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 Jul 2019 Poetic T
Tabbitha Erceg
I wanted to tell you
That you had hurt me.
But I think
You already knew.
 Jun 2019 Poetic T
Pagan Paul
… and the look of fear
co-existing with pain
     on a contorted face
that knows
it is in mortal difficulty,
as ragged fingers



at a fire they cannot reach,
ripping agonies react,
     to an enforced cardiac episode,
as blackness closes in
gravity heaves its hardest,
but the fall is fake,
a red herring in the event,
     and the weight of the world

presses down, searching,
presses down, searching,

as breath is given freedom
in exhalation to the light,
     that slowly rolls back
the pitch hue of the void,
returning back images,
a new belief,

          and the fire inside quietens,

                    and the fire inside quietens,

to the intense glow
     of a burnt aching heart.

© Pagan Paul (2018)
This poem was actually written during a panic attack I had last year.
I have suffered from them for most of my life.
strength to hold work steady
         tryin’ to get ready
       ambiguity still in me ...

                  love train
                  set us free!
 Jun 2019 Poetic T
Jackie Mead
I thought i floated in peace
Then came the realisation, one word and my thoughts were ripped to pieces
One wrong word was all it took
For me to crumble with my thoughts
Of Loved Ones lost, young and old
The scars permanently etched on my Heart.

Mental Health is a killer
It knows no boundaries
Nor does it distinguish with persons who suffer
It silently takes over your mind
Leaves you scrambling, searching, struggling to find

Self medication does not help
It only serves to mask the pain
Unmedicated and alone
Frightened and scared
Alcohol becomes your friend
A friendship that stays with you until the bitter end

No one comes to assist you
You end up lifeless on the floor
The Golden, Vibrant Young Lad we all knew, sadly is no more

We miss you dearly Shane
Your memory is with us every day
Today is Jasons' birthday, we will raise a glass of cheer.
To you too my darling, even though you are no longer here.
Miss you sweetheart, you will never know how much :(
My Nephew, the anniversary is not too far away, i need your help today HP community
 Jun 2019 Poetic T
Jackie Mead
75 years have now passed
The Veterans getting the recognition they deserve, at last.

All now in their ninth decade
Deserving of the honours bestowed and of the parades
Showing us still how very brave they were
Falling from a plane, flying through the air
“We are not heroes”! they all declare
The heroes are the ones that remained,
They gave their lives for your welfare
Those heroes gave their lives so we could see another sunrise

As we watch festivities unfold on T.V.
We are reminded what a Hero can be
Heroes can be of all nations
Heroes can be of all sexes
Heroes can be of all ages
Heroes can be animals

However, watching the Veterans of D-Day
Those Heroes set the bar high
It seems to me all heroes give their lives, by sea, land,
and sky
Blood was drawn and lives lost
At what price? At what cost?

Achieving Freedom and Liberty
For all mankind including you and Me
Doesn’t come on the cheap
Bodies lay piled in a big heap
Victims of gunshots or bombshell
Laying dead or dying where they fell
Survivors forever recalling memories
Lost in their own reverie
Badges pinned proudly to their chest
Urging us to remember, lest we forget

These scenes are unimaginable to someone like me
We were the ones that gained, the ones the Veterans set free
Now in Normandy Cemeteries stand awash, white crosses marking the spot
Where fallen angels lie, some known and the crosses bear their name, whilst some lie in an unnamed plot
In this special year, let us give thanks to all Veterans lost and living
And hope they feel, it was a price well paid, a price worth giving

Their gift, the freedom of humanity, the liberty of mankind

Thank you to all Veterans of WW1, WW2 and other wars that have been fought since.
Here is my tribute to the Veterans of D-Day. To be honest, I believe the Veterans say it best of all and watching them this week has been absolutely wonderful. Still showing us their bravery at 95, I hope I am that active and strong if I am lucky enough to reach their age.
 Jun 2019 Poetic T
I become quiet
                                       when it comes to
                                                              ­             talking about my feelings.

Needing some time to get the mask on.

                                                         ­                                           "I'm fine"
 Jun 2019 Poetic T
The Dedpoet
Time in its parcels
Permissions passing,
     Against the atomic
     There is no saviour...
Willing And Deadly
Because there was no
Choice in the beginning.
    Born of grains
Lasting blinks that rarely
Resonated with soils eroded
And land scapes are the life
Watching droplets of flesh
Flash like embers
      Nothing is sudden
And forever is just a life
   Regretting being in the
 May 2019 Poetic T
Ashly Kocher
Two simple words...

Thank You...
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