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Aug 2017 · 302
Raquel E Aug 2017
the past is the bad tattoo
that reads NO REGERTS
the train
that leaves
when you run
down the STAIRS
the label that FEDEX
left on your DOORSTEPS
a spectacular moment for THIRDS
someone spilled their life on aisle SIX
if you are responsible please clean it UP
                                                and have a nice day
Aug 2017 · 318
The Bounce House
Raquel E Aug 2017
my bounce house deflates on me
all pillows explode
where are you
i wanna say things
like i kicked *** today
and oh my day was ****
where the hell are you today
where on earth is everyone
under my bed
leave the microwave
beep stuff hair in my drain
spill coffee on my white shirt
hang spider webs on my ceiling
do something where are you talk to me
Aug 2017 · 367
T ime T ravel and T shirts
Raquel E Aug 2017
you've conquered all sentiments
            you are IMPOSSIBLE
                 the time traveler
                    that kills his
                     to end some
                        and flies
                        and coin
                     the CURE for
            spontaneous combustion
        for YOUR photogenic HEART
       captures mine as you bring me
     a w a t e r m e l o n w i t h s e e d s
   through the wormhole speed of light
Raquel E Jul 2017
my body is a carton of eggs
with nothing but cracked shells
like the other side of the moon
       the other side of a balloon
       the other side of a loop
       we see in nightmares
       like soil drought
       and traction
       like antartica's
       and Jupiter's
       my skin is cracked tampered and
       forgotten like the book of enoch
                                     no love
                                     no bones
                                     no pores
       like lidless eyes that lay red and
       dry like the surface of mars
                                     no flesh
                                     no air
                                     no sin
Jul 2017 · 276
Daily Earth Report
Raquel E Jul 2017
tiny inhabitants struggle to fit
sugar cube concerns into the
tiny space where they frolic
made out of
ties and fries
and fines and flies
paper pushing all lust
and hope into a plastic basket
Jul 2017 · 316
If you smoke on my table
Raquel E Jul 2017
if you smoke on my table
clean up your hologram
the wildest wind
couldn't erase your
instruction manual

the oxygen mask retired
        for a
             at the end
           of your
your cajitas are the countdown;
*en boca cerrada no entran moscas
Jul 2017 · 290
Cookies and Cream Sky
Raquel E Jul 2017
the furious magnetic field
that surrounds your eyes
rejuvenates the hair
of synthetic clouds
white to black
as you switch
from coffee
to spirits
a cookies
and cream sky
Jul 2017 · 467
A Song and a Ghost
Raquel E Jul 2017
i fell in love with a song
and it dragged me like a wave
where the current meets the ocean
it soaked my dress so I can digress
the wave became your love that
appeared like a ghost and like
a ghost faded through walls
Jul 2017 · 281
Interstellar Verses
Raquel E Jul 2017
i'm in an interstellar voyage
reading your melancholic poems
speeding up my rocket to find your
verses scattered all over the kuiper belt
Raquel E Jul 2017
...and a new suffocation was born.
   It synced with her arbitrary res-
   piration. I had to stop her 'cau-
   se she was choking and she'd spit
   hurtful bills that cut her throat...
from "My Forever Unfinished Novel"
Jul 2017 · 224
Busy Agenda Secrets
Raquel E Jul 2017
in released
episodes from
your world:        rare
for requested simplicity
oh the space made in your busy schedule
for salty lipstick splashed phone numbers
Raquel E Jul 2017
...and her ink-saliva printed bills of higher denomination
   and she exhaled with the same urgency as that of a subs-
   titute grim reaper that forgot who or why he had to ****...
Excerpt from my forever unpublished novel
Jul 2017 · 655
Humidity: 62%
Raquel E Jul 2017
to  benches
aim to let go
the satellite kite
that bounces left
and right like trance music
                     a swing dances
                     on my dendrites
                     that hold on
                     to your memory
Jul 2017 · 254
Weather Today 85°F
Raquel E Jul 2017
your dilated-brown-eyes
expand like the naples-yellow-sun
you look at melting my blood-red-heart
diluting my deep-blue-feelings
Jul 2017 · 225
80% Chance of Rain
Raquel E Jul 2017
a mesh wall smashes
people and ****-ends on
the concrete polishing sings
that read all plans cancelled streets
lay gray and sunk like a date stood up
Jul 2017 · 306
things that open and close
Raquel E Jul 2017
trying to seal my eyes
   on restless nights like
        cigarette packs that
              never close properly
       sleep opens and closes
    eyelashes latch onto
thoughts. unwelcome
Jul 2017 · 212
Ink Stains
Raquel E Jul 2017
bleeds on
my fingers
and my flesh
bleeds on this sheet
the world's skin rips open
Raquel E Jul 2017
some angels
trade wings
for fangs
to inject
            shiny shattered souls
            pick up those pieces
            read them
            feed them  
            to the lion
Jun 2017 · 287
My Neighbor's Books
Raquel E Jun 2017
discarded books in a box
pages that hold notes
and a foot of loss
phone numbers
pressed flowers
outdated to dos
stiffened by the heat
and the rent increase
words of wrecked wounds
smashed drunkenly with no
id and no dna yellow pages of
a frightened fugitive on a freight
Jun 2017 · 231
the meaning of things
Raquel E Jun 2017
behind the low-fence-yard
parallel to the string-of-stars
sitting with eleven pm luster
hides the meaning of beauty
this evening you forgot your
umbrella and out in the wild
someone plays the guitar
to someone at times
Jun 2017 · 257
Spooning Season
Raquel E Jun 2017
spread your skin
on the egyptian silk
like your linen cloth
soaked in spilled milk

