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the origin or mode of formation of something.
29 · 2d
I know you try
not to be like her
to be better
than you where
but anytime I look at you
I remember the things
you used to do
the words you said
the hurt you made
the holes you left
gifts you never gave
so don't ask me why
I can't connect
yes I forgave you
but no I wont forget
24 · 2d
dear child
I wish I could tell your that to be yourself is enough
but I can't because I know
assumptions will be made
based solely on your shade,your gender,age,or what you believe
but I want you to know you are enough for me
that someone loves you even though you may not see
but you need to be enough for you
cause if one thing I know is true
is you will never be happy if all you do is for another
yes you should be there for each other
but you should also live for you
but that is just some friendly advice
in the end you are accountable
for what you do
20 · 2d
The funny friend
Sheltered in my thoughts of doom
My mind becomes a sealed tomb
To emptiness i am consumed
Yet in all of this i find a tinge of comfort
Hiding behind a mask of jokes and joy
Though i'm still depressions toy
I know i don't deserve no better
So i turn my pain into letters
But let my skin be the paper
Though i've found no eraser
For the damage that i've done
I know i'm not the only one
19 · 2d
I sink down deeper
gasping for air
farther and farther
your not there
you where supposed to raise me
to build me up
but I did that myself
I didn't give up
then I raised them to
with out you
did your part on my own
but now you tell me
to stop acting grown
17 · 2d
even with a map
I'd still get lost in those eyes
and weaving paths of twisted lies
played with my mind
gain my trust
now I feel I'm not enough
as I find
you and her for the

— The End —