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You're my love, my biggest enemy
The photo of us, shows my misery

You got me with your devils smile
I stayed at yours for a while

You are in my thought
And I'm in your caught

Your love won't let me go
You're my loved foe

You made me suffer
But still you my lover

You let me down, you let me fall
But my love for you is overall

We had last night a fight
It just went to wild

I staggered home
But I wasn't alone

You were inside of me
And I'll never be free

you'll own me all the time
You'll never make me feel fine

You are my love affair and affliction
You are my ******* alcohol addiction
I'm in the moment sober, but it's a daily fight
The ending of dusk
Which the moon had lead,
Let there be silence
And harmony it said,
For the most prettiest picture
The night sky had made,
Which was far more precious
Than the rarest of jade,
Surrounded with twinkling diamonds
The lovely moon had come,
By sparkling its unmatched beauty
And leaving the whole world numb.
Good Night
Grief is a black cloud lurking above,
it shadows all who we dearly love.
One day it rains and drowns the soul
and we lose that love and pay the toll.

Rain turns to storm and life withers away
draining all the colour leaving nothing but grey.
Oh, how we wish we could turn back time-
to undo this remorse and break the paradigm.

Our tears fall like rain as we look back
at all the memories now faded to black.
But you will live on forever in my mind
as I have no choice but to leave you behind.

In this storm I am trying to find a way
out of this night and back into day
where I can find sun and solace in life again
and look back and smile from a place of zen.

I have done it once and I'll do it again,
to be my strongest every now and then.
Grief is a journey so very long and slow
but even in storms, new seeds can grow.
Frosty thickets, moist and barrens knowing  bounds of novelty ,departure
,never felt astray by grisly wind ,pumped by River's overflow settled in lake , floating with leaves withered passing , Pickett's name drifts like autumn leaves

Then the peaches appeared in monsoon with feisty winters chill and summer fever ,flushing the farmers bucket,

the bramble and thorns stood gray contrasting how they fell in the familiar sun but thrived in monsoon.

All inscribed in the sepoy calendar
Welcome suggestions and feedback
What shall we take away from this,
pockets full of integrity?
Doing the right thing is a stressful path
of righteousness…
Directing our feeble footsteps
into a sea of madness.
Awaken to the waves
or you will sink into eternity….
Traveler Tim
In a castle where shadows crept and curled,  
Lived a beast, feared by the world.  
But within his roar, a silence dwelled,  
A heart that once in sorrow swelled.  

Beauty saw beyond the beastly mask,  
In kindness, she found her task.  
For love, she knew, is not just sight,  
It blooms in the darkest night.  

She taught that grace is more than skin,  
It’s the love we give, the strength within.  
In patience, she untied the knot,  
That cruelty and fear had tightly wrought.  

The beast’s true face was never shown,  
Until Beauty’s love had grown.  
A lesson here, both old and new,  
True beauty is found in what we do.  

So heed this tale, let love be your guide,  
For every beast has a soul inside.  
It’s in the heart, where true love's feast,  
We find our beauty, we find our beast.

©Priyanka Bhagat
Inspired by the fairytale beauty and the beast .
One night I went to free my mind upon a lonely hill

What I saw next was wonderful and gave me such a thrill

As I looked up and saw two gulls very much in love

Both the gulls had auras each as sweet as any dove

A he gull and a she gull heading for the sea

Towards the setting sun that was coloured beautifully

Could they be chasing sunset for eternity

Forever west and never rest until the fall into the sea
Homeless and roaming the
streets like an orphan.
It was the dead of winter, and
I was still alive—barely.
My ex-girlfriend let  
me crash on her couch for
a few days.
She didn't smoke.
I did,
so whenever I wanted  
a cigarette, I went out in
front of her
apartment and lit up.
One night, bent on nicotine,
I entered the January thaw.
As I had my  
smoke fix,
a man with a  
huge Rottweiler slowly
walked by.
The dog caught sight of
me, and gave me a low growl.
The guy talked to
his pet like he was
his best friend.
'Leave him alone, that's his home;
let him smoke.'
The dog knew better, and
glared at me.
He barked loud and viciously.
'Leave that poor man alone.
Let him enjoy his cigarette,
that's his home, '  the man said.
A small dog began  
yapping in the distance.
The man said,
'Oh great, you've upset that little dog.
Come on, let's go.'
The Rott gave me an evil look, and
sauntered off.
He recognized his own  
He also knew that there
was something different about me.
He could smell it,
almost taste it.
He knew I was a mongrel
and a stray.
He knew I didn't
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.  My book Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems is available on
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