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Sep 2020 · 192
Lalithya Rao Sep 2020
Do you think its an easy one?
Do you think they don't want to live?


That person must have gone through so much pain that he/she must’ve come to such a decision.
It isn't easy to go through the pain and come to a dead-end where all they can see is a an end and nothing else.

I feel its actually great that they took this decision coz at last after so much straining and dealing with so much pain they can finally find PEACE.

Those who suicide are the strongest, they've taken so much **** and now finally chose to end it and maybe find a better world in the "after-life-world" in a hope of finding peace and happiness.
Daily thoughts....
Sep 2020 · 583
The Middle Class Girl.
Lalithya Rao Sep 2020
Coming from a typical middle-class Indian family is always hard and on top of that, she is a GIRL from INDIA.

She can never be open about her dreams nor her feelings.

Her life is like a bird in the cage.
She is well-taken care off just like the bird
But the bird is born to fly high yet it is kept in the cage
Likewise, this Indian middle-class girl is never given a chance to fly high, It is caged, bounded to the so-called Indian ethics and culture.

Just like the Bird, she is provided with all the amenities but not given the ones which are actually needed, FREEDOM.
It is the same with her, freedom is never given to her.

Even if she is given freedom by her family the society never fails to get her down, just like the bird which is always targeted by the huntsmen.

Will continue it later.......
Sep 2018 · 192
Lalithya Rao Sep 2018
Don’t expect anything in life
Expectations hurt a lot
When u don’t expect
Every moment is a surprise
So let life catch u by a surprise !
Sep 2018 · 270
Lalithya Rao Sep 2018
I thought the pain of my body can be worst of all but I was wrong the worst is the pain of my mind.

I thought the pain of my body can be worst of all but I was wrong the worst is the pain of my heart.

Even though i knew i was wrong , I went with it.

I thought I can  distract myself from the pain of my heart and mind  by giving pain to my body .

I knew i was wrong but yet i gave pain to my body.

— The End —