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 Apr 2014 Raphael Uzor
Jae S
You know that feeling
That feeling oh, so painfully sweet
When you go reeling
In every direction
And some unknown to man
I'm in that feeling
That feeling that has been and will be shared by every human

But I fear to speak of this feeling
I fear it
Not because I believe I have an inability to describe it
Not because uttering its characteristics would make it too real
Not because it would force me to face myself
Not because it would force me to feel
Not because I am holding on to the feeling
And speaking of it would make my sweet vice disappear
Not because when I speak of this feeling
I'm in a virtual world
In which you hold me near
And we stay
That way

My fear of this feeling
The one that sends me reeling
The one that every human has, is, and will be feeling
Comes to me
Because of the very fact
That all know it
And if I show it
Would my little drop of red rain
Come to change the color of an ocean?
So it ripples though
With enough strength to
See what this heart has done
To break this one little girl?
Not specifically special in any sort of way
And have my display
Be noticed?
And have this one little girl
Be saved?
 Apr 2014 Raphael Uzor
I stopped
inside a light house
on a dark and foggy night
and in the beacon
in the fog
I saw far too many sights.

Lovers lost in their pasts
uncompleted tasks
of shoulda coulda wouldas
"If only's"
blocking their

The ferrel human beings
with eyes of gold
but no money
to buy a room
running to nowhere soon.

The poetry outlaws
with no words
left to sing
lost within their prisons
and know one knows
what they mean.

The beacon flashed
and in the light
I saw those
trapped in drudgery
and fading dreams
of being free.

And lonely souls
in darkened rooms
of four white walls
with no where to go
and no one coming that they know.

The beacon flashed
in that fog
the horn it rang
to no one listening
but the ships lost at sea
heard something
but asked themselves
was it really meant for me?

Spotlighted lovers
on the far sides
of the bed
their love lost
in what is now
misery and dread.

Wage slaves breathing toxic air
and what's this life for
their breath asks
captured in the foggy air.

Stopped at that lighthouse
to look out at that foggy sea
was all about the poetry
and what it means to me
a light
on a foggy
populated sea
life told in scenes
those who struggle to be free.
 Apr 2014 Raphael Uzor
Life somehow finds its way
cracks in the concrete
a rose
Neon in the desert night miles away.
Ancient lakes
beneath thousands of years of ice
blind beings buried in the sands
on the winds
in your eyelids
Life somehow finds its way.

On city streets
tented encampments
brutal abuse
where all should be dead
Life somehow finds a way.

The wounded
tormented by years of sorrow
even when all others succumb.
Somehow life finds its way.

Having babies in the fields
Plague in the gardens
Epidemic on the concrete
Wars in the jungle
Somehow life finds a way.

It has been said
over specialization leads to extinction
species come and go
will it now always be so?

Has the last bell rung?
has the last song been sung?
Is this the end of us?
I guess mankind will decide
whether we are here or not up for the ride.

on planets around distance suns
life has somehow found its way.
 Apr 2014 Raphael Uzor
Solitude found a friend in me
Winter stole the rest
Wondering where my heart might be
While soul is sinking west

A paler shade of night comes 'round
Moon forgets to rise
An empty lamp of light surrounds
A view of starless skies

With eyes shut wide to lonesome light
Dreams escape my thoughts
Silence awakens fear of flight
A journey all for nought.

r ~ 4/16/14
  / \
 Apr 2014 Raphael Uzor
it took a little time.

A handful ,
Make it a teacup

dash of sugar.


A twist of lemon.

One tap of the silver spoon.

It took a while
patient waiting
for me
blushingly admit
precisely how much
I have
your *gravit
Hello Hello there! x
How are you doing?
I hope you are having a lovely sunday!
Bring on Monday!
I am currently living the dream right now.
I am on my bed with my duvet, writing book + laptop. Oh, wearing a ****** mask too. HAH! :')
I know, rather pathetic, but hey! It makes me happy!
Now, don't laugh! ;)
P.S *Hugs* for you, you and of course,you!
Friday had been the saddest day
That my young life has ever known
The loneliness which my heart-felt
Just would not leave me alone

The clouds which filled the afternoon
With their darkness and their dread
Left remorseful feelings alive inside
Along with emotions which seemed dead

As the sun rose this morning I awakened
Finding the moment still haunting my dreams
With its sadness and gloom embracing me
I searched to find joy in most anything  

From what my eyes had seen to transpire
On that sad, dark Friday afternoon
So I began to pray what had been written
Would come to fruition so very soon

As the last twenty-four hours ticked away
The hope in my heart slowly began to rise
Beginning to beat with a steady rhythm within
Waiting for the prophesied moment to arrive

I saw many in the room praying around me
How their faith began to slowly slip away
Not believing what was soon to come about
Would surely inspire a stronger faith today

My heart anxiously awaited the moment to come
Anticipating the new joy it would soon receive
As I felt the lifting soft touch of the Holy spirit
I could feel my faith growing deep inside of me

My ears heard so many captivating melodies
Embracing me from the direction of His tomb
And upon hearing the hearty voices of angels
I sensed my Savior would be coming back soon

As we were kissed by a beautiful dawning
A genuine happiness swept my sadness away
As my Lord replaced it with a lasting bliss
While rising to life on this perfect day.
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