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1.1k · Nov 2024
wren Nov 2024
i'm hurting less than you
look at your legs
see how white lines lace them

i'm hurting less than you
look at your body
see how you can feel your ribcage

I'm hurting less than you
look at your hair
see how it's dead and tangled

I'm hurting less than you
look at your face
see how there are tears waterfalling down

I'm hurting less than you
look at your reflection
see that you are talking to yourself
744 · Dec 2024
su!c!de jokes
wren Dec 2024
you stopped making suicide jokes a month ago

you still talked about it

but you were serious
(disclaimer!!! the person that i wrote this about survived their attempt and now they’re in the hospital getting help)
537 · Nov 2024
p l e a s e h e l p m e
wren Nov 2024
p e r h a P s . y o u . c a n t . s e e . m y . d r e a m s
b u t . L a s t . n i g h t . i . h a d . o n e . a b o u t . y o u
i . s c r e a m e d . f o r . y o u . w h e n . i . s l E p t
a n d . i . b e g g e d . y o u . t o . A n s w er
b u t . y o u . S i m p l y . c o u l d . n o t
b e c a u s e . t h i s . i s . d r e a m . l a n d . a n d . n o t . r E a l . l i f e

i n . t H i s . d r e a m . a n . i l l u s i o n . w a s . f a b r i c a t e d
o n e . w h e r e . y o u . c o u l d n t . h e l p . b u t . h o l d . m E
i t . w a s . l i k e . w e . r e L a p s e d .  i n . t h e . d r u g . o f . u s
o u r . P r o g r e s s . i n . r e c o v e r y . o f . e a c h . o t h e r . e r a s e d

n o . o n e . h e a r s . M y . t e a r s . w h e n . i . w a k e . u p
i . c r y . b e c a u s e . i . k n o w . t h i s . d r e a m . w i l l . n e v e r .
b e . a . r E a l i t y
wren Dec 2024
a deadname is not just a name
it is a person that you want to forget
that person lived the most tragic life
and that person died the most tragic death

deadname, deadname!!”
the people all shout
but that persons gone, finding their own way about

instead, they were replaced by another
with a more comfortable smiling face
who will follow their own lead
and can be who they want to be

my deadname does not represent ME.
363 · Nov 2024
ten words describing myself
wren Nov 2024
im sorry that i could not be someone you love
wren Dec 2024
i talk with the color neon
i bash my head on the gun
neon can talk?

mylo interrupts me
i crush him with a boulder
mylo was alive?

my sister pleads “please, please stop”
i put a gun to her head
is she my sister?

my dad is dead
i shot him
my dad is dead?

jinx is what they call me
so i talk with her
my name is jinx?
this poem is inspired by jinx from arcane, and what i think its like being in her psychotic mind.
wren Dec 2024
“could you please
pretend that nothing happened
release me from my past as it is holding down my present”

“could you please
pretend that nothing happened
let me see the goodness in others without letting grief set in”

“could you please
pretend that nothing happened
erase all of my bias towards life being pleasant”

“could you please
pretend that nothing happened”

i tell the world with tears in my eyes
because nothing can erase it
277 · Dec 2024
too much blood
wren Dec 2024
there is too much blood in my veins
but im not entirely sure it’s all blood
there seems to be another ingredient

why do i constantly feel pain
like the pressure
needs to be drained

so ill skin myself alive and let it flow out
there are no longer restraints
no skin holding my contents together

i simply cannot function
because there is too much blood in my veins
and it runs thick and heavy
232 · Dec 2024
made no matter what
wren Dec 2024
my hands are made to build cities
my lips are made to stay shut
my eyes are made to watch carefully
my veins are made to carry others hardships
my legs are made to run from struggle

my soul is made to weep
my mind is made to ache
my heart is made to not stop beating

no matter what
224 · Feb 28
wren Feb 28
one of two
me and you

we can swim in the dark and ill still recognize your face
your smile
your heart
warmer than stars which light the universe and sets me free

you were hand crafted by all who came before
built cell by cell in the womb of the sun
so your brightness reflects on my face
made just for me,
167 · Nov 2024
full of pain
wren Nov 2024
if time heals all wounds
then my clock is broken
105 · Dec 2024
she gets closer
wren Dec 2024
the effortless, careless whisper of death mumbles in my ear
“the clock is ticking”
it rings and rattles through my bones
tick, tock, tick, tock
90 · Nov 2024
drawing vs drawing
wren Nov 2024
a kid likes drawing
so thats what they do
but they would mess up sometimes
so they scowered for an eraser
and find one to remove their mistake

