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 Apr 2015 karen dannette

Just beyond the setting sun
Of heavens born delight
A moon so sweetly in its form
Does send its magic light

Yet there beyond its boundaries
Another point does shine
As if it watches over this
Our moment caught in time

Towards the northern corner
As it hovers in its play
Of mysteries in timeless flow
Brings forth its grand display

We fantasize its meaning
Many thoughts about begin
In dreams of lasting promises
To bring us back again

Though in its stately wonder
We find it is to show
Joining hearts together
Within its wondrous glow

For every star that follows us
And every moon we see
Forever in the heavens soft
Is there for you and me

As if we only wander
Through phases found in time
With every second precious
Since my love calls you mine

I pray that many evenings
Till the time our world does end
Within my arms I’ll hold you tight
My love to you I send

So look this night my darling
To the full moon bright above
And know this other point of light
Is my undying love
She was relentless,
like Pocahontas,
possessed the spirit
of experimentation,
pushed her limits
to the very brink.
O yes, I think some
labeled her
Miss Eveready,
she could go on forever.
And when she was through,
which was hardly ever,
she left reasons
on my back,
why they called her
But to me,
always to me,
she was just plain old Angel.
The most beautiful one
in the cosmos.
The other children,
Half spent on vinyl lies,
And cherished forgers,

Chunk, all the seamlessly,
Rudimentary stigmas,
Hollow and dismal,

Searching oceans of nothing but,
Something all together
Gob: alack the day, I know you not, young gentleman: but, I pray you, tell me, is my boy, God rest his soul, Alice or dead?

The Merchant of Venice
I smell the coffee brewing.
Soon, I'll down a cup
with real sweetener & heavy cream,
then ride like a banshee
listening to rage against the machine
& dreaming about
the way she once loved me.
A short ditty morning here.....
 Apr 2015 karen dannette
sometimes when I close my eyes,
and feel something deep inside,
hurts some much,
but I just swallow my pride.
and keep the real me trapped inside.
to the world I smile,
grin my teeth as I open wide.
paint a smile, a-mile-high, side to side.
meanwhile, these feelings, deep down inside.
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