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 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
The darkness swept through the valley of flowers,
Pale moonlight being obscured by the old oaks branches,
This valley is a place where no one goes,
The place that has called to me for reasons unknown,
The old oak tree, stared down at me in icy silence,
As I cried my eyes out, for the tree is but a reflection of me,
Alone in a valley where no one goes, surrounded by flowers
Though so far separated, that their thoughts and dreams cannot meet.

I laid amongst the flowers and closed my eyes,
Dreams of unknown origin drifted through my mind.
The face of the one whom I could never forget,
I don’t know his name yet he feels so familiar.
We walked together once, of that I am sure of,
I longed for his touch, though I know him not,
I wanted him to save me from this isolation,
Though in a valley where no one goes,
What hope is there to ever be found..
 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
freedom can be bare feet
or naked
or laughter
freedom can be poetry
 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
If we were right for each other,
Then wouldn’t the gods have allowed us to be?
If the stars control our fates,
And the gods control the stars,
Then surely they could have allowed us,
To meet at the right time in the right place..

Instead we’re divided by oceans,
Our timing so incredibly wrong,
That I cannot help but feel we’re victims of fate.
You want to fight the fates, the stars and the gods,
Your resolve is so admirable, but I’m so tired my love..
I just want to fall into an eternal sleep and dream you’re mine..
 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
Got Guanxi
I loved you before the alcohol,
Hourglass to the soul,
hour pass,
days maybe...
in between the formulation of golden nuggets in the mountains silver sands.
You held my hand and through velvet touch,
Electricity meander through my arms,
before the storm calm,
the start of a heart attack -
then the pack of house of cards collapsed.
In a deserts smile,
you flatlined through our favourite past times.
The pastures rich with buttercups
and dandelions like the last time.
When we walked over the train tracks harvest.
Last summer and last spring.
Somethings are everlasting,
and some pass like storm clouds without one droplet of rain,
in casting,
our love grew like tulips,
Yellow, red and blue,
but soon come the rain,
our muses loses,
rendered useles;
I went away and
It's too soon to explain myself,
For that.
with cap in hand.
Lost in hearts melted by false starts,
and feathered cap,
Falsetto moods
sharp stilettos,
slap back.
I couldn't let go when the sun came through,
and a calming parting of the clouds where the rain came blue.
I thought I could live without you,
but I bottled it,
Now I've nothing left to give,
but my gift to you.
sinking, sleeping in the land dunes
trying to understand you.
 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
Marie Love
You're the reason why I'm broken. The reason why everyone that comes, I push away.
If it wasn't because of your mistreating and bad habits, I would love so differently.
Because of you, I tried to be perfect.
I tried to love.
Tried to make sure you was okay, before I made sure I was.
Said sorry, for every little thing you said I did wrong.
Even when you was wrong,
My sorry's spoke.
I would never understand, why I waited so long to see your wrongs.
I was blinded by the way my heart wanted to make it work,
Another chance.
But it knew.
Yes it knew..
That you was the reason for my returning depression.
The reason why I tried killing myself, back when you were leaving.
This isn't just a feeling.
This is who I've become.
Because of you.
The same reason why I changed into someone I hope never became.
I don't know what else to say. .
 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
Marie Love
 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
Marie Love
If you ever felt alone, comment yes.
Because I know this feeling isn't easy, but we'll be okay. I promise to you all, that it will get easy.
It terrifies me that we only get a limited amount of time with people. And that some people get more time than others who should have. I’m forever envious of those who’ve gotten more time with you than I have. That I may never get to be with you as long as they have. That our time is running out. And I miss you already. And I never want to say goodbye. At first it was slow, late nights in your car and afternoons in my bedroom. But now it feels like it’s happening all at once, like you’re doing a snow angel on my heart and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Kissing on the sidewalk, holding hands in your coat pocket because I forgot to bring gloves. Wandering around museums and having hard conversations on your couch that make me love you even more; even when the air becomes glass, I can’t stop thinking about how lucky I feel to know you. That there’s no one else like you. My heart aches in your arms and aches when we’re apart. And I just want to be as close to you as possible, for as long as possible, because you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, and I love who I am when I’m with you.
 Mar 2016 Putri Emilia
Rae Raynor
Good Witches do not

wear dresses of peonies

they do not say

“I am a Good Witch”

they are not

caricatures of happiness

Good Witches wear

sunsets like cloaks

they run with

bare feet

exposed limbs

and snake hair

through forests and foggy minds

They jump over stone walls

laughing as the

sticks crack

beneath them

they drum their midnight black claws

against tables

as if they were raised by wolves

and divine your future

in sidewalk cracks

modern-day Cassandras,

better listen


they do not say

“I am a Good Witch”

they smirk, bear fangs

forked tongues spilling magik like moonlight

and make you figure it out yourself

— The End —