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Apr 2019 · 164
Rory Apr 2019
I'm sorry I cry so much about it but I literally can't stop

Every day it never changes but it's always something new

Cancer. Heart attack. Stroke. Aneurysm

Stress is eating me alive and there's not much of me left for it to even pick their teeth with

Fear, delusion, panic, obsession

Oppression and compulsion

An ingrained response

Paging Dr. Google. Click the same links. Old information

Old fears

Old tears

It gets so boring after a while. It deludes you into think it's fresh

'That's new.' No it's not. Fears repeat themselves

Wasn't I worried about you a couple months ago?

The reactions are tired

The horse is dead

Please stop
I know it's irrational. I'm sorry. If I could fix this, I would.

More of a stream of consciousness rambling than an actual poem.
Jan 2019 · 183
The Price of Complacency
Rory Jan 2019
I cannot ever give into despair
If I allow for the pain to overcome me
And swallow up all that I've become
That is no worse than accepting death

I've won this battle once, twice,
Countless times before,
Coming out worse for wear each time
And yet still fighting on the next day

The price of complacency is one I cannot afford, and I will fight this war until it kills me
heeyyyy so i've been severely depressed for a long while and i'm just now recovering from a nasty episode. writing helps me with keeping my emotions at bay, and i'm gonna really try to make a comeback on here.
Rory Dec 2017
And there is too little
Not enough softness

And the world may
One day do me in

And cause me to turn
To stone or nothing at all

And yet I am too strong to
Submit to these fears

And life may be hard but
So am I in my softness, my love

And my compassion that comes so
Easily to me that I may care for all

And while I may hurt and feel weak still
Now I know I may overcome all
it's been over a year figured i might as well come back lol, things have changed and i am doing better in my life, and i'm not so depressed anymore and i hope that changes will happen with everyone else for the better, and this isn't the best i've ever written but it certainly does sound pretty right? yeah i think so ^^ so hellopoetry i've missed you
Jun 2016 · 2.1k
3AM Thoughts
Rory Jun 2016
I don't enjoy writing anymore
Everything I do
Just feels so hollow and fake
I wonder if I am that way too

Pretty words with no substance
I don't really know what to tag this as.
Rory Dec 2015
My thoughts are poisoning me and you're the only antidote
Oct 2015 · 824
Rory Oct 2015
Emotionally unavailable
Talks about herself too much
Hard hearted and closed off
Soft and fragile to the touch

She doesn't know what she wants
She should've figured it out by now
We're so proud of our little girl
Why must you let us down?

Soft spoken and scared of everything
Strong willed and able to brush it off
A beautiful young adult
Her appearance makes us scoff

We love our little girl so much
We'll treat her heart like a toy
You can tell us everything
What do you mean you want to be a boy?!
Based off personal experience
Oct 2015 · 549
I Really Hate Love Stories
Rory Oct 2015
We've been taught from stories that
Is only pure when between
A boy and a girl
Only beautiful when
They are a specific type
Only whirlwind and fantastic when
It's a forbidden affair
And love is a path that is
Straight and narrow

Truth be told
Love has few boundaries
Love is love between people who
Are able to love
Can love
Will love
With all they've got in them
And love
In its purest form
Has no set path
I've grown up on stories where if it's to be considered romance, it must follow strict guidelines. But in the real life, no such guidelines exist. To be considered love in my opinion, it has to be with two or more consenting, of age people. Love is love, and there are no rules to dictate it.
Jan 2015 · 550
Lovers In The Rain
Rory Jan 2015
Rain tap tapping
Upon the pink spotted umbrella
Beneath which we stand
On this dreary day.
The rain creates a melody
Of translucent color,
Similar to your whispering
Voice in the nighttime.

Sharing the umbrella, we stand
closer to each other than normal,
Almost huddled together, keeping
Each other warm.
Step, tap. Just a little closer you
Step over to me, and smile.
That idiotic smile of yours.
It makes me go wild.

