Tick tick tick goes the clock
Marking the passing of time
As I walk into a future full of unanswered questions
Every second another ‘me’ slips
In to a past full of forgotten moments
I die a million times, a trillion times, dying and dying
Always dying, Always forgetting who I was
Unsure of who I am and afraid of who I will become
Each second I breathe, each time my heart beats
A chance to live and a chance to die
Tick tick tick goes the clock
Marking the passing of time
Who is this person
Looking out with my eyes
Who were they, who are they and who will they be
For every moment I die
For every moment is now
For every moment that will be
For the past, for the present and for the future I see
When all seems lost, another dies and another is born
Tick tick tick goes the clock
Marking the passing of time
For all the me's that once lived
One at a time, in each second that's passed
Time does not slow, it marches on
Because time knows no bounds
Ever determined to bring me to the end
An end I fear, but know not its hour
But when I reach that moment, who will I be
Will I even know who'll be looking out from those cold lifeless eyes
Tick tick tick goes the clock
Marking the passing of time
A billion me's, a billion you's
To the end of time, To the end of space
When I look into my past, I mourn all my deaths
Some to be proud, some to regret and some to mourn
I hope, I breathe, I think and I cry
To the me's long lost, I'm sorry, so so sorry
To the me I am now, good luck and god speed
To the me that will be, allons-y, onward we go
Tick tick tick goes the clock
Marking the passing of me