kind of poems , God can use to heal others here.
For the ones that are honestly written from your experience.
Cam be use to show others that they are not alone here.
Thus revealing Hope to those that at the moment feel no Hope.
But there is truly Hope, he died for our sins two thousand years ago.
  Apr 2016 Ree Bunch
Vanessa Gatley
I want to blow my
speakers out with you
Boom box baby
Ree Bunch Apr 2016
You’re that unruly animal that has escaped its leash.
Wrecking havoc at every place you meet.
Your sparks Ignites a grotesque flame.
Setting blazes in total defame.
You can choose to spread beauty or hate,
but became things I should’ve **never spake.
Once again my mouth has gotten me into drama.  Uugghhhh I need a muzzle!
  Apr 2016 Ree Bunch
Locked in the wintertime of life
Transgression's grip as cold as ice
A dark'ning garden filled with strife
There planted every form of vice
A thorny bush, of bitter hues
I was a bramble so depraved
I wanted naught but to eschew

My life and press on to my grave
My life and press on to my grave

I had no willingness to live
My body bloodied, crushed and sore
No circumspection did I give
The full weight of sin I bore
And like a tyrant my disease
My drug addicted frame of mind
Like a briar wrapped and seized

My heartbreak in a fatal bind
My heartbreak in a fatal bind

Then like the warming light of spring
You came my precious ray of hope
O'r my bramble bush You'd sing
A bud came up to reach & *****
Warmer, warmer was the sun
Birds sang with You in the air
It was then I had begun

To leave behind my sin's despair
To leave behind my sin's despair

The tender bud it thrived and grew
Through deepest drought and bitter rain
And a bright bloom of awesome hue
Burst forth in glory that remains
That beauty is of Jesus Christ
It is to HIM all glory goes
He was the One who took my vice

Now looking down God sees a Rose
Now looking down God sees a Rose

(C) 4/15/2016
Jesus Christ is also known as
The Rose of Sharon

Please also read
Salvation Story by SoulSurvivor

Thanks for reading!

  Apr 2016 Ree Bunch
I sent my love an e-mail
I was in need of caring
I voiced some things i shouldn't have
I guess i was too daring

I told him I was feeling low
Problems at my work
I told him I was tired of it
My boss was such a ****

I told him of my hopes and dreams
I told him motivations
I told him my work history
All of my frustrations

I'm very glad I stopped at that
And didn't say much more
I guess i knew much better
'Coz I found out the score

My e-mail was returned by him
I received no kiss
It was short and it was sweet
And it looked like this:


After that we parted ways
He was history
All my friends said WELCOME..

(C) 4/14/2016
Not a true story. But I could imagine something like this happening to somebody.
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