And I kiss you, two lovers in the rain.
Dec 2014 · 415
Rory Dec 2014
We search for meaning
In a world which contains none
And we find nothing
Dec 2014 · 647
Rory Dec 2014
Sleepy town on a
Lazy Sunday afternoon
The rain keeps falling
Nov 2014 · 422
Rory Nov 2014
Sun breaks out of the clouds              
And all is lit up
Like a wildfire lights up
A meadowland, burns it down
To bring life anew.
Snow melts, and
The world bursts alive.
Nov 2014 · 359
Rory Nov 2014
The rain pounds
Like a person
On drums
Tapping against the
Windows of my
Apartment room
Like teardrops
Rushing down the glass
Hoping to bring smiles again
One day.
Nov 2014 · 352
Rory Nov 2014
Intertwine your fingers with mine
Press your lips to my own
Dig your nails into my arm
Sink your teeth into my flesh

Do anything you want to me
Just to make me feel again
Nov 2014 · 406
Rory Nov 2014
Heart pounding in rhythm beats
Like the bass from my new favorite song
Sneakers tapping along concrete
As I rush away from the throng

There's nothing I see and nothing that dazes me          
But the light of the bright azure sky
Lighting my way through the rotten grey haze  
And I feel like I'll never die!
Oct 2014 · 335
Sugar and Honey
Rory Oct 2014
We go together just like sugar and honey
Such a sweet little taste of heaven we are
And while the resonance could be seen as funny
Our going together couldn't be seen as bizarre
Oct 2014 · 854
I've Forgotten Your Name
Rory Oct 2014
Seems to be
You've forgotten my name
My name which I'm sure
You never cared much about anyway

Seems to be
I've forgotten your name
Forced amnesia is a treat
Especially when you've forgotten about me
Oct 2014 · 291
Rory Oct 2014
Just another day in paradise
Banishing the demons before my eyes        

Just another day in paradise
All my hopes and dreams dropping like flies
Oct 2014 · 396
The Extent Of Me And You
Rory Oct 2014
It's hard to grasp
Exactly how much you
Can love someone like

Can you grasp exactly
How much I'm able
To love somebody like

Is it hard at
All for us to
Feel any sort of

It couldn't be hard
It's just the extent
Of Me and You.
Oct 2014 · 725
Ash Like Snow
Rory Oct 2014
She created the snow
And the other made it burn
Ash like snow fell on the ground
Each flake falling in turn

She played with the snow
While the other played with fire
Together when they met it was
A twisted, dark desire

Ice and fire were never meant to be
In close proximity to another
She burnedburnedburned to ashes
And froze did the other
Oct 2014 · 368
Rory Oct 2014
Why is it that
The voices in my
Head are never happy?

Why is it that
The words I whisper
To myself are evil?

Why is it that
I read an obituary
And think they're lucky?
Oct 2014 · 254
Lessons of The Sky (20w)
Rory Oct 2014
In the night sky that gleams upon the surface of the earth,
The moon teaches the stars how to shine
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
The Masochist's Love Song
Rory Oct 2014
Hold my hands above my head
Push me down into the bed
Bite me harder, rip my flesh
Put my sanity to the test
Do it harder, I like it rough
Do it faster, you know I'm tough
I'm a screamer baby,  so you know
For you, I'll put on a show

You can ruin me and torture me
I won't charge you, do it for free
Rip out all my feelings deep inside
**** me baby and make me cry

Harder, faster, stronger, please
Make me beg til I'm on my knees
I'm a screamer girl, that you know
For you baby, I'll put on a show
Oct 2014 · 224
Dying Song
Rory Oct 2014
There's always a reason
For anything that happens
The world will keep on spinning
Even without me there

Reality is fantasy                            
And sanity is madness, you see?
There's nothing I can
Grab onto and hold

If my heart has died
Would I still be alive?
My breathing slows and
I can see a light

This life of mine
It's almost time
For me to say goodbye
For the last time
Oct 2014 · 319
Rory Oct 2014
Do you ever feel
As if the world's unreal?
So do I sometimes
It's like I've lost my mind

Do you ever dream
Of something that seems
So unordinary
It's kinda scary?

Do you ever cry
Out to the blue, blue sky?
Hoping that it goes gray
That it wouldn't stay

Then again you should know
That when you want to show
What's truly inside
It seems the world has died

But I'll listen                  
I'll slaughter the demons inside you
I'll listen
There's nothing that I wouldn't do

To listen
Is the best thing for anyone
So I'll listen
Just tell me all your hopes and all your dreams and fears until you're done.
Oct 2014 · 393
Rory Oct 2014
Come with me tonight
And we'll escape
The monsters in your head
Hurry before they find us

Run with me tonight
And we'll escape
The demons in your soul
Quick before they find us

Come with me tonight
And we'll defeat
The voices in your head
You are not alone
Oct 2014 · 567
School (20w)
Rory Oct 2014
My life is a mess
And I wanna die

But hey!