that kid still likes drawing
so that's what they do
but they mess up sometimes
so they slower for an eraser
but this time they can't find one
because there is no eraser for skin
63 · Nov 2024
one lie
wren Nov 2024
you were such a beacon of light
i wish that you could hold me tight
just like you used to
and when i replay it, i remember exactly what it was like

the sting of your perfume and the soft ends of your crimson hair
you were always there
your golden necklace that always matched your piercings
i sob whenever i think of our ending

no i never had romantic feelings for you
but there was so much about me that you knew
i desperately craved your love
it felt like a drug

you are the time i mentioned starving myself for a better body
you let me ruin your white dress because my eyes were cloudy
i cried into your shoulder while all you did was hold me
you were late to period 7 because you wanted to support me

you are the time i said that i wish i was never born in the start
you said that that shattered you heart
i grasped your hand as you said that you were there
i couldn't believe that you truly cared

you were the light of my life
i would think about you all night
but you said everything would be okay
and i think that that’s the only lie you’ve ever told me
62 · Nov 2024
wren Nov 2024
the refrigerator light burns my eyes
as i ****** myself into demise
"I should really eat now" i tell myself
because when i look in the mirror i see someone else

but unfortunetly
it is still me

the world goes dark as i close the refrigerator door
and i promise myself “just one more meal- one more”
61 · Dec 2024
wren Dec 2024
his spiteful talons push against my throat
the suffocating headlock makes my vision dance
a soothing, soft melody erupts behind my eardrums
i am not to speak the words climbing my esophagus
contain it, lock it deep down
air, the sweet relief of air
now a mystery
i collapse to the floor
blood spitting
down my face
who am i if i can be silenced this easily?
wren Dec 2024
p l e a s e . s T o p . t e a s i n g . m e
n o . n o t . y o u . t H o u g h
i m . b E g g i n g . t h e . w o r l d . t o . g i v e . m e . m e r c y

b e i n g . a . b i r d . s t o W e d . i n . a . c a g e
i t s . g e t t i n g . r e A l l y . ******* i n g . t i r i n g
a l l . t o . d o . d u r i n g . t h i s . h a r s h . t Y r a n n y
i s . w a i l . u n t i l . s o m e o n e . f e e d S . m e
w h y . w o n t . y o u . i m I t a t e . m y . p l e a d s

d r o w n i n g . i n . t h i s . d r e a M .
t h a t . i . w I s h . w a s . y o u
b e c a u s e . y o u . a r e . s t i l l . h e r e . p h y S i c a l l y
j u S t . n o t . w i t h . m e

i . s e e . y o u . i n . t h e . p e o n Y . f l o w e r s
t h a t . g r O w . i n . m y . y a r d
s u r r o U n d i n g . m e . e n d l e s s l y
this writing style is so fun
wren Jan 8
someone tell me

what the f!ck is bravery?
is it something you can see?
or something you have to be?

how are you brave?
in situations where you’re afraid?
when you have been betrayed?

how do you pretend to be happy?
when you want to give up so badly?
is that what you call bravery?

is bravery a name?
how is it something you obtain?
or is it something you claim?

what the f!ck is bravery?
is it something you can see?
or something you have to be?

someone tell me
56 · Nov 2024
meteor shower
wren Nov 2024
i am an open wound, the guilt that
you feel after, who you try to hide by covering
your arms. bracelets and jackets and long
pants conceal my identity, and i wish to be

i long to
be normal, i long to be clean
like begging boys, stranded.
i want to be fixed, i want to not
beg to burn hotter than
the light that guides me north
whenever i feel anything that remotely
tickles my heart.

i belong to sharp stars, my favorite
addiction but what some people enjoy ignoring,
slashing through my
skin yet so appealing and beautiful that
i want to devote my life to them.

dear sky, please stop
dropping what is yours

my tears are like a meteor shower
that ends up hurting worse than ever before,
breaking my outer barrier, skinning me until i feel something,
until i feel in control

my laughter is only a distraction,
a facade that i assign to myself because the
last thing i was to be is a bother to someone, to make their
stars fall as well

my heart inside me aches
and sometimes
i can’t control it. i finally let someone
my stars falling like a
dead man from battle hardly
brought to life by a thrashing parachute and
unforgiving wind and
i see their sky try to grab them
but the hot metal is too heavy

above me are the falling stars
and below me are the bloodied remains
my mask begins to slip and shred
until all i know is pain
this is one of my favorite poems i’ve created. it was for an english assignment last year and i used the required prompts so full credit to lovely ms. m
55 · Dec 2024
the spectrum
wren Dec 2024
each story is different
each eye perceives the painting differently

my eyes see ugly
but hers see beautiful
my eyes see beautiful
but hers see ugly

there is a difference
of how we take in
the vast world around us
the way you see me
the way i see you
are on opposite ends of the spectrum
54 · Jan 13
returning hugs
wren Jan 13
can i return
that hug to you now?

