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 Apr 2016 Qasid Ali
Watching, waiting
Not for success, but to your downfall
They're all listening
So they know when to break your wall

Friend or foe, they will come to you
You will never know who is who
They will smile, shake your hand
Even hug you like you're grand

But you would not know
Like a crab, they will pull you down
Or climb with you
Then get pass through you

The cheers are nothing but a show for you
The shaking of the hands will only betray you
The smiles will slowly poison you
The hugs will slowly **** you

Beware is nothing but a word
Jealousy, Envy
Somehow, that is how life works
Random. Tell me if life is fair.
 Apr 2016 Qasid Ali
You better stop trippin'
or you might
fall in love.
Well I'm still writing cheesy poems and you're still on my mind.
tears *hide
on my pillow
and silence my screams
I don't look to  create
only seek to destroy
and I play with emotions
as if they were toys
but hey, not to worry
I won't hurt no one else
cos I found
a suitable victim,

 Apr 2016 Qasid Ali
It says no
It says yes

My mind is confuse
My heart is bruise

My mind thinks of the pain
But my heart beats your name

Half of my heart still wants you
But the other half is untrue

*Half of my heart has moved on
But the other half takes time
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