At least I got
My homework done on time
Oct 2014 · 563
Rory Oct 2014
Call the doc, I must be sick. Better get me my medicine!

There is no more sadness; only smiles from ear to ear. Oh, how fun it is to have finally snapped!

I need my medication. Don’t wanna go crazy again!

I spin around the room and laugh. I laugh until my chest starts to hurt. I laugh until I taste the blood rising up my throat.

Call the doc, I must be sick. Better get me my medicine!

Heavy techno blasts from the speakers, though I can barely hear it over the voices in my head. They tell me to keep dancing forever.

Come on now, don’t go insane. Don’t you wanna keep all the pain?!

We dance and dance until we fall down, the splintered wooden floor scraping the skin off of our legs. But we don’t feel a **** thing! Not one thing! Oh, isn’t it great?!

Call the doc, I must be sick. Better get me my medicine!

Instead of worrying about all the blood, we use it. Write our name on the wall and chant a ritual from a made up language. We can’t tell if anything happens or not. The voices chatter and babble on and keep me from completing the ritual.

I need my medication. Wanna go to a safe haven!

I can’t see anymore. I laugh and laugh and the world grows colorful and the music is lost on me and isn’t everything lost on everyone? I don’t even know! All I know is that I’ve been having the time of my life and that I never want it to end because if I have to go back to reality then that’ll be the worst thing ever because reality ***** it’s just a place where people go and die and in my state of UNREALITY I CAN NEVER DIE!

Call the doc, I must be sick. Better get me my medicine.*

I love unreality. Unreality is amazing. Unreality is a place far beyond my dreamland, where you become deliriously happy and the colors come inside you instead of just being around you and you wanna dance and you don’t even have to have justtherightmusic or justtherightstateofmind to visit. All you need is to have a little break from reality. How do you do that? It’s easy! Just don’t take your medicine for a long while, and start listening to some music, and cry for a while, and soon you’ll be happy go lucky hunky dory perfectly peachy just amazing~

And then somebody always has to take you back to reality.
Sep 2014 · 304
You Scare Me (20w)
Rory Sep 2014
You know so much more than you let on
I can't tell if that's good or bad

*You scare me
Sep 2014 · 309
Happiness Lies
Rory Sep 2014
Open the door
Reverse your steps
Block what you see
But don't stop smiling

It's all a blur
Was it a dream
Those blank smiles
Couldn't be real, right?

Happiness lies
No one is safe
Dance to your death
But don't stop smiling!

It's all the same...right?

Hi, hi! Welcome to my happiness parade! I'm glad to see you! Now today we'll have a great time, so don't frown or I'll have to **** you~!
Rory Sep 2014
And on that day
When you died in my arms
I swore to God
I’d never let that happen again

Even if I had
To wait a thousand years to
See you again I’d
Keep waiting for all of forever

A beast used to
Live in my heart but I
Chased him away when
I had lost you for eternity

Eternal life is nothing
Without a love to share it
The king has given
Up his crown for good now
Rory Sep 2014

Do those words have meaning to you?
They don’t have meaning to me, too


Do you see black when there is blue?
I see it when that’s there, too


Have you ever, just for fun, drank a witch’s brew?
I have done so just for fun too


Have you ever to reality bid adieu?
I have lost touch with the world, too
Sep 2014 · 487
Rory Sep 2014
I can't stop thinking that you're a figment of my imagination
After all, nothing real could ever hurt me

*The way I could hurt myself
Sep 2014 · 570
Rory Sep 2014
I am
  Not the one
          Who will deal with
                    All your lies and all
                           Your hatred. I am the one
                                     Who will perhaps send you to salvation.

*With my knife-sharpened words
Sep 2014 · 296
True or False?
Rory Sep 2014
Is it better to speak ugly truth
Or beautiful lies?
Falsehoods may make her happy
But in the end she still cries
Sep 2014 · 221
Rory Sep 2014
I wish I cared
As much for
Real people
As I do for
Those who
Don't exist
Sep 2014 · 583
Inkblots and Teardrops
Rory Sep 2014
I started writing for you
All these sappy lines
All these bits of prose
They're for the one I love

I stopped writing for you
My creativity waned
And my inspiration vanished
When you did
Sep 2014 · 276
Where Do Thoughts Take You?
Rory Sep 2014
Write it down
See where the words drift away
To an imaginary paradise?
Or to your own personal hell?
Sep 2014 · 565
Organic Metal
Rory Sep 2014
Mechanical limbs and a flesh and blood heart
Shatter me before I'm torn apart
Aug 2014 · 720
Rory Aug 2014
Your hands are tied behind your back
A gag resides between your lips
I stand before you holding this ax
You better hope it never slips

