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4.8k · Aug 2015
Going Home
poet ninja Aug 2015
Haven't you heard.... love cures all things?
It seeps into your veins,
burning through each layer
like its a second skin?
Its a once in a lifetime connection....
even rarer should you be bestowed
and granted to meet your twin flame.
Silence is comfortable,
beauty peeking through ocular view.
A vision so refined, it caught me breathless
As I stare into her eyes, i see a soul...
*"Welcome Home" she whispered,
'Time stood still while i waited for you"
1.9k · Aug 2015
Soaring heart
poet ninja Aug 2015
you hold my heart in your hand,
it is safe there, in sunshine land.
my mind often wanders,
to you it must go....
no other vision but of thee,
closest to my heart it must be
you hold my heart from day to night,
from sunset to the first sunlight...
my world has become a wondrous adventure,
"a magic carpet ride, over, sideways and under,
Indescribable feelings,
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling" ........:)

you have me quoting lines from movies....
ahh i must be in groovy
I love you my redhead, blue eyed ladybelle
well that you must know.....
in your hands, my heart's aglow
ahem......i was watching Aladdin for the umpteenth time, love that song:)
1.2k · Aug 2015
My constant craving
poet ninja Aug 2015
i yearn...
what most people take for granted:
~ to hold your hands
~ to look into your eyes
~ to kiss you good night
~ to whisper in your ear 'i love you'
i yearn for the mere joy of being with you
........all that i am......i yearn for you...

*You are of the gentle things in life,
like a warm mug of coffee on a cold night,
big comfy sweaters to sleep in.
You are of the beautiful things in life,
like the sky when the sun rise,
the way your face lights up each time you smile...
1.1k · Sep 2015
The darker shade of life
poet ninja Sep 2015
no one ever tell us bout the dark side of life*
the pain never really ends,
its like a stabbing pen,
on this heart of mine...
silent screams that ring into the night...
no one hears....its echoes over and over with all its might..
if only life was simple....cruising through; smelling roses instead of obstacles blackening the countryside....
dreams sustain us through the madness....
the whirlwind, 3ring mayhem and pandemonium of this so called life...
yet amidst the turmoil... angels are sent...
the people we met, whom we love shaped our destiny,
held us on through love, strength and hope...
the bond we formed will make the path a little less lonely......cherish the short intervals,God's gift to you.......but in the end.... you will have to travel alone......that is also true....
1.1k · Aug 2015
Broken glass me
poet ninja Aug 2015
broken glass ,shattered dreams*
scars we try to conceal....
lies masquerading as hopes..
a raging sea of torment .....endless storms within
one side of the, myself , i in doubt.
on the other, the man i need to be.....screaming
a teardrop mask...... a reflection of who i am,
portrait of truth i cant accept.
who knows what the darkness hides.
words unsaid, a withdrawal..... do not second
guess......beneath lies a chained soul..only
love can break free.
broken glass......empty shells,whilst trying to pick
yourself...... they cut.......and you'll  bleed across
the land...
broken glass will tell you lies,
bleed your soul and blind your eyes. a demon on the rise...
fought against the world, knowing how fragile
broken glass can fragile as glass ...
that is me....
where do i go from here, what fate is drawing the end......i am what i am..
broken glass of whats left of me

#broken #fear #dreams #torment #storms #fragile #fate
#brokendreams #shattereddreams
947 · Aug 2015
Color Of Grief
poet ninja Aug 2015
frustrations.....we all have em....when 3-fold applications of doubt surround my fate, words I've found they bring me peace and light.... the weight we carry lighten ...the cloud of gloom dissipated.
we all have weights......a cross to bear,
we all have our sorrows........while it varies in dimensions...the color of grief is common to us all.....

*"Be still, my soul; Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain ...
934 · Sep 2015
A mournful thread
poet ninja Sep 2015
Death i am arrival usually accompanied by screams and cries of horror and pain...even utter silent acceptance,
begging for forgiveness ...
i can't save you humans! my hand, my scythe.....i have to take you, with or without a fight...i am but a messenger, an angel of death......
i am lonely, i must confess.....i have no friends,
stealing souls is my forte.
i lurk in darkness for eternity with nothing but wails of misery.......
i clench my fists; shaking with rage....
i desperately stare above....wishing to fly, free as a be released from this
chains of loneliness..
no reprieve .....only madness and shame.
shoulders bent....i trudged many weary miles...
even i could not stop death....
poet ninja Mar 2016
something in the way you are ....draws me out and calms my soul...
something about you makes me smile contentedly....
something about you comforts me when im locked deep down an abyss....
something about you change how i look at life...
something about you my beautiful lady.....there is just something about you......for when i found you......i found me...
872 · Aug 2015
clipped wings
poet ninja Aug 2015
i feel that i .....i should fly....
as high as a bird in the sky,
there's a hitch, if you must query,
what goes up must surely come down,
that's the glitch , well now you know:)
a caged bird, never can sing...
dreaming of freedom ......i have clipped wings..
there is no poetry in my soul,
just strings of lies some would say....
nay! tis but a dream yet to unfold.
why do we hide....cries the heart
to protect ourselves.......whisper the soul..

#wings #dreams #hearts #soul #freedom
722 · Aug 2015
poet ninja Aug 2015
i tried so hard not to fall in love with you...
tried so hard to stay unaffected but you...
you blew in .......shook the walls of my heart,
blinded me with a light so bright, it lifted the shroud of gloom and hopelessness...
i have grown to see love lost
and to find disappointment...
i have felt love treacherous's grip....
but you touched my weary soul......
with you.... home is just another word to describe you.....
703 · Oct 2015
Journeying home
poet ninja Oct 2015
I wanna come home....
I have looked amongst thousands of faces,
looking for someone i do not know but felt.
The journey began, leading me deep into the forest
to an altogether different land.
You continued to elude me
and I was afraid I’d lose my chance,
Just when i have given up all hope on love...
You appear on the horizon...
my love, my light! my life has begun:)
There's a feeling of peace and serenity
..............I finally found my home ...

I do not need to be saved
I do not wish to be owned
*I just want to find my way back home
545 · Aug 2015
Did You know...
poet ninja Aug 2015
Did you know ...
That there is no one in my world besides you with whom I can spend my entire day doing whatever comes along with never a thought for anyone else
Feeling completely satisfied because we are together?

Did you know ...
That there is no one besides you whom I can talk to openly and honestly
Knowing our love will only grow and feeling a need for nothing but our conversation?

Did you know ...
That there is no one more comfortable for me than you
Whom I can enjoy silence with and never have a need to fill space between us
Because there is no space?...

Did you know ...
That no one has ever made me as happy as you have or loved me so completely
Never have I known true intimacy until we grew to where we are?

Did you know ...
That in loving you
I have experienced feelings far beyond any I could have imagined and far better than I believed possible?

-Genevieve Bartels Wichmann
one of my fave reads,to appease the mush in me :)
544 · Sep 2015
Have you?
poet ninja Sep 2015
Tonight, I did the saddest thing,
I called out your name to the evening star,
clearly pronouncing the syllables
to see your name the air, evaporate.
I tried to write my feelings down on paper, but felt like it wasn't enough, so inadequate?
Have you ever just wished they could read your mind
so they would know just how much you love them?
Have you ever loved someone so much they're all you think
and dream about?
Have you ever been in love?
Its nights like these.....that I wish I could hold you in my arms......... our lives together, to be as one

— The End —