Rock-a-bye Rock-a-bye Baby can't you see? Momma wants to cry When you're away from me I miss your little smile Your little kisses and laughs Momma's been sad for awhile Ever since you left my arms last
Rock-a-bye Rock-a-bye Baby can't you hear? Momma just wants to hold you Forever keep you near All the winter nights through I miss your all your tiny little toes How you're so ticklish everywhere Momma cries when you leave, everyone knows Just how much I really care
Rock-a-bye Rock-a-bye Baby don't you know, Momma is lost without you* Oh! How I miss you so! Momma just doesn't know what to do I miss you so much I know it's hard, please stay tough My precious little Angel Momma can't hold you soon enough But when I do, I'll be eternally grateful
I Love You Baby Boy
My ex is keeping my kids away from me for too long sometimes and I just miss them so much, especially my little baby boy, he' ll be two next week.