You squirm and plead and cry
But who'll hear you in my paradise?
So shush those pretty lips of yours
And wipe those tears from your eyes

If you'd only loved me before
You wouldn't be here now
Whimpering, vulnerable, in pain
About to be slaughtered, like a cow
Aug 2014 · 635
The Sea's Breakdown
Rory Aug 2014
Quiet waves
Soft lull of the sea
Rocking gently, timidly
Nobody saw the typhoon come

Violent waves
Catostrophic rip of the sea
Rocking swiftly, greatly
Nobody knoew how much damage the typhoon would cause
Aug 2014 · 647
I Miss You
Rory Aug 2014
'Take care, beautiful.'
Those were your last words to me
I wish you were here

I miss you so much
Your smile, your taste, your voice
I wish you weren't gone

We're separated
Nothing can separate love
Still wish you were here

Your lips were so soft
If only you weren't a girl
I miss you so much
Aug 2014 · 345
A Broken Love Poem
Rory Aug 2014
I'm willing to love anyone because
My soul is broken in two
However, the reason I'm in love now
Is because there's nobody else like you
Aug 2014 · 311
Beautiful Dead
Rory Aug 2014
Your eyes are so beautiful
If only they were still in your head
For you see, you never loved me
So that's why now you are dead

Your voice was so beautiful
But now your throat is ripped out
All I wanted was to sing to you songs of love
All you wanted to do was scream and shout
A crazed love song.
Aug 2014 · 274
Don't Make A Sound
Rory Aug 2014
Anguished tears gently
Fall to the ground, no sound made
As they disappear

Nobody can hear
Does anyone care really?
Enough to see me?
Aug 2014 · 636
Past Before Me
Rory Aug 2014
I feel it right in the core of my soul
And it keeps me from being whole
I dwell on the past before me
And it taunts me with things that could never be

I feel it right in every breath that I take
And the pain makes me shiver and shake
The imaginary strength is faltering
And I can't do anything to alter it

Stomp on my dreams and crush them
Under the steel toe boots you often
Wore to give you a sense of power
And to make yourself not cower

But everyone knows that the past
Was never meant to last
So why am I dwelling over it?
God, I must be an idiot!
Aug 2014 · 451
Stronger Than You Think
Rory Aug 2014
Easy recollection
A predisposition
To pain, this pain
It all feels the same

You smile as you watch me
Hoping no one taught me
To live, through this
Through agony's sweet kiss

Well, I'll teach you a thing or two
About me
Because, you know, I will not go
Without my remedy

You think that you've ruined me for life
Given me too much pain, misery, strife
Well, I'll tell you that it's not the way to be
If you believe that, you don't know about me!
This is to be read in the tune of Hatsune Miku's '1925'.
Aug 2014 · 462
She's A Living Ghost
Rory Aug 2014
Floor length dress and sleeves reaching to the ground
Standing in the middle of the street
Dancing around to the annoying music
Of the car horns blaring around her

Bobby sits watching her
In her plastic folding chair
With a beer in hand
And macabre thoughts in mind

Was the girl going to die?
Crushed under a four wheel drive
Splattered on someone's windshield?
Mangled underneath the tires?

She stands in the middle of the road
Swaying, swaying to nature's cacophonous beat
Her dress sways as she moves
And she twirls and twirls as car horns hon

Like all the others
She was probably looking for attention
Didn't want to die
Only wanted the world to revolve around them

But Bobby felt different
A pang of sympathy
She wanted this girl to live
So she asked her

*Stand in the middle of the street often?
Based off of an unfinished short story of mine.
Aug 2014 · 341
Rory Aug 2014
I knew I had met you for a reason
Was that reason to fall in love?
Were we meant to be, you and I?
Dreamers wandering under unlimited skies?
Aug 2014 · 579
Smile Etched With Scars
Rory Aug 2014
Smile etched with scars
I've been this way since birth
I only have one question to ask
Tell me, why does it hurt?
Aug 2014 · 707
Ready Aim Fire
Rory Aug 2014
****** the gun from my hands
Point the barrel at my head
Recoil as I grin the words
'Ready, aim, fire, dead'

**** the me that used to be
Send her off to fiery hell
Smile as I whisper the words
'In death I wish me well'
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