The Eid is bustling with joy come let’s give it a try f l y away!
To the deathless groovy paradise floating high on the elixir flow: The triumphant joyous wave streamed up from the secret bottom line! Up above the lapis lazuli sky.
A pair of butterfly basks in the sunlight quietly indulges in style. It goes on in slow motion illuminating the night a firefly perches on a slice of the Moon flanked by the moonlight.
But you and me we will rhyme and chant in our lovely mother tongue. In the same original lingua like ‘Adam speaks up and all angels listen in paradise’. Come let’s give it a try f l y away!
On the wings of the moonlight we will s a i l away!
Ambling by the Moon we'll **** through the starry nooks. Eyes open and gently perched atop a star for a moment or two. We will see miles of galaxies over the moonlit lakes of the blue playing cool ravishing lutes!
The spring night is in bloom and the cute sleeping beauty wakes up playing the flute! Musical half lights filling the sky. Come let’s give it a try f l y away!
We’ll drink sharaban tahura the holy wine of paradise and once for all we will k i s s the death goodbye!
Our story will fill the divine soil the heaven's flora and fauna each and everyone will shine on our page no houri will ever say finito singing our tale!
As Adam did it first stunned the angels telling the nature of all things in paradise. We will do that once more without a smirk this time we will see the loving Creator!