i see your face, see you’re struggling
can you tell me how?

to give back your smile and let you feel free
be released from the burden of our lengthy vow?

so can i return
that hug to you now?

then pull back and surrender, erase my grief somehow
54 · Nov 2024
all we had
wren Nov 2024
i thought you forgot about me

because when you were walking
i felt my heart bleed
so i pretend to be busy
my instincts said to flee

i didn’t want to walk next to you there
that has happened before
hand in hand, you told me you care
you let me swim in your warm soul

i raised my gaze
on instinct my eyes find you
and you’re looking at me through the haze
it’s so crazy that it doesn’t feel true

i thought you forgot about me
and all we had
53 · Nov 2024
just alive
wren Nov 2024
you hollow out my insides until i cannot breathe
like a blood-thirsty hound dog tearing out my intestines
my body collapses into a shriveled outline of the happy child i once was
guts spewed out along the universe
floating into the sun
to burn into a crisp
and no longer be
now i’m not living
just alive
52 · Dec 2024
wren Dec 2024
i can say that i remember her
but i dont think i do
the sweet sentences that replay in my head
are now voiceless, replaced by dread
because i feel the memories floating away from my grasp
but while fleeing
they leave behind a virus, which rots inside my being
51 · Nov 2024
i remember, i wont let go
wren Nov 2024
i remember your
like it’s a

i wont let it
fly, fly  

i remember your
like it’s a                      

i wont let it                          
float, float                  

i remember your        
like it’s a                      

i wont let it                        
drift, drift                    

i remember your
like it’s a

i wont let it
go, go
44 · Nov 2024
a star too far to touch
wren Nov 2024
in my universe, you are the star i cannot name, both constant and far, burning the fabric of my night

your light touches me, though i can not touch you, both a comfort and a curse

each evening, i search the sky for you though i know you’re too far to hear my call
42 · Nov 2024
wren Nov 2024
i do not understand why it had to turn out this way

well i do-

but i still dont
30 · Feb 25
hello old friends
wren Feb 25
it’s been a while since i last typed this website’s URL
for a time, i didn’t have enough feelings to spare for poetry
but now, as i sit here, fingers dancing across the keys
i’ve decided i have something to say

see, i’ve been doing better—though better is relative.  
the happiness i feel is still quiet melody
but it sings louder than last week, louder than the week before.  
and maybe someday, it will fill the atmosphere with it’s joyous song  

so i return to this place,
where your words welcome me home
and this time, i’ll say it just once—  
because i’m here to stay.  

hello, old friends
29 · Feb 26
silent singer
wren Feb 26
first there were no words to speak
a romanticized tranquility that took the form of a smile
but there is no happiness in numbness
only empty space

then came the rivers of screams
from the red blood cells that are free
to retire from carrying a life on their back
color a painting on a canvas that never agreed

and at last it was silence once again
this time not from lack of words
but from the ability to pretend
that your bones are not to break from griefs descend

why not be a silent singer if no one will listen
when you strain your pleads past their god-given limit
and i testify against these tired, painful vows
until they lose every ounce of oxygen and finally fizzle out
wren 7d
i sit in the same place as i did last year
desk worn smooth beneath my hand
the sunlight spills through the glass window
just like it always has

here i listen to a new voice speak
a different cadence and a different tone
but i am not listening to the lecture of the teacher
in this place i feel all alone

i look up from my bleeding cuticles
mind refocusing on the words
and for a single aching second
i see it, there you are

your dark red hair catches in the light
the way it always has when you turn to write
laughter just behind your lips
diamond iris sparking like struck flint

standing in front of the board, it is you—
until it isn’t

faster than it came, the illusion shatters
pain sharp as chalk dust in my throat
my heart stumbles like it forgot how to move forward
without you leading it homeward

i miss you more than words can hold
more than ink can write
more than silence can carry

and yet i sit in this room with this new voice
her new name
pretending not to see your ghost
in every empty space

— The End —