let's get through all the
seasons and ignore them
Jun 2017 · 532
Weather Today
Raquel E Jun 2017
branches brew blazing flowers
under the yellow-spinning sun

y o u a r e everycrowdedplace
Jun 2017 · 292
the bulb is a wastebasket
Raquel E Jun 2017
a voracious wrath vanishes
varnishes stick to all wounds
in the womb we vent the room

repel the wasps that wait on
the inner side of the window
for the light to toast them

the bulb is a wastebasket
with light stuck in it
May 2017 · 937
Pricking of Thumbs
Raquel E May 2017
By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.
Open, locks,
Whoever knocks!* (from Mcbeth
by William Shakespeare)

the voodoo doll
and his stuffed soul
jammed, aware
Tis time, 'tis time
pillow stuffing
creepoo muffin
may you enjoy
Tis time, 'tis time
the view of
1000 windows
so you pick one
Tis time, 'tis time
and fly away
dirt head
get the hell. (out)
*Tis time, 'tis time
May 2017 · 336
Birthday Poem
Raquel E May 2017
i believe in repetition
i believe in disco *****
there is
a party
going on
we all clap
i celebrate
subjective realities
that give me extreme
and give me earth
let 'em eat cake
May 2017 · 531
Quasar Smile
Raquel E May 2017
you buff the sky
and its chunky clouds
just to make it into galactic vows
for a split second you replace every bit
of cushioned decor into a exuberant screen:
all the meteor showers
kaleidoscope sunsets
solar systems
to project
a quasar cast
a best-thing-ever blast
a point-of-no-return voucher and
all that glitters is not gold it's your smile
Raquel E May 2017
i have your e y e s
with me and they
only fit in a pizza box
                                      it's hard to take them on the train
                                      it's hard to take them on the bus
                                      it's hard to take them on the railroad
to the museum to the theater to the opera
to the ***** churches and rigorous opening
parties and the extravagant police stations

                                      i cannot take your e y e s anywhere
                                      i cannot take your e y e s
                                      i cannot take you
May 2017 · 316
Sm0ke Signals
Raquel E May 2017
you sm0ke cigarettes
as she s m e a r s
your b r a i n
with that sweet talk
and that sleek walk
rep0rt to the r0bbery
of her b0iling brawl
embrace the rapture
of her r0asted b0nes
Apr 2017 · 1.0k
Pendulum Petals
Raquel E Apr 2017
pendulum petals
pieces of flesh
fall off my bones
faring gravity
the closer I get
the lighter I am
my right
my left
          *He loves me.
          He loves me  not.
Apr 2017 · 305
rubbing a breaking sun
Raquel E Apr 2017
carrying a beating soul
rubbing a breaking sun
dragging a rubber bone
roaming a carry on
screaming a song
healing my soul
freezing my
Apr 2017 · 442
perpetual motion machine
Raquel E Apr 2017
sometimes you
just want to hold
this night morning
with your fist and
if you open your eyes
hard enough *******
eternity is yours gogetter
feel. every. bit. of euphoria
and oh that beautiful rain
bow sad ness all the
feelings in the
world are

and the world is yours
Apr 2017 · 322
Dancing on Venus
Raquel E Apr 2017
Sensually dancing toward
that room in which one
is encouraged to enter

                 I fall in the dead end
                 of your mouth
                 my Venus
                 my Trap
Apr 2017 · 251
shrinking thoughts
Raquel E Apr 2017
the memory
of you leans against
the deepest corner of the fissure
of my brain dried up and shrinking
like a stray pea roasted by the sun
Apr 2017 · 275
None PM
Raquel E Apr 2017
and then he decided for the
       both of us to go ahead
           and just be friends
                  he meant
                 a memory
          like everything that
ever existed in recorded history
Apr 2017 · 331
Misty Roses
Raquel E Apr 2017
stop and smell
the misty roses
as you cross their path
we need liquid to have paradise
we are drops of water in the lake of life
Apr 2017 · 174
Raquel E Apr 2017
are the
of every
in my gut
Apr 2017 · 226
Saturated Satellites
Raquel E Apr 2017
seal the seam
of my saturated dreams
to stare at satellites on saturn
two eyes
white stars
wine truffles
Apr 2017 · 226
c'est l'amour
Raquel E Apr 2017
stamp scraps of stardust on my scalp
to scandalize sailors by the seashore
my sin and savior my savage love
                            c'est l'amour
Apr 2017 · 236
Raquel E Apr 2017
a single time
he wanted to stay
             my flaky
             skin of
Apr 2017 · 336
Raquel E Apr 2017
the black cherry taste
of your huge lips
is the music
we sing
and sigh
the foggy
scene to which
our bodies bounce
is the melody of I don't
know how many degrees
Fahrenheit my spiral sight
doesn't need to work for
the naked eye is not
more bare than
how you'll be
fast forward
Apr 2017 · 625
Word Feng Shui
Raquel E Apr 2017
moving words
from one place
                 to another
                 declutter thoughts
                 hand wash the words
                 air dry the words
                 fold the words
the words
in room temperature
breath in let the words out
Apr 2017 · 313
Timeline of a Nutshell
Raquel E Apr 2017
I can write all night
at every place you like
as an attempt to revive
the corpse you left behind
in hopes to bring you back
as I look for comfort I lounge
on love seats oh how soft is every
chaise I sit on all I touch is made out
of dust bunnies my timeline is a string
of people saying I'll be back
Raquel E Mar 2017
It was meant to be the
most important line
of all known history
but you forgot it
your sheer deed
equips your script
with perpetual discretion
                                     prompting props
                                     praising speeches
                                     persuading species
                                     Prussian Blue and Russian Spirits.
Raquel E Mar 2017
we dream that we are dreaming
    like Russian nesting dolls
         inserting ourselves
                 into darker
dreaming deeper
drowsy keepers
                              recording the hidden truth:
                              everything that is possible
                                                   is real
Raquel E Mar 2017
the halo
your arch
  in the starch
of our mutated
   most things break
frosty mountains melt
scattered promises flare
driving planes on icy lanes
       forecasting plastic tactics
          arguing drastic gambling
             how fast your clothes fly
                                                        my sidewalk is
                                                        the cushioned path
                                                        of things that are best
                                                         left in the past
Mar 2017 · 1.6k
Tapping Taping Tempting
Raquel E Mar 2017
tap my bones
tamper my temper
tempt me on Tuesday
love me on Thursday
shut my rusty trust
trap my soul
Mar 2017 · 328
Friends in Town
Raquel E Mar 2017
a flock
of friends
in town
any event of your life
can be put on hold
and cookies
and the toilette
doesn't get flushed
Raquel E Mar 2017
         and a pitcher
                of Sam Adams
                      to the trap
                           of heels
                       that clasp
                   this roaring
             the streets
       I pass
I guess
Mar 2017 · 335
New York
Raquel E Mar 2017
the immediacy of chaos
sometimes to feel alive
you have to be broke(n)
the beauty
the uncomfortable
the wallet

a million dollar look:

a dollar purse
a smile on your face
a hole in your pocket
Mar 2017 · 330
Raquel E Mar